malku prazna e temava a vazna za kanalot...
malku prazna e temava a vazna za kanalot...
GROBAR Poshto ima mnogu poplaki od tipot na on join poraki prakanje na file po dcc i takvi raboti i samo za toa se 90% od banovite ne e ich razrabotena temava.... aj eve vi malku od mene kako za pochetok... dokolku ste na obichen mirc ne koristite nikakva skripta... pishete na bilo koj kanal kade shto ste sami ili kaj vas na pvt.. /!remote off /play -trfiles mirc.ini treba da dobiete neshto so izgled na ova <xxxxx> n0=remote.ini <xxxxx> n1=remote.ini dokolku ima i druga lina poveke od ova obratet se na #dmsetup za da vi pomognat poveke... okolu ircot i toa so virus ili shto i da e... ova chisto onaka inforamtivno da si proverite... kako stoite so tie on join poraki
yURI eve za DCC Send (*.pif) movie.avi.pif is an IRC worm which relies on user assumptions of file type in order to be run. The file arrives as "movie.avi.pif" however due to some standard machine configurations, the file may be determined incorrectly by users to be an ".avi" file type, or movie file. This worm is currently being seen on IRC channels. A significance of this worm is that even if "show extensions" is selected in Windows, the extension does not show for this file. As an attachment it might be seen as "movie.avi" without the .pif extension. Also in a browse of the folder where the file may be located, the .pif extension is not visible. Close mIRC. Download the remover to your desktop. When it's finished, go to your desktop (make sure mIRC is closed!) and run the remover Inside mIRC do these steps: type /alias unload type /unload -rs script.ini type /remove script.ini type /alias remove type attrib -r -h -s C:\Windows\system\movie.avi.pif type /remove C:\Windows\system\movie.avi.pif type attrib -r -h -s C:\windows\Startme~1\Progra~1\StartUp\ type /remove C:\windows\Startme~1\Progra~1\StartUp\ type attrib -r -h -s C:\mirc\download\movie.avi.pif type /remove C:\mirc\download\movie.avi.pif type attrib -r -h -s C:\windows\winstart.bat type /remove C:\windows\winstart.bat type attrib -r -h -s C:\mirc\mirc.bat type /remove C:\mirc\mirc.bat
GROBAR ne e pozelno ova da si gi pravish sam radi edna prichina shto na sekogo ne mu e instaliran mircot vo c:\mirc ponovite verzii posle 5.91 se vo program files i site tie drugi raboti... ako ne znaesh obrati se da ti pomogni nekoj da ne si zafrknesh cel komp ;o) a zasega najdobro shto znaat se od #dmsetup