Zhenevska Konvencija |
OooOo |
Se povikuvaat amerive na zhenevskata konvencija koa niv im odgovara, a koa bombardiraat bez odobruvanje na Obedinetite Nacii togash se e dozvoleno. Grrrrrrr )_*#)_@*#)_@*$)_@*)_$
Iračka televizija emitovala snimke zarobljenih i ubijenih američkih vojnika
Američke i britanske snage napredujući prema Bagdadu podnele su dosada najveće gubitke koji su rezultat srčanog iračkog otpora na mestima gde se vode borbe. Žestoka bitka se desila blizu mesta Nasiriyah, ključnom iračkom uporištu na reci Eufrat, kao i u luci Umm Qasr. Iračani su izjavili da su amerikanci upali u zamku i da će naići na žestok otpor u svakom mestu u koje uđu. Potvrđeno je da su četiri američka marinca izgubila živote, kao i da ih je više od pedeset ranjeno u borbama sa iračkom vojskom. Iračka televizija je prenela slike mrtvih američkih vojnika, kao i izjave nekoliko američkih vojnika uhapšenih kod grada Nasariyah.
Američku prethodnicu zaduženu za tehničko održavanje Iračani su prvo propustili, a onda je iznenada napali bočno i sa leđa. Inače, Amerikanci su zvanično putem emaila zatražili od elektronskih medija u svetu da ne emituju snimku na kojoj su Iračani prikazali mrtve i zarobljene američke vojnike. Ovom zahtevu se snažno usprotivila katarska televizija Al-Jazeera, koja je snimke iračke televizije objavila, uz napomenu da Amerikanci nemaju pravo da se pozivaju na konvencije UN u trenucima dok vode rat za koji nemaju podršku Ujedinjenih nacija.
fumfudge |
Da be, spored Zhenevskata konvencija ne smeelo zarobenicite da se vadat pred kameri i da im se pokazhuvaat licata pred javnosta.
A kako togash pred tri dena site amerikanski televizii vrtea close-ups od Irachki zarobenici so racete krenati kako vrvat vo kolona po eden, ili kleknati na kolenici so marinici na gotovs nagrozdeni okolu niv, duri i na web sajtovite na televiziite gi imashe tie klipchinja, samo sega gi trgnaa kako nikogash da ne bile tamu.
Oni prvi ja prekrshija konvencijata a sega koga im go pokazhaa isprdenot gaz pred kamerite....odma sirenite gi ukluchija. I nikoj ne e zaginat, samo nedastosuvaat lugje, helikopterite sami pagjaat poradi defekti 100%, nikogash nishto ne e pogodeno od neprijatelot, a ako ima neshto ondak e od niv po greshka.
Whitebaby |
Abe rabotava ti e da te udri damla od nervozi.
The Geneva Convention and the US massacre of POWs in Afghanistan
On December 1 the last of some 80 survivors of the US-British-Northern Alliance assault on the Qala-i-Janghi prison fortress outside Mazar-i-Sharif emerged from their underground hideouts and surrendered to their assailants. For six days, beginning Sunday, November 25, American and British special forces joined with troops loyal to Northern Alliance General Rashid Dostum in a massive and one-sided attack on 400 to 800 non-Afghan Taliban who had surrendered the previous day in Kunduz. The US, Britain and Northern Alliance justified their slaughter of the prisoners, most of whom were killed in two days of American air strikes, on the grounds that the Taliban captives had staged an uprising.
But news footage of American and Northern Alliance troops firing down on the POWs from the heights of the fortress walls, and fields littered with the corpses of dead and mutilated prisoners, provided clear evidence of a massacre. Even as the extermination of pockets of survivors continued, demands were being raised by human rights organizations for an investigation into violations of the Geneva Convention and other international laws of war.
Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch called for an inquiry into the events at the Qala-i-Janghi fortress, and were joined by Mary Robinson, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
The United States and Britain have rejected all such appeals. The American media, which paid only passing attention to the bloody events as they were unfolding, has gone completely silent in their immediate aftermath.
But the slaughter of POWs outside of Mazar-i-Sharif cannot so easily be swept under the rug. As the British newspaper the Guardian suggested on December 1: “A single, horrific atrocity can provide the defining moment in a war ... questions are being asked about whether the bloody end to this week’s prison siege at the 19th-century Qala-i-Janghi fort outside the northern Afghan city of Mazar-i-Sharif will be the defining moment of the Afghan war. Pictures of aid workers picking their way through the corpses of Taliban prisoners killed by a combination of Northern Alliance fighters and American bombings have caused revulsion around the world.”
No single act carried out by the American military so clearly bespeaks a war crime as the killing of hundreds of POWs at the prison fortress. In the My Lai massacre in Vietnam, American military and civilian authorities sought to attribute the slaughter of civilians to a rogue element. The chief perpetrator, Lt. William Calley, was prosecuted by US courts.
This time, the statements and actions of top US military and government officials both before and after the siege of the prison fortress provide ample evidence that the massacre was a direct consequence of the decisions of leading US policymakers in Afghanistan. This is a crime of immense proportions that will haunt the American ruling elite. At some point, leading figures in the military establishment and the Bush administration may very well go to jail for their role in the bloodbath at Qala-i-Janghi.
Za niv ne vazhi li Zhenevska Konvencija za tretman na voeni zarobenici??? [:(!][:(!][:(!][:(!][:(!]
OooOo |
Operation Iraqi Liberation "O.I.L." |