yURI |
Skaner za klonovi
Author: yURI (Undernet)
Channels: #MkOps & #Macedonia (Undernet)
Syntax: /clonescan #channel <ili> na samiot kanal -> /clonescan
alias clonescan {
if ($active !ischan) && (!$1) { echo $color(info) -at *** Koristi ja ovaa komanda na kanal ili pak vnesi ime na kanal -> /clonescan #channel | return }
var %chan $iif($1,$1,$active)
if ($me !ison %chan) { echo $color(info) -at *** Momentalno ne si prisuten na %chan | return }
if ($chan(%chan).ial == $false) && ($?!"IAL za %chan poln $+ $crlf $+ Dali sakash da skenirash odnovo") {
.ial on
.who %chan
set %clonescan. [ $+ [ %chan ] ] $true
if ($hget(clonescan)) { hfree clonescan }
hmake clonescan $nick(%chan,0)
var %ctick $ticks,%x 0,%t 0
while (%x < $nick(%chan,0)) {
inc %x
hadd clonescan $address($nick(%chan,%x),2) $hget(clonescan,$address($nick(%chan,%x),2)) $+ $nick(%chan,%x) $+ $chr(44)
if ($window($+(@cs,-,%chan,-,$cid))) { window -c $+(@cs,-,%chan,-,$cid) }
window -l $+(@cs,-,%chan,-,$cid) 50 50 700 376 Fixedsys 3
aline $+(@cs,-,%chan,-,$cid) Skenirawe na klonovi na %chan
aline $+(@cs,-,%chan,-,$cid) -
aline $+(@cs,-,%chan,-,$cid) Klonovi $+ $str($chr(160),2) $+ Adresa $+ $str($chr(160),31) $+ Nikovi
while (%t < $hget(clonescan,0).item) {
inc %t
var %no.of.c = $numtok($hget(clonescan,$hget(clonescan,%t).item),44),%ad = $hget(clonescan,%t).item
if (%no.of.c > 1) {
aline $+(@cs,-,%chan,-,$cid) $chr(160) $+ %no.of.c $+ $str($chr(160),6) $+ %ad $+ $str($chr(160),$calc(38 - $len(%ad))) $+ $gettok($hget(clonescan,%ad),1- $+ %no.of.c,44)
hfree clonescan
aline $+(@cs,-,%chan,-,$cid) -
if ($line($+(@cs,-,%chan,-,$cid) ,0,0) > 4) {
aline $+(@cs,-,%chan,-,$cid) Skeniranjeto e zavrsheno ( $+ $calc(($ticks - %ctick) / 1000) $+ s)
else {
aline $+(@cs,-,%chan,-,$cid) Ne se pronajdeni klonovi!
alias -l c-menu {
if (whois isin $3) || (ping isin $3) {
if ($1 isnum) { if ($gettok($2,$1,44)) return $replace($ifmatch,$chr(125),$chr(93),$chr(123),$chr(91)) : $+ $3 $ifmatch }
if (notice isin $3) {
if ($1 isnum) { if ($gettok($2,$1,44)) return $replace($ifmatch,$chr(125),$chr(93),$chr(123),$chr(91)) :notice $ifmatch Nemoj da koristish povejke konekcii od edna adresa $gettok($active,2,45) (Total: $+ $gettok($sline($active ,1),1,160) $+ )-(Address: $+ $gettok($sline($active ,1),2,160) $+ ) }
if (ban isin $3) {
if ($1 isnum) { if ($gettok($2,$1,44)) return $replace($ifmatch,$chr(125),$chr(93),$chr(123),$chr(91)) :mode $gettok($active,2,45) +b $gettok($sline($active ,1),2,160) $+ $crlf $+ kick $gettok($active,2,45) $ifmatch :Klonovi! (Total: $+ $gettok($sline($active ,1),1,160) $+ )-(Address: $+ $gettok($sline($active ,1),2,160) $+ ) }
if (kick isin $3) {
if ($1 isnum) { if ($gettok($2,$1,44)) return $replace($ifmatch,$chr(125),$chr(93),$chr(123),$chr(91)) :kick $gettok($active,2,45) $ifmatch Klonovi! (Total: $+ $gettok($sline($active ,1),1,160) $+ )-(Address: $+ $gettok($sline($active ,1),2,160) $+ ) }
menu @cs-* {
dclick:echo -s - $gettok($active,2,45)
$iif(* isin $sline($active ,1),Ping)
.$submenu($c-menu($1,$gettok($sline($active ,1),3,160),ping))
$iif(* isin $sline($active ,1),Whois)
.$submenu($c-menu($1,$gettok($sline($active ,1),3,160),whois))
$iif(* isin $sline($active ,1),Warn)
.$submenu($c-menu($1,$gettok($sline($active ,1),3,160),notice))
$iif(* isin $sline($active ,1),Kick)
.$submenu($c-menu($1,$gettok($sline($active ,1),3,160),kick))
.All:cs-fk kick $gettok($active,2,45) $gettok($sline($active ,1),2,160)
$iif(* isin $sline($active ,1),Kick Ban)
.$submenu($c-menu($1,$gettok($sline($active ,1),3,160),ban))
.All:cs-fk kb $gettok($active,2,45) $gettok($sline($active ,1),2,160)
raw 352:*: {
If (%clonescan. [ $+ [ $2 ] ]) { halt }
raw 315:*:{
If (%clonescan. [ $+ [ $2 ] ]) { unset %clonescan. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] | halt }
alias cs-fk {
if ($1 == kb) { mode $2 +b $3 }
var %loop 0 | while (%loop < $ialchan($3,$2,0)) { inc %loop | kick $2 $ialchan($3,$2,%loop).nick Removing $+(,%loop,) of $+(,$numtok($gettok($sline($active ,1),3,160),44),) clones in $+(,$2,) from $+(,$3,) }
acid |
; World Time
; by blue-elf
; [email protected]
; Credits: dohcan for Dialog Studio
; http://www.worldtimeserver.com
on *:load:echo -s World Time addon loaded. Type /gettime to open dialog.
menu menubar,status {
World Time:gettime
alias gettime {
if (!$dialog(worldtime)) { dialog -m worldtime worldtime }
if (!$1) { return }
sockclose wtime
sockopen wtime www.worldtimeserver.com 80
sockmark wtime CONNECTING $1-
did -ra worldtime 4,9
wtime.info Retrieving time for $1-
alias -l wtime.info {
if ($dialog(worldtime)) { did -ra $ifmatch 4 $1- }
alias -l wtime.err {
if ($isid) { return $iif($dialog(worldtime),$false,$true) }
wtime.info Connection error: $iif($sock($1).wsmsg,$sock($1).wsmsg,Unknown)
alias -l wtime.nohtml {
var %b, %a = $regsub($1-,/(<[^>]+>)/g,$null,%b)
return %b
on *:sockopen:wtime:{
if ($sockerr) { wtime.err $sockname }
elseif ($wtime.err) { sockclose wtime | halt }
else {
tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark
var %code = $gettok($1-,-1,32)
sockwrite -tn $sockname GET /time.asp?locationid= $+ %code
on *:sockread:wtime:{
if ($sockerr) { wtime.err $sockname }
elseif ($wtime.err) { sockclose wtime | halt }
else {
var %a
sockread %a
if ($sockbr) {
wtime.parse $sockname %a
goto a
; I'm transferring to $1- so that the extra spaces from %a variable will be removed.
alias -l wtime.parse {
tokenize 32 $remove($1-,$chr(9))
var %trigger = *the current time in*
if (%trigger iswm $2-) {
sockmark $1 COUNTRY $gettok($sock($1).mark,2-,32)
did -r worldtime 4,9
elseif ($gettok($sock($1).mark,1,32) == COUNTRY) {
did -a worldtime 9 $wtime.nohtml($2-)
sockmark $1 TIME $gettok($sock($1).mark,2-,32)
elseif ($gettok($sock($1).mark,1,32) == TIME) {
if ((*</font><br> iswm $2-) && (<* !iswm $2-)) {
sockmark $1 NULL
did -a worldtime 4 $did(worldtime,4) $crlf $wtime.nohtml($2-)
else { did -a worldtime 4 $did(worldtime,4) $crlf $wtime.nohtml($2-) }
;<p align="left"><font size="1">the current time in</font><br>
; <font size="2"><b>Japan</b></font><br>
; <center><font size="7">12:49 PM</font><br>
; Thursday, April 25, 2002<font size="1"><br>
; Standard Time +0900 UTC</font><br>
dialog -l worldtime {
title "World Time"
size -1 -1 206 195
option dbu
text "Location:", 1, 4 6 23 8
list 2, 31 3 132 108, sort hsbar vsbar
text "Time:", 3, 4 135 24 8, right
edit "", 4, 31 133 132 41, read multi return autovs
button "&Get time", 5, 168 18 32 12, default ok
button "&Copy", 6, 168 126 32 12
text "Location:", 7, 4 123 25 8, right
box "Lookup result:", 8, 1 112 203 66
edit "", 9, 31 121 132 11, read autohs
text "Time brought to you by:", 10, 27 185 59 8
link "http://www.worldtimeserver.com/", 11, 91 185 83 8
on *:dialog:worldtime:sclick:11:run $did(11).text
on *:dialog:worldtime:sclick:6:{
if ($did(9)) {
var %i = 1, %text, %temp
while (%i <= $did(4).lines) {
if ($did(4,%i)) {
%temp = $ifmatch
if (!%text) { %text = %temp }
else { %text = %text $+ , %temp }
inc %i
var %text = The time in $did(9) is %text
clipboard %text
var %text = The following text has been copied to the clipboard: $+ $str($crlf,2) $+ " $+ %text $+ "
!.echo -q $input(%text,68,Clipboard)
if ($dialog($dname)) dialog -v $ifmatch
on *:dialog:worldtime:sclick:5:{
if ($did(2,$did(2).sel)) { gettime $ifmatch }
else {
!.echo -q $input(You must select a location from the list first.,260,World Time Error)
if ($dialog($dname)) dialog -v $ifmatch
on *:dialog:worldtime:init:*:{
var %c = did -a $dname 2
%c Afghanistan, AF
%c Albania, AL
%c Algeria, DZ
%c American Samoa, AS
%c Andorra, AD
%c Angola, AO
%c Anguilla, AI
%c Antigua and Barbuda, AG
%c Argentina, AR
%c Armenia, AM
%c Aruba, AW
%c Australia, Australian Capital Territory, AU-ACT
%c Australia, Broken Hill, AU3
%c Australia, Lord Howe Island, AU1
%c Australia, New South Wales, AU-NSW
%c Australia, Northern Territory, AU-NT
%c Australia, Queensland, AU-QLD
%c Australia, South Australia, AU-SA
%c Australia, Tasmania, AU-TAS
%c Australia, Victoria, AU-VIC
%c Australia, Western Australia, AU-WA
%c Austria, AT
%c Azerbaijan, AZ
%c Bahamas, BS
%c Bahrain, BH
%c Bangladesh, BD
%c Barbados, BB
%c Belarus, BY
%c Belgium, BE
%c Belize, BZ
%c Benin, BJ
%c Bermuda, BM
%c Bhutan, BT
%c Bolivia, BO
%c Bosnia and Herzegovina, BA
%c Botswana, BW
%c Brazil, Acre, BR-AC
%c Brazil, Alagoas, BR-AL
%c Brazil, Amapa, BR-AP
%c Brazil, Amazonas, BR-AM
%c Brazil, Bahia, BR-BA
%c Brazil, Ceara, BR-CE
%c Brazil, Distrito Federal, BR-DF
%c Brazil, Espirto Santo, BR-ES
%c Brazil, Fernando de Noronha, BR-FN
%c Brazil, Goias, BR-GO
%c Brazil, Maranhao, BR-MA
%c Brazil, Mato Grosso, BR-MT
%c Brazil, Mato Grosso do Sul, BR-MS
%c Brazil, Minas Gerais, BR-MG
%c Brazil, Para (eastern), BR-PA1
%c Brazil, Para (western), BR-PA2
%c Brazil, Paraiba, BR-PB
%c Brazil, Parana, BR-PR
%c Brazil, Pernambuco, BR-PE
%c Brazil, Piaui, BR-PI
%c Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, BR-RJ
%c Brazil, Rio Grande do Norte, BR-RN
%c Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, BR-RS
%c Brazil, Rondonia, BR-RO
%c Brazil, Roraima, BR-RR
%c Brazil, Santa Catarina, BR-SC
%c Brazil, Sao Paulo, BR-SP
%c Brazil, Sergipe, BR-SE
%c Brazil, Tocantins, BR-TO
%c Brunei Darussalam, BN
%c Bulgaria, BG
%c Burkina Faso, BF
%c Burundi, BI
%c Cambodia, KH
%c Cameroon, CM
%c Canada, Alberta, CA-AB
%c Canada, British Columbia, CA-BC
%c Canada, British Columbia (exception 1), CA-BC1
%c Canada, British Columbia (exception 2), CA-BC2
%c Canada, Labrador, CA2
%c Canada, Labrador (exception), CA2A
%c Canada, Manitoba, CA-MB
%c Canada, New Brunswick, CA-NB
%c Canada, Newfoundland, CA-NF
%c Canada, Northwest Territories, CA-NT
%c Canada, Nova Scotia, CA-NS
%c Canada, Nunavut - Southampton Island, CA-NT2A
%c Canada, Nunavut (Central), CA-NT2B
%c Canada, Nunavut (Eastern), CA-NT2
%c Canada, Nunavut (Mountain), CA-NT2C
%c Canada, Ontario, CA-ON
%c Canada, Ontario (western), CA-ON1
%c Canada, Prince Edward Island, CA-PE
%c Canada, Quebec, CA-QC
%c Canada, Saskatchewan, CA-SK
%c Canada, Saskatchewan (exceptions - east), CA-SK2
%c Canada, Saskatchewan (exceptions - west), CA-SK1
%c Canada, Yukon, CA-YT
%c Cape Verde, CV
%c Cayman Islands, KY
%c Central African Republic, CF
%c Chad, TD
%c Chile, CL
%c Chile - Easter Island, CL2
%c China, CN
%c Christmas Island (Indian Ocean), CX
%c Cocos (Keeling) Islands, CC
%c Colombia, CO
%c Comoros, KM
%c Congo, CG
%c Congo, Democratic Republic of, Kasai Occidental, Kasai Oriental, Haut-Zaire, Shaba, CD2
%c Congo, Democratic Republic of, Kinshasa, Bandungu, Bas-Zaire, Equateur, CD
%c Cook Islands, CK
%c Costa Rica, CR
%c Cote D'Ivoire, CI
%c Croatia, HR
%c Cuba, CU
%c Cyprus, CY
%c Czech Republic, CZ
%c Denmark, DK
%c Djibouti, DJ
%c Dominica, DM
%c Dominican Republic, DO
%c East Timor, TP
%c Ecuador, EC
%c Ecuador - Galapagos Islands, EC2
%c Egypt, EG
%c El Salvador, SV
%c Equatorial Guinea, GQ
%c Eritrea, ER
%c Estonia, EE
%c Ethiopia, ET
%c Falkland Islands (Malvinas), FK
%c Faroe Islands, FO
%c Fiji, FJ
%c Finland, FI
%c France, FR
%c French Guiana, GF
%c French Polynesia, Gambier Islands, PF3
%c French Polynesia, Marquesas Islands, PF1
%c French Polynesia, Society Archipelago (including Tahiti), PF
%c French Polynesia, Tuamotu Archipelago, PF2B
%c French Polynesia, Tubuai Islands, PF2A
%c Gabon, GA
%c Gambia, GM
%c Georgia, GE
%c Germany, DE
%c Ghana, GH
%c Gibraltar, GI
%c Greece, GR
%c Greenland, Greenland, GL
%c Greenland, Ittoqqortoormiit, Nerlerit Inaat, GL3
%c Greenland, Pituffik, GL2
%c Grenada, GD
%c Guadeloupe, GP
%c Guam, GU
%c Guatemala, GT
%c Guinea, GN
%c Guinea-Bissau, GW
%c Guyana, GY
%c Haiti, HT
%c Honduras, HN
%c Hong Kong, HK
%c Hungary, HU
%c Iceland, IS
%c India, IN
%c Indonesia, (Central), ID2
%c Indonesia, (Eastern), ID3
%c Indonesia, (Western), ID
%c Iran, Islamic Republic of, IR
%c Iraq, IQ
%c Ireland, IE
%c Israel, IL
%c Italy, IT
%c Jamaica, JM
%c Japan, JP
%c Johnston Atoll (U.S.), UM1
%c Jordan, JO
%c Kazakhstan, Central, KZ2
%c Kazakhstan, Eastern, KZ
%c Kazakhstan, Western, KZ1
%c Kenya, KE
%c Kiribati, Gilbert Islands, KI
%c Kiribati, Line Islands, KI2
%c Kiribati, Phoenix Islands, KI3
%c Korea, Democratic People's Republic of, KP
%c Korea, Republic of, KR
%c Kuwait, KW
%c Kyrgyzstan, KG
%c Lao People's Democratic Republic, LA
%c Latvia, LV
%c Lebanon, LB
%c Lesotho, LS
%c Liberia, LR
%c Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, LY
%c Liechtenstein, LI
%c Lithuania, LT
%c Luxembourg, LU
%c Macau, MO
%c Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of, MK
%c Madagascar, MG
%c Malawi, MW
%c Malaysia, MY
%c Maldives, MV
%c Mali, ML
%c Malta, MT
%c Marshall Islands, MH
%c Martinique, MQ
%c Mauritania, MR
%c Mauritius, MU
%c Mayotte, YT
%c Mexico, Baja California Norte, MX3
%c Mexico, Baja California Sur, MX2
%c Mexico, Chihuahua, MX2-3
%c Mexico, Nayarit, MX2-1
%c Mexico, Sinaloa, MX2-2
%c Mexico, Sonora, MX2A
%c Mexico, South, Central, and Eastern, MX
%c Micronesia, Federated States Of, Kosrae, Pohnpei, FM
%c Micronesia, Federated States Of, Yap, Chuuk, FM1
%c Midway Islands (U.S.), UM2
%c Moldova, Republic of, MD
%c Monaco, MC
%c Mongolia, MN
%c Montserrat, MS
%c Morocco, MA
%c Mozambique, MZ
%c Myanmar, MM
%c Namibia, NA
%c Nauru, NR
%c Nepal, NP
%c Netherlands, NL
%c Netherlands Antilles, AN
%c New Caledonia, NC
%c New Zealand, NZ
%c New Zealand - Chatham Islands, NZ2
%c Nicaragua, NI
%c Niger, NE
%c Nigeria, NG
%c Niue, NU
%c Norfolk Island, NF
%c Northern Mariana Islands, MP
%c Norway, NO
%c Oman, OM
%c Pakistan, PK
%c Palau, PW
%c Palestinian Territory, Occupied, PS
%c Panama, PA
%c Papua New Guinea, PG
%c Paraguay, PY
%c Peru, PE
%c Philippines, PH
%c Poland, PL
%c Portugal, Azores, PT2
%c Portugal, Mainland, Madeira, PT
%c Puerto Rico, PR
%c Qatar, QA
%c Reunion, RE
%c Romania, RO
%c Russian Federation, (Zone 01), RU1
%c Russian Federation, (Zone 02), RU
%c Russian Federation, (Zone 03), RU3
%c Russian Federation, (Zone 04), RU4
%c Russian Federation, (Zone 05), RU5
%c Russian Federation, (Zone 06), RU6
%c Russian Federation, (Zone 07), RU7
%c Russian Federation, (Zone 08), RU8
%c Russian Federation, (Zone 09), RU9
%c Russian Federation, (Zone 10), RU10
%c Russian Federation, (Zone 11), RU11
%c Rwanda, RW
%c Saint Helena, SH
%c Saint Kitts and Nevis, KN
%c Saint Lucia, LC
%c Saint Pierre and Miquelon, PM
%c Saint Vincent and The Grenadines, VC
%c Samoa, WS
%c San Marino, SM
%c Sao Tome and Principe, ST
%c Saudi Arabia, SA
%c Senegal, SN
%c Seychelles, SC
%c Sierra Leone, SL
%c Singapore, SG
%c Slovakia, SK
%c Slovenia, SI
%c Solomon Islands, SB
%c Somalia, SO
%c South Africa, ZA
%c Spain, Canary Islands, ES2
%c Spain, Mainland, Baleares, Melilla, Ceuta, ES
%c Sri Lanka, LK
%c Sudan, SD
%c Suriname, SR
%c Svalbard and Jan Mayen, SJ
%c Swaziland, SZ
%c Sweden, SE
%c Switzerland, CH
%c Syrian Arab Republic, SY
%c Taiwan, TW
%c Tajikistan, TJ
%c Tanzania, United Republic of, TZ
%c Thailand, TH
%c Togo, TG
%c Tonga, TO
%c Trinidad and Tobago, TT
%c Tunisia, TN
%c Turkey, TR
%c Turkmenistan, TM
%c Turks and Caicos Islands, TC
%c Tuvalu, TV
%c Uganda, UG
%c Ukraine, UA
%c United Arab Emirates, AE
%c United Kingdom, GB
%c United States, Alabama, US-AL
%c United States, Alaska, US-AK
%c United States, Alaska (Aleutian Islands), US-AK1
%c United States, Arizona, US-AZ
%c United States, Arizona (Navajo Reservation), US-AZ1
%c United States, Arkansas, US-AR
%c United States, California, US-CA
%c United States, Colorado, US-CO
%c United States, Connecticut, US-CT
%c United States, Delaware, US-DE
%c United States, District of Columbia, US-DC
%c United States, Florida, US-FL
%c United States, Florida (far west), US-FL1
%c United States, Georgia, US-GA
%c United States, Hawaii, US-HI
%c United States, Idaho (northern), US-ID1
%c United States, Idaho (southern), US-ID
%c United States, Illinois, US-IL
%c United States, Indiana, US-IN
%c United States, Indiana (exceptions), US-IN2
%c United States, Indiana (southwest and northwest corners), US-IN1
%c United States, Iowa, US-IA
%c United States, Kansas, US-KS
%c United States, Kansas (exception), US-KS1
%c United States, Kentucky (eastern), US-KY
%c United States, Kentucky (western), US-KY1
%c United States, Louisiana, US-LA
%c United States, Maine, US-ME
%c United States, Maryland, US-MD
%c United States, Massachusetts, US-MA
%c United States, Michigan, US-MI
%c United States, Michigan (exception), US-MI1
%c United States, Minnesota, US-MN
%c United States, Mississippi, US-MS
%c United States, Missouri, US-MO
%c United States, Montana, US-MT
%c United States, Nebraska, US-NE
%c United States, Nebraska (western), US-NE1
%c United States, Nevada, US-NV
%c United States, New Hampshire, US-NH
%c United States, New Jersey, US-NJ
%c United States, New Mexico, US-NM
%c United States, New York, US-NY
%c United States, North Carolina, US-NC
%c United States, North Dakota, US-ND
%c United States, North Dakota (western), US-ND1
%c United States, Ohio, US-OH
%c United States, Oklahoma, US-OK
%c United States, Oregon, US-OR
%c United States, Oregon (exception), US-OR1
%c United States, Pennsylvania, US-PA
%c United States, Rhode Island, US-RI
%c United States, South Carolina, US-SC
%c United States, South Dakota (eastern), US-SD
%c United States, South Dakota (western), US-SD1
%c United States, Tennessee (eastern), US-TN1
%c United States, Tennessee (western), US-TN
%c United States, Texas, US-TX
%c United States, Texas (far west), US-TX1
%c United States, Utah, US-UT
%c United States, Vermont, US-VT
%c United States, Virginia, US-VA
%c United States, Washington, US-WA
%c United States, West Virginia, US-WV
%c United States, Wisconsin, US-WI
%c United States, Wyoming, US-WY
%c Uruguay, UY
%c Uzbekistan, UZ
%c Vanuatu, VU
%c Venezuela, VE
%c Viet Nam, VN
%c Virgin Islands (British), VG
%c Virgin Islands (U.S.), VI
%c Wake Island (U.S.), UM3
%c Wallis and Futuna, WF
%c Yemen, YE
%c Yugoslavia, YU
%c Zambia, ZM
%c Zimbabwe, ZW
did -z $dname 2