Macedonia Vs. England - Tickets?
Macedonia Vs. England - Tickets?
NikTik Hello all! Does anybody out there know where and when the tickets will be going on sale for the Macedonia Vs. England Euro 2004 group game? I am going to be in Skopje from Friday 5th September to Sunday 7th and would like to attend the game. I am not allowed to buy illegal tickets [:(!] from street sellers and wondered if I had any other method of obtaining tickets. [?] I was at the home game in England (2:2 draw [V]) and would very much like to see the away game. I'm sorry I can't fully understand your language and if you could reply in English I would be very happy! [:D] Thanks for your help! (View my England Vs. Macedonia photos via the link below.)
Bravo Hehe ....hehe bozem se uplashile:)
devil The tickets will be going on sale 3 days before the game..But tickets are sell on the streets by legal sellers..and..i just wanna ask you.....but am kinda many people from England are planning to come to Macedonia? :)) P.S: Nice photos
NikTik I'm not too sure how many English supporters are going... The English Football Association has rejected our ticket allocation and all of our supporters are going without tickets. [:(] The thing is, we all booked up our flight and hotels etc. before knowing that we wouldn't have a ticket for the game. There would have been 2000~3000 people, or more, if we had tickets, but now we can't get tickets, quite a few people have changed their minds. There are still a large number of supporters travelling to Skopje without tickets because of their booked up flights. [:)] We have also been threatened that if we attempt to enter the stadium with illegal tickets, the Macedoian police have been told to arrest us, and our details are to be given back to England where we will receive a life ban from following England!!! [:(][:(][:(] I would think there will still be nearly 1000 people going to Skopje and risking a ban. English supporters have a bad reputation for fighting at football matches and Englang has been threatend by UEFA and being kicked out of the competition if there is more trouble.
OooOo Don't worry, you will find tickets, just be on time. However Macedonian people are peaceful so I don't think there is gonna be any problems with english supporters. We can drink Skopsko beer after the game and we can chase vujni. What do you say?
NikTik The Skopsko beer sounds good, but what is a Vujni??? [?] Who cares, I'll chase one!
OooOo vujna is a restauraut similar to hooters ...
devil hm..1000 people sounds good :)
malisha OooOo pets his ass vujna...[;)][:D][^]
OooOo by the way, how much is the ticket?
NikTik Aaah, vujna!! [:p] I'd be interested to know how much the tickets cost too!! [;)] By the way, is there anybody on this forum who will be going to the game? Also, who will be out in town on the Friday evening before? I'm going with four others and we will be sampling the local night life! Any good places to go for a Skopsko or two? [xx(] [:D]
devil ne se znae use..obicno koa igra reprezentacija e 250 na jug 150 na sever ali ne veruvam deka tolku ke bide i za so Anglija :)
OooOo NikTik, first of all what kind of music do you listen to and STOP checking my profile :))) Just kidding :)
devil sorry.. Niktik there aren't any tickets at the moment but they will coast max 15$ :)
devil But if you bring some hot girl here i`ll give u a free ticket for the game.. :)
NikTik Hey, what are profiles for...? [^] I'll listen to any type of, rock ...whatever. I just want a good atmosphere and free flowing Skopsko. Devil, I'll see what we can pick up on the way for you!! (Girls for football that legal...? Who cares,I get a ticket!) Just out of easy is it for me to cross the border in a hire car from Bulgaria? I will have the correct paperwork etc., will I have any problems on the border because I'm English? [?] (PS: I'm going out now, it's 8:15 here in UK now. I'll catch up with the topic tomorrow at some point. Thanks for your responses!) [8D]
OooOo you'll cross the border without any problems, just check with the local macedonian consulate if you need a visa. Try to find tickets here
OooOo I just find out, you are good for the first 3 months ... more info
NikTik I'll be trying all the entrances I can to get inside of the stadium, I hope it pays off!! (I also hope that we manage to get tickets...) If I do get in, I won't be wearing my England shirt inside, but it will be difficult to hide the fact I am not Macedonian because if someboby talks to me, I'll not be able to understand them!! [:(] ** Hey Cyber-Man, I'll gladly swap an England shirt for a Macedonian shirt with you. [8D] What size do you usually wear, I can make sure I bring one that fits you!! (I'll also get the beers in too!!!! [:)]) [email protected]
DJ_SHEMA The tickets will cost approximatly 30 Uk pounds for the north side. Nick, you should try to find tickets for the North side, however, those tickets will not be for sale, since the FA will have to buy them and distribute them to the British consulate in Macedonia, the UK peacekeeping forces, and other English related football fans. Under no circumstance you should buy tickets to the west side of the stadium because that's where our comandos are located [:)], and there will definately be a fight. The south and east side is where the general public is located and you should be ok, just don;t have too many pints before the game :). The tickets for the south side would cost around 12 UK pounds and for the east side they should cost around 8 pounds. It will be a great night of football, especialy after we take those 2 poinst at St. Mary. Nick, are you a scouser, barcode, or ...?
NikTik Excellent information from you all, thanks! [:)] I looked at the website selling tickets for this game. I thought they were slightly over around Ј100~200!!! [:0] DJ, there isn't a nick-name for the area I come from!! I live in the south. I don't follow any Premiership teams, my team is in the Second division. Good information about where to sit inside the stadium too. I just want to watch the football, not have a fight with commandos!! I think I'll aim to avoid the West stand! [;)] Will I see any of you at the game? (Those who live in Macedonia)
devil [img][/img] West Side NikTik :D
OooOo there is a british flag on the fence [:D]
NikTik Cool, great photo! [8D] I've seen this picture (or similar) on different Macedonian football websites. I was wondering what it reads on the banners. My Macedonian is 'a little rusty', can you help? (Is the large yellow text Vardar?) This was taken at a Vardar Skopje game wasn't it? If I can get a ticket for the England game, I hope to see scenes like this! [:)]
devil Yes, it does say Vardar on the large yellow text. Be sure that you will see a lot of this kind of scenes in Skopje.:) If u want to see more pictures a data about our fans go to
Originally posted by NikTik
Hey, what are profiles for...? [^] I'll listen to any type of, rock ...whatever. I just want a good atmosphere and free flowing Skopsko. Devil, I'll see what we can pick up on the way for you!! (Girls for football that legal...? Who cares,I get a ticket!) Just out of easy is it for me to cross the border in a hire car from Bulgaria? I will have the correct paperwork etc., will I have any problems on the border because I'm English? [?] (PS: I'm going out now, it's 8:15 here in UK now. I'll catch up with the topic tomorrow at some point. Thanks for your responses!) [8D]
For a good music and skopsko try Marakana near the stadium, there is an Irish Pub somewhere in downtown Skopje, also you can buy beer in the store and drink it in front of the british embassy [:D][:p] sounds like a deal, ha?
Cyber-Man Zlaten Dab is the best beer in Macedonia you must to try believe me
NikTik's Marakana for a couple, then to the Irish pub for one or two more, and after that, we'll buy a crate and sit on the steps of the Embassy! Plus we'll probably find one or two other bars in between, so we'll be feeling quite....[xx(]! And we'll have to have plenty of Skopso AND Zlaten Dab to make our own minds up as to the best beer in Macedonia! [:)] (Hey, Cyber-Man, I believe you. I'll have to 'sample' other beers too though, just to do a fair comparison! [;)])
maliot If you get a ticket, you better not show to people that you are English, cause if Macedonia wins then you will drink skopsko, but if Macedonia loses, then...umm the rest is for you to guess[:)]
NikTik Do the tickets go on sale today (5th August)for this game? (I still haven't got tickets!)
OooOo no good, no good @ all За мечот со Англија нема влезници во слободна продажба? ФФМ планира билетите да им ги понуди на откуп на добростоечки македонски компании, кои подоцна би им ги поделиле на своите вработени Со цел да се избегне масовно купување и препродавање на влезниците, за кои уште отсега постои огромен интерес, Фудбалската федерација на Македонија најверојатно нема да пушти во слободна продажба влезници за квалификацискиот натпревар со Англија, дознава „Дневникк“. Ова ќе биде огромен шок за македонските навивачи, кои нетрпеливо го очекуваат денот кога ќе може да се купат билетите за „мечот на деценијатаа“. Македонија игра со Англија на 6 септември, на Градскиот стадион во Скопје, во рамките на квалификациите за Евро 2004 во Португалија.Дознаваме дека ФФМ планира билетите да им ги понуди на откуп на добростоечки македонски компании, кои подоцна би ги поделиле на своите вработени. Во текот на вчерашниот ден, на телефонот во канцеларијата на ФФМ постојано се јавуваа заинтересирани навивачи, но и многу странци - најмногу Германци, кои сакаат да си резервираат билети отсега. Според најавите, билетите ќе чинат 1.000 денари за Јужната трибина и 600 денари за трибините зад головите (Исток и Запад). Уште од порано се знае дека на Северната трибина ќе има навивачи што билетите ќе ги добијат од Англиската федерација, која однапред откупи 2.500 билети од таа трибина за цена од 2.000 денари по влезница. Постојат најави за организирано доаѓање на англиски навивачи што немаат влезници и кои за тоа задоволство би платиле и до 200 фунти (нешто помалку од 300 евра). Затоа и ФФМ ги презеде овие мерки, со цел да се запре или во најмала рака минимизира продажбата на црно. Тоа се појави дури и пред средбата Вардар - Спарта во минатата недела, кога билетите за Јужна под рака се продавале за 500 денари, иако регуларно чинеа по 200 денари.
NARCIS` Jas imam 5 vleznici.Tri od niv mi se za davanje koj saka neka kaze.
NARCIS` Se razbira za na juznata tribina.
OooOo keep them for NikTik
Strelec Ne znam dali NikTik ke se pojavi na forumov, ama eve eden dobar link za nego...
NikTik, that's for you: By the way, there you can add your photos from the first game (2:2 draw)! And what happened? are you gonna go to Skopje for the match, or you have changed your mind?[B)]
NikTik No we haven’t changed our mind, we're still coming!! We have got Flights and Hotel paid for, we can't waste them! Plus I’m looking forward to my first visit to Macedonia. It's just the tickets we can't get.......yet. I heard it will be the 25th August before they go on sale, but different people say different things. We have been offered tickets from 20 EUR to Ј100!! But who can I trust? I don't want to send money over and not get tickets. I have to keep an eye on the internet to find out who can offer me tickets, and we have made quite a few contacts. There are quite a few people who say they can get them for us, but there are no guarantees! We had hoped we could get the tickets posted over in time, but it now looks like we will have to get them when we arrive as we are running out of time. We arrive in Skopje on the 5th, so we hope to pick them up then. Strelec, thanks for the web link. I have seen this site before, and I have now written some of the phrases down so that I can blend in with the locals when we visit!!! (It’ll just be my England shirt that will give me away now!)
kopacot Vleznici vo slobodna prodazba tesko.....FFM vika deka ke gi dava vleznicite na asalni firmi(so ke platat poise) pa ke gi delele posle megu vrabotenite.......kolku se validni znam denes taka piset utre vaka..... [url][/url] Vo sekoj slucaj...........FORZAAAAAAAA MAKEDONIJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :o)
NikTik Nice picture on that website!!! (what does the article say though....?!) Something about the FFM I see, is it ticket info.? (Can anyone translate it, there isn't an "English" button to click on!)
NARCIS` kopac kaj mene u firma dadoa 2000 vleznici ,znaci ako vo sekoja pojaka firma sto spaga pod drzavata ke dadat po 2000 vleznici :)
Originally posted by OooOo
keep them for NikTik
GoDsHaNd Nema da ima vleznici vo slobodna prodazba, zaradi preprodazba. I dzabe doagjaat angliskite navijaci koa nema da vlezat, nivnite karti ke bidat dadeni po shkolite.
Originally posted by GoDsHaNd
Nema da ima vleznici vo slobodna prodazba, zaradi preprodazba. I dzabe doagjaat angliskite navijaci koa nema da vlezat, nivnite karti ke bidat dadeni po shkolite.
Влезниците, сепак, во слободна продажба, за 1.000 и 600 денари Како идеја да се спречи препродажбата на влезниците, ФФМ дури размислуваше сите билети да им ги подели на добростоечки фирми во земјава. - За деловни пријатели ќе сочуваме само околу 2.000 билети - вели Митровски. - Другите ќе бидат во слободна продажба. Околу 11.000 влезници за Јужната трибина, по цена од 1.000 денари, ќе бидат пуштени во продажба веќе во текот на идната недела, а ќе се продаваат на билетарниците на Градскиот стадион во Скопје. - Точниот ден кога ќе може да се купат ќе биде соопштен 3-4 дена однапред, а сите ќе бидат нумерирани и секој ќе мора да седи на своето седиште - вели Митровски. Влезниците за трибините зад головите, Исток и Запад, ќе чинат по 600 денари. Овие билети во продажба ќе бидат пуштени околу 1 септември. Се чека да заврши поставувањето на столчињата и нивната нумерација, што е неопходно за печатењето на влезниците. Ќе бидат пуштени околу 1.700-1.800 билети за Исток и нешто под 2.000 за Запад. Vleznici ke ima,kako sto pisav po 2000 bileti ke ima za firmite[;)]
NARCIS` МВР И ФФМ СЕ МОБИЛИЗИРААТ ЗА ПРЕЧЕК НА АНГЛИСКИТЕ ХУЛИГАНИ Македонските полицајци ќе се прават "бобиевци" Надалеку прочуените англиски хулигани ќе си имаат работа со нашите полицајци со "англиска школа - балкански смер". Како резултат на подготовките на Фудбалската федерација и Министерството за внатрешни работи за претстојниот фудбалски натпревар од висок ризик Македонија - Англија, група македонски полицајци ќе одат на обука во Островот за привремено да станат т.н. "бобиевци", име под кое се познати англиските чувари на редот. Тоа не значи дека ќе тренираат учтивост, туку ќе учат како да го спречат дивеењето на хулиганите, кои се подготвуваат да се "прошверцуваат" за мечот на деценијата во Скопје, на 6 септември.Фудбалската федерација на Англија, по заканите од УЕФА дека може да биде исклучена од натпреварувањето поради нередите што на секое гостување ги предизвикуваат нивните хулигани, реши организирано да не води свои навивачи, иако претходно веќе ги откупи влезниците за овој меч од Северната трибина на Градскиот стадион во Скопје. По ова, се зборува дека хулиганите од Островот веќе се самоорганизираат како да пристигнат и да обезбедат влезници за овој натпревар. Ова ги мобилизира МВР и ФФМ, кои треба да ги откријат "дивите" навивачи од Островот, кои ќе се обидат да прават нереди. - Има предлог од МВР секој гледач при влезот да биде идентификуван со личен документ (ученичка книшка, лична карта, пасош - н.з.) за да не се провлече некој од англиските хулигани - вели генералниот секретар на ФФМ, Лазар Митровски. - Тоа како можност се уште го разгледуваме. Сите влезници ќе бидат отпечатени на квалитетна хартија. Билет ќе има секој присутен на стадионот, од редар до пожарникар, бидејќи секој мора да има свое столче. Во случај на двојни влезници за исто место, ќе настапи крим-полицијата со детектори, за да се утврди кој билет е фалсификат. Се разбира дека тој гледач ќе биде отстранет од стадионот. Британците веќе имаат регистрирано 1.600 хулигани, на кои им е забрането да влегуваат на англиските стадиони поради белјите што ги правеле. Дури и Европската Унија подготвува закон за да се заштити од ова зло, па просторот за дивеење им се стеснува. Оттаму, Македонија останува привлечна за овие самонаречени навивачи, особено што четири дена подоцна, на 10 септември, Англија и гостува на Турција, во решавачкиот меч за пласман на Европското првенство 2004. Инаку, завчера, пред пријателскиот натпревар Англија - Хрватска, во Ипсвич, уапсени се 25 англиски навивачи.
GoDsHaNd Izvenete za taa informacija, jas denes procitav, deka kako sto kaza narcis sepak ke bidat pushteni 12.000 bileti vo slobodna prodozba, od koi 8000 ke bidat za na juzna tribina i po 2000 za na zapad i istok.
OooOo koga kje bidat pushteni, se znae li tochna informacija?
NARCIS` cetiri dena pred utakmica .
NikTik OK....I don't understand a word of that, so I'll sit out of this conversation!! I'm quite sure that the tickets are going on sale on Monday, I only hope one of our sources comes good.
kopacot NikTIk-the tickets will be in sale 4 days before the game.....
NikTik Will there be long queues at the border when we travel from Sofia to into Macedonia? Somebody has advised that we should allow 4 hours for the journey from Sofia to Skopje because the border control takes a long time. Why does FFM leave it so late before they sell the tickets for the game? Do you have to go down to the football stadium to purchase the tickets, or are there different places where you can pick them up? If you have to go down to the stadium I guess there will be long queues of people trying to get tickets. Is this the same procedure for all of the games there?
DJ_SHEMA One of the reasons why FFM is holding untill the last minute is to protect the tickets against forging. Usualy tickets can be bought at the main square, however, this may not be the case since it is a highly publisized game. Somebody may be more familiar with the situation that is currently in Macedonia. I imagine that there would be plenty of resellers before the match.
malisha As some of the guys mentioned macedonian[:)] there will be 8000 tickets for the south stand and 2000 for eat and west...NikTIk you want ticket for the south belive me [;)][:D] The tickets will be on sale this week at the stadium but only 2 tickets per person - as stated in one of the macedonian daily newspapers today.
deni NikTiK bad news for you Absolutely NO, UK citizens at the stadium, no mather what. thats what I ve heard from the recent news.
Bravo Nik Tik ...another news for england fans will be alowed to follow the game on the main stand, South one. Ain t that descrimination by the way?...So , my opinion , a lot of english fans , will probally just stay on Skopje City Square, and watch the game on the big public screen....anyhow , the facts for you: tickets are goin on sale , on Sunday( 30 th of August)at 9 am local time, no more then 2 tickets can be purchased by person , there will be 2 secure znes around the stadium, so persons , without tickets won t be alowed even to see how the stadium looks , at the time of the game ...what else...hmm...oh yeah , the ticket prize, 1000 denars South Stand , 600 denars - East and West stands(behinde the goals) ...good luck:)
NikTik It looks like we will be lucky to get in to see this match then….!!? Bravo - Thanks for your helpful information. It looks like there will be quite a few England supporters in the City Square [:)]. (PS, We had been told that there will not be a screen in the City Square, this was when we were told that we were not being allocated any tickets for this game. Can you confirm that there will definitely de a screen, because a lot of people will use this as a back-up plan if they don’t gain entrance to the Stadium [V].) I’m guessing that this is not normal procedure to make sure that only Macedonians are allowed in the Macedonian sections of the Stadium? (Even when the away supporters haven’t been banned!) What do you think our chances will be, on the day? Do you think the security be tight, or will they just pick out people with England shirts on!!!? ….I think I might need to borrow a Macedonian football shirt for a couple of hours on Saturday evening…can anyone help me? [;)] Thanks again for the info. you have all given to me.
malisha Any of you really thinks that NO UK citizens will enter the stadium? And what about the guys at the UK embassy in Skopje huh...[;)]
DJ_SHEMA the rumor is that Id's will be checked to make sure that english supporters are not entering the stadium.
….I think I might need to borrow a Macedonian football shirt for a couple of hours on Saturday evening…can anyone help me?
I think that it's not good idea,maybe you want to swap with English shirt?
Bravo Nik-Tik , I still think if you ve got ticket for the game , you can enter the stadium, of course avoid get in troublle of any kind , and your England national shirt won t bother anybody(almost) , as long as you don t couse any mess ...It might be good idea , if you can find somebody in Skopje , gettin ticket for you, so you can "generously" buy that ticket since you arive in Skopje...talkin about the 'public screen' , yeah it s still not definite , is it goin to be one on the City Square, but since there s enormous seekage for 'ticket more'(up to some newspapers in MKD, around 100.000 ), I hope city council will meet the need of the majority , stayin outside of the stadium , placin that screen:) more time , Good Luck P.S. .....TheZombies rulezz:) P.P.S ...officialy there will be screen on the City Square, ( dimensions 12x17 meters)
GoDsHaNd Kartite za natprevarot pomegju Makedonija - Anglija ke bidat pushteni vo prodazba na 31vi t.e denes. Ushte vo 4 saat sabajle ima redici pred biletarite na gradski stadion. Biletarite se otvaraat vo 9casot.
Strelec Скопје, 31/8/03, 4:05:45 PM Продадени билетите за мечот Англија Сите влезници за натпреварот Македонија - Англија, кој се игра на 6 септември во Скопје, се продадоа за неполни шест часа. Иако се очекуваа големи турканици за билетите, тоа го имаше само во првиот час, кога пред билетарницата на Градскиот стадион имаше околу 1.500 луѓе. Некои од нив, исплашени дека нема да најдат билети, на ред застанаа на полноќ и тука ја поминаа целата ноќ. Билет за Јужната трибина чинеше 1.000, а за Источната и Западната трибина -600 денари. MakFax
MacVsEng tickets for Macedonia Vs England here
tickets for Macedonia Vs England here
Yes, i have tickets for sale ( 100 $ / 1 ticket ) Do you wont ?
BorisVM This forum will NOT be used for scalping tickets. Any future infraction will result in immediate ban.
NikTik What is the East Side of the stadium like? I think it is behind a goal. Is this a safe area for England fans? [?]
Originally posted by NikTik
What is the East Side of the stadium like? I think it is behind a goal. Is this a safe area for England fans? [?]
Yes NikTik... it is behind a goal... and definitely it is safe for you... much more than south, or especially west...
n/a [img][/img] ...[:D] [img][/img] [img][/img] please
NikTik Thanks Strelec. [:)] AJ, that was last time, it will be different this time!! (...hopefully) (PS, I recognise that first photo!!)[;)]
n/a Macedonia Vs. England 2 - 0 [img][/img] The best macedonian player [:P]
Originally posted by NikTik will be different this time!!
you're right... this time Shakiri's target will be the another corner of the goal...:-))) Cheers NikTik...!
n/a Like this Strelec ? [img][/img] [:D]
Strelec :-)))))))))))))))))))))) ask NikTik what does he think about it...!!!,9753,1033877,00.html
Originally posted by AJ_KLIK
Macedonia Vs. England 2 - 0 [img][/img] The best macedonian player [:P]
Ako e toj najdobar..ondak ...0-10 ke izgubime..
GoDsHaNd Boris ostaj gi lugjeto neka si praat biznis:))) Neka zarabotat barem so karti:))
Originally posted by Strelec
Originally posted by NikTik
What is the East Side of the stadium like? I think it is behind a goal. Is this a safe area for England fans? [?]
Yes NikTik... it is behind a goal... and definitely it is safe for you... much more than south, or especially west...
I don't think so because there will be the fans from Prilep and their favourite playera are Ilcho Naumoski,Panche Kumbev,Dragan Dimitrovski and Goce Sedloski who will miss this match
NikTik This will probably be my last post on here before 'The Game'! Thanks for all of your assistance (and ticket offers!!). I'm looking forward to visiting Skopje, and also look forward to meeting the Macedonian people. My visit is peaceful and I will respect you and your country. Please may you all respect the effort we have gone through to get here, I think you all know the potential consequesces we could face just because we travelled to Skopje. I wish both teams the best of luck! (But I will only be supporting ENGLAND!) NikTik [8D]
Strelec Have a good trip, NikTik...:-) ...and I wish you to acumulate wonderfull memories from Macedonia...:)))
Bravo Yeap ...Nik , have a great jurney , and of course , I hope , after all we gonna celebrate :) Go Macedonia! ....Good Luck:)