Macedonian Petition to Preserve our Name and Histo
Macedonian Petition to Preserve our Name and Histo
n/a This a petition to the United Nations that requests they recognize that the name, history and culture of Macedonia belong to the Republic of Macedonia and her people; not the Greeks who have made many efforts and attempts to strip the real Macedonians name and history. Please sign this petition and have family and friends sign it so the Macedonian peoples voices' our heard. Here is the link: Thanks.
Originally posted by makedonec07
This a petition to the United Nations that requests they recognize that the name, history and culture of Macedonia belong to the Republic of Macedonia and her people; not the Greeks who have made many efforts and attempts to strip the real Macedonians name and history. Please sign this petition and have family and friends sign it so the Macedonian peoples voices' our heard. Here is the link: Thanks.
Poddrska od mene za peticijata...!!!