Where did the swastika emblem originally come from
Where did the swastika emblem originally come from
BorisVM Where did the swastika emblem originally come from? The swastika is an ancient religious symbol of luck and prosperity with a remarkably diverse history. Its name comes from the Sanskrit "svasti," meaning well-being. It dates back over 3,000 years, and has adorned Indian textiles, Buddhist temples, Native American clothing, and coins from the ancient Greek city of Troy. The ubiquity of the swastika before its appropriation by the Nazis seems jarring today. At the turn of the century, it was used by Coca Cola and the Boy Scouts. During World War I, it could be found on the patches of the American 45th Air Division. By the time Hitler chose the swastika as the symbol of the Nazi Party in 1935, it was a common symbol that had been already seen in various Germanic and nationalistic contexts. In terms of propaganda, it was a textbook example of appropriating a well-known brand. Many Native American tribes renounced the symbol after it became associated with Hitler. The swastika's exact origins are difficult to determine. It has been described as a Greek cross with its arms bent at right angles. Others note its symbolism of the four cardinal directions. It's a universal geometric form that symbolizes celestial and terrestrial elements.
AaaAa Simbolot e i del od mozaicite vo novo-otkopanata bazilika na Plaosnik. Onie koj bile nemozele da ne gi primetat; ti se ezi kozata u sekoj slucaj, custvoto povrzano so pomislata na Hitler e neminovno