Bombardiranjeto vo Turcija :(( |
Shto se sluchuva vo Turcija?
Thursday November 20, 02:26 PM
Shattered bodies strewn on Istanbul streets
By Ayla Jean Yackley
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Shattered bodies and rubble have been strewn across the streets of Turkey's commercial capital Istanbul once more as the second pair of bombs in less than a week sent the city into a state of shock.
"We knew it was a bomb when an arm came flying through the window," said a doctor at a nearby clinic.
The remains of a human torso lay in the road some 250 metres (yards) away from HSBC headquarters, the centre of one blast in Istanbul's financial hub. The blast blew out windows for blocks around in the plush area of offices and upmarket villas.
Another bomb blew a large crater in the road and sent a thick plume of smoke into the air above the British consulate demolishing the perimeter wall and entrance of the 19th century Georgian building in the city's shopping and night-life hub.
At least 25 people were killed in the attacks, adding to the grief of a city still in mourning for the 25 people dead from apparently identical suicide attacks on two synagogues in the city on Saturday.
As with the synagogue bombs, officials believe the latest attacks bore the hallmarks of Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network -- carefully coordinated and targeted suicide attacks.
But while Saturday's targets were Jews and Thursday's bombs were apparently aimed at British interests, the vast majority of victims were again Turkish Muslims.
"I heard a large bang. I thought it was an earthquake," said Adnan Akyildiz at the consulate. "I threw myself out of the window... the scene was horrendous, the gate the consulate, the buildings were all demolished. A car was on fire.
"Then I looked for my friends, I saw four of the other cleaners dead, two of them were husband and wife."
Witness reported a green van with the markings of a food company driving into the gate of the consulate as it exploded, the same devastating technique used five days before.
A police guard, just like two colleagues on duty in front of the synagogues, was killed instantly.
Turkish police said the bombs used were the same as in the synagogue attacks. A mixture of common chemicals and fuel that left foul stench hanging in the air.
"I was blown off my seat and the debris in the office fell on me. There was smoke and dust everywhere. It stuck in my throat and I thought it may be poison," said Abidin who was working in his office near the consulate.
"I saw someone who had lost a leg."
Those who rushed to the scene stood aghast or began to weep as the survivors, blackened and bloodied were taken away. Mothers rushed to take their children home from nearby schools as rescue workers scrabbled through the rubble for in the search for more victims.
OooOo |
gi podrzhuvaat amerite, im kradat nafteni polinja na irachanite i bog znae ushte shto .. Toa e verovatno i povekje nego dovolno za nekoj islamski ekstremisti.
mafisKumA |
Bomb for Kim
11/22/2003 14:05
Rumsfeld: the US can use nuclear weapon against North Korea
Donald Rumsfeld is visiting the South Korea. As expected, the main topics is the situation around the Korean peninsula. Rumsfeld sticks to his words: the US will defend Korea from the "northern threat" and will use nuclear weapon if there is a need.
Rumsfeld's aggressive claim and toughness of Washington's negotiators can negatively affect the second round of negotiations planned this December. Before the dates called were between 13 and 16 of December, now diplomats prefer to speak of "interval between the 10th and the 20th", and so there is no sureness it will happen at all. And even if it will, what will be the result.
As to worsen the situation around these negotiations, information appeared that Taiwan government is going to hold a referendum on the country's independence. Beijing reacted very roughly, threatening to use military forces, what can provoke war, as the US constantly proved they guarantee to protect Taiwan. Certainly, the "military alarms" around Taiwan are often, and there are no signs that this time it will go beyond the spoken threats. However, if Beijing and Washington start diplomatic war on the Taiwanese question right before the Korean negotiations, we have to forget for an uncertain time about any positive movement there.
so vakvo mesajne od USA mislite deka bombadirajne ke prestani so Turcija?
duri amerika ne se nauci to keep their noses out of others people business i nema da prestani duri site puppets od USA nese kaznati
segdeka kasto USA pocnala nesto, nemat zavrseno nisto samo imat naprajeno kaos [:(][:(][:(]
melpomena |
Турскиот суд обвини деветмина за учество во бомбашките напади во Истанбул
ИСТАНБУЛ (АП) - Државниот безбедносен суд вчера обвини деветмина осомничени за учество во минатонеделните самоубиствени бомбашки напади за членство во незаконска организација или помош на незаконска организација, изјави адвокат за одбраната. Казната е до пет години затвор. По цела ноќ испрашување, судот обвини еден од осомничените за "помагање на незаконска организација", а останатите осуммина за "членство во незаконска организација", вели адвокатот Селахатин Карахан. Тој додава дека три други осомничени се пуштени. Датум за судењето не е закажан. Обвинувањата, само пет дена по бомбашкиот напад, означија брз напредок во истрагата за Исламскиот терористички огранок за кој се верува дека стои зад нападите кои однесоа 57 жртви. Завчера четири осомничени беа ослободени поради недостиг на докази. Во меѓувреме, градоначалникот на Истанбул Муамер Ѓулер потврди дека полицијата го идентификувала човекот кој го залетал камионот преполн со експлозив во британскиот конзулат во Истанбул, како и други злосторници. Ѓулер не сакаше да го именува виновникот. Меѓутоа, истанбулскиот дневен весник "Милијет" не ги послуша наредбите на владата и го објави неговото име - Феридун Угурлу, Турчин за кого се верува дека се борел со исламските радикали во Авганистан и Чеченија.
prevzemeno od utrinski vesnik
Thunder from down under |
abe jas si velam amerikancite e dupat meckata posto turcite go zgrsija oroto malce ko mu svireja ameriancite koga bese so irak to i plus nesto dupat tie so to security nivno prat nekoj biznis ??? se pikaat kaj so ne gi beri podlaboko i podlaboko
zosto vo kina ne se slucuva vakvi raboti ? |