mafisKumA Medicinal Benefits of Garlic Garlic was worshipped by the ancient Egyptians, chewed by Greek Olympian athletes and thought to be essential for keeping vampires at bay! But it is also good for zapping bacteria, keeping your heart healthy, warding off coughs and colds - and don't worry it needn't give you bad breath! There are many benefits associated with taking garlic regularly and information is available from The Garlic Information Centre: We have information on garlic and its use in the following areas:Antibacterial, antifungal, blood pressure, cholesterol, circulation, impotence, pregnancy, diabetes, as a cardio protective, anti-oxidant, coughs and colds, stomach conditions, cancer, garlic supplements, garlic and cooking, for pets and other animals, festivals, synergistic effect with other health food supplements. Garlic and Pregnancy Cut the complications of pregnancy naturally with garlic New research shows that taking garlic during pregnancy can cut the risk of pre-eclampsia (raised blood pressure and protein retained in the urine). Studies reveal that garlic may help to boost the birth-weight of babies destined to be too small. The research was carried out by Dr D Sooranna, Ms J Hirani and Dr I Das in the Academic Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology at the Chelsea & Westminster Hospital in London UK. They concluded that although pre-eclampsia and growth retardation are complex multifactorial conditions, taking standardised garlic tablets (for further details please contact us) throughout pregnancy may decrease the chances of these types of complications at birth. They focussed on growth retarded babies and pre-eclampsia, a potentially dangerous condition for mother and baby which occurs in about one in ten pregnancies. Experiments by the research team showed that adding extracts of garlic to cells from the placenta of women likely to suffer from these conditions was able to quickly stimulate growth. Furthermore, the activity of key enzymes that are reduced in the abnormal pregnancies were significantly increased when garlic was added.