OooOo |
Bash sega zavrshi World Idol ( povekje info na ). Sudiite se ponashaa ko da se bog i batine,a posebno Polskiot, Americhkiot i Britanskiot. Vregjaa na rasna osnova, vregjaa na jazichna osnova. Gi velichaa svoite idoli (polish idol, american idol and british idol). Toa beshe daleku od profesionalizam. Licheshe na cirkus i testiranje na zhivci na interpretatorite.Kako i da e .. poentava na postot beshe dali vo Makedonija se razmisluva za Macedonian Idol i nastapuvanje na nekoj nash prestavnik na World Idol slednata godina?
StormAngel |
I ako nekogas bi imalo izbor za Macedonian Idol,me cudi koj bi mozel da bide toj/taa.Nikogas nema da mozeme da go izbereme.Moe mislenje e ova.Mozebi treba da se otvori poll vo vrska so toa prasanje,pa da go vidime javnoto mnenie.Edno samo znam,ja sigurno ne bi bil toj "idol".
Pozdrav![:)] |
ace6vel |
Jas ne bi znael toa da ti odgovoram a toj crnecot debeliot li pobedi ???? |
OooOo |
nemashe nikakov crnec na World Idol. Chak i toj od Juzhno Africhka Republika beshe bel [:D]
Eve gi site faci od [url=""]World Idol[/url]
ace6vel |
ne e btino ja gledav tuka ama toa izlgeda bese american idol :) imase eden debel crnec i eden beles suv tri pati pomal odo ovoj i se takmicea peea nesto so gi znam i pobedi crnecot :D my mistake :) |
Legal-Eagle |
quote: Originally posted by ace6vel
Jas ne bi znael toa da ti odgovoram a toj crnecot debeliot li pobedi ????
Hmmmm... on NE e crnec tuku e AUSTRALIAN IDOL - Guy Sebastian i da dobiet barem vredi !!!!!!!!!!!!
[img][/img] |
graf |
Legal Guy e loser, zasto ne go zate pesma ZADJI ZADJI . Vidi go , loser e ahhaah |
Legal-Eagle |
Well actually he was gearing up for that song, but the band didnt know it.
Loser my ass! That guy has a voice made in heaven. |
OooOo |
c'mon dude, Sebastian was good. Not good enough for you maybe, but he was good [:D]
ace6vel |
ne e toj jas so go vidov a moze i ne sum ja gledaj taa emisija so IDOl so znam :P xexexe |
AaaAa |
quote: Originally posted by ace6vel
ne e toj jas so go vidov a moze i ne sum ja gledaj taa emisija so IDOl so znam :P xexexe
Ti si gledal American Idol . Mislish na drugarov od slikava podolu[:D]
[img][/img] |
mafisKumA |
polskiot sudija na zivci mi odese ama americhkiot najmnogu me iznanervira ko mu rece na Canadian sudija deka on nebil kvalificiran za da je sudia se zbog kutriot kaza nesto za amerikankata, a amerikanecot sto misli on bese pojkem kvalificiran za da kritikira site drugi, ama tipicno amerikanec [:(!][:(!][:(!][:(!]
graf, i agree with Legal he does have a voice made in heaven
graf |
abre jas trebum da bidam za World Idol. Ne Jas ke pram WORLD SELO hahaahahahha |
StormAngel |
quote: Originally posted by Legal-Eagle
quote: Originally posted by ace6vel
Jas ne bi znael toa da ti odgovoram a toj crnecot debeliot li pobedi ????
Hmmmm... on NE e crnec tuku e AUSTRALIAN IDOL - Guy Sebastian i da dobiet barem vredi !!!!!!!!!!!!
As far as the picture is concerned the Guy seems kinda "freaked out",maybe his singing class is ok,but his hair style is Blaahhh![:D]
Legal-Eagle |
His hair is funky.
His singing is far from okay. He is brilliant!
Not because he is from Australia, but at the judging of the World Idol, NOT one judge had a bad thing to say about him. He was sensational. Guy is a freak of nature, and a voice like his does not grace our earthly ears too often.
Please take the time to download one of his songs and judge for yourself. |
StormAngel |
Can someone please give me a link,I`ve tried the "google",but I couldn`t download songs.[:(]
Pozdrav![:)] |
Legal-Eagle |
I used that link, fortunately i was given his CD as a gift for Christmas, but i have heard that Kazaa Lite has his music available for downloading.
StormAngel |
I fortunately managed to enter the VIP room to get access to hear some of his songs.I can`t complain.[;)]His voice is rear and his music is ok too.Well,although his hair style is kinda kinky,his music is great.
Pozdrav![:)] |
mafisKumA |
and the winner is Kurt Nilsen Norway
OooOo |
The guy from Belgium was great! :)
graf |
They are all rubbish, trust me within 6 months you would of forgoten there names and there crappy songs heheheh |
OooOo |
US & Canada pochnaa treta sezona za world idol. Kaj nas ushte nema aber za toa predpostavuvam.
OooOo |
Nesudeniot pobednik na American Idol. [:D][:D][:D]
It took one devoted and courageous asian to turn the head of TV America during the 2004 American Idol auditions. William Hung, aka Hong Kong Ricky Martin, entered the contest with one thing in mind--to offer his best performance to the judges. Hung performed a passionate redition of Ricky Martin's 'She Bangs' before being laughed at by the judges. As usual, dickhead Simon was the first to offer his typical shallow remarks. Hung responded with "I already gave my best. I have no regrets at all." Paula praised William's determination, and even though the performance was complete crap, viewers appreciated the attempt. William Hung is a hero. As you can see, the video footage is comic gold. On top of this, Hung gives us yet another reason to agree on the fact that Simon Cowell is the most useless human ever. His contributions to the world are the same as landfills; Simon reminds us that no matter how hard humans try to do good we will always output waste. My question is why can't we run him over with a huge compacting bulldozer and then bury him? I'm just after some consistency. Download the William Hung video with the links to the right, and then check out the official fan page,, that features remixes of Hung's 'She Bangs.'
simnete go video clip-ot [url=""]tuka[/url] i utepajte se od smeenje [:D]
Strelec |
do sega pojma nemav sto e toa sto spomnuvate "American Idol"...
eve sega gledam na TV i epten e jako!:)))
OooOo |
Jakoto tek sea doagja. Momakot sho kje ja pee "she bangs" [:D][:D][:D]
Ushte sea mi doagjaat solzi na ochi koa kje mi tekne kako kje pee [:D]
Strelec |
toa li e toj klipot od pretposledniot tvoj post?:)
OooOo |
da :)))
OooOo |
maliot od glupost, napravi milioni :)))
n/a |
Хах! [:D] Ако паметам добро, слично вакво ако не и исто имаше Јули месец на една српска или босанска телевизија гледав неколку пати кога бев Македонија. |