Napishete protest! Napishete protest!
OooOo Poglednete go linkot [url=""]TUKA[/url] i poglednete shto ima za Makedonija i koi se destinaciite. You are here: Home > Europe > Greece > Macedonia > Macedonia tourism Pishete poplaki preku ovoj link [url=""]TUKA[/url]
DJ_SHEMA Eve go moeto pismo shto im go upativ. Sekoj shto saka da pishe poplaka a ne saka da sostavuva pismo, moze da go koristi moeto pismo. I am extremely outraged and deeply insulted with the fact that your links for destinations to Macedonia (link includes cities that currently reside in Greece. While I am flattered with your knowledge of Macedonian history, since most of the cities you have included on the abovementioned link were in fact Macedonian cities some hundred years ago, I must regret to inform you that after the Balkan Wars in 1912 Macedonia was unfortunately divided and these cities are now under Hellenic rule. I must also suggest that by stating Greek cities in a link reference to Macedonia by United Nations standards may classify you as an entity that is attempting to spread hatred, intolerance and insult to the people of two sovereign neighboring countries. I will not assume that this is deliberate, since I believe that your travel agents have at least basic knowledge of Geography. To confuse Macedonian cities with greek cities is very blatant and ignorant fact as much as stating that Alexander the Great was greek. Personally, I will give you the benefit of the doubt and provide you with adequate time to correct this. If this issue is not rectified in a timely fashion, than the Macedonian community, as well as the country itself, will have to pursue legal matters to this issue. For more information on Macedonia please refer to ANY map on Europe or the World that has been printed past 1991. You can also reference the CIA fact book (available on line for free) to obtain elementary information on Macedonia. For more adequate travel information on Macedonia please visit or where you can view the official Macedonian cities and among other things, correct hotel accommodations in Macedonia. I will make this letter available to the Macedonian community to use it when engaging their protests regarding your misinformation and insult to the Macedonian nation. To live in oblivion and ignorance in this era of abundant information is not only counterproductive, but also, well, ignorant. Sincerely,
Maverik Eve i jas im napisav edna ubava poplaka, No, cito me interesira dali ke reagiraat i ke odgovorat na poplakite
pr1nc Prativ protest iako sto ne mi e jasno mnogu-mnogu za sto se raboti... Pozdrav
Causesku Shema го земав твоето..пошо не ми оди англиски нешо нај нај :)
Cyber-Man I jas isto taka isprativ protest no go iskoristiv dadeniot template od DJ_Shema bidejki me mrzese da psiuvam drug.
ozonce Kako graganin na Republika Makedonija dolznost mi beseh da ispratam protestno pismo do Go storiv toa i se nadevam doprinesov za afirmacijata na MAKEDONIJA!
Strelec Ozonce... ajde zlaten bidi dobar i vo ime na Makedonija objasni mi za sto vsusnost protestirase! sto imaat tie od pogreseno?
ace6vel lele mater nivna koj e haker neka im ekler casti stranata :)
Thunder from down under evo moeto so im go prativ :) / Hi, I lived all my life in Macedonia and i know every milimetar of my country and have never heard of any of this places you have advertised for a turisam in Macedonia example : Thessaloniki- is Thessaloniki, the second largest city in Greece with a population of 1,000,000 inhabitants, references: <-----(Greek Website) and many more mistakes i have spoted on your websites in fact the whole website is a mistake and you to a mistaken if you belive you are doing any damage in any way to our country ,the only damage you are doing is on your business and reputation and creating a confusion for your customers, i dont mean to be rude nut there a things with a pages inside them they are called books and some of them are called atlases ,lately they invented a round soccer ball lookalike iand a called Globus ,i belive it will be helpfull if you have a look at any of them,not only will introduce you to geografy but also will improbe your overall general knowledge Have a nice day sir Regards Boris Trajkoski The President of Republic of Macedonia
Thief Па, и пола Атина ќе биде наша! [:D]
Angelaris abe ke bide nekogash ama koga? ke ubijam nekogo :))
Thunder from down under Makedonija ne e vo Grcija ! ke bese vo pravo deckoto on taa stranata samo ako stavese HOME - EUROPE - MACEDONIA togas da
Thief Солун е наш, Атина ќе ја делиме!
Strelec abe ne se zafrkavajte... ako Solun stane nas, ke treba da se odi vo Atina po avto-delovi!?
Originally posted by Strelec
abe ne se zafrkavajte... ako Solun stane nas, ke treba da se odi vo Atina po avto-delovi!?
ozonce hmmmm Strelec!!!
Strelec seriozen sum! eve mozes pomos da pobaras i od nekoj od ostanatite protestanti...
ace6vel i so stana sega smenija li ovie moronive odozgore :) na web stranicata?!?1