Informacia za Regional Australia Migration
Informacia za Regional Australia Migration
mafisKumA deneska telefonirav vo Immigration Department da se rasprasam za Regional Migration Program. cojekot mi objasni deka Australia primat ispod isti kritira ko za Skilled Migration (profesionalni ili so zanajet) lujge i plus se treba da go znajs angleskiot jazik i da ste ispod 45 godini seta informacia je imat vo Booklet 6 mozite da go downlodirate je 68 pages vo PDF file 250KB od za da vidite koj profesi ili zanajeti mu trebat pobarjete na ova adresa ispod Form 1121i jas go downlodirav ako nekoj se interesira za da doznaj nesto informacia (primer:- dali vasa profesia je vo taja lista) od ovaj booklet i nemozite da go downlodirate kazetemi i ke vi dam to informacia sto vi treba Pozdrav
OooOo New Skilled Visas for Regional Australia DPS 025/2004 The Australian Government recently announced that it will introduce a new visa for skilled migrants who are prepared to live and work in regional Australia. From 1 July 2004, eligible people who want to come to Australia as skilled migrants will be able to obtain a three-year temporary residence visa (Temporary Skilled-Independent Regional Migration Visa) if they commit to living and working in regional Australia. After two years, they will be able to apply for permanent residency. There are reports that migration agents and media operating in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) have misrepresented this initiative, claiming that Australia is seeking migrants for regional areas and that there will be no skills or English language requirements. Agents are allegedly taking money from people to 'put them on the list' for migration. Under the new visa type, existing minimum requirements for skilled migration will still need to be met. Applicants will need to: be under 45 years of age when they apply, have at least vocational English, nominate an occupation on the Skilled Occupations List (a skilled occupation), and be found suitable for that occupation by the relevant Australian assessing authority have recent work experience in a skilled occupation, or have recently completed an Australian qualification. The new visa is aimed only at skilled migrants who can meet the minimum requirements for the visa. People who cannot meet these requirements should not apply. Anyone with information about people seeking to encourage applications from those who clearly cannot meet the requirements for the Temporary Skilled-Independent Regional Migration Visa should contact the Adelaide Skilled Processing Centre on (03) 9657 4104. 23 March 2004 Media inquiries: Public Affairs (02) 6264 2244 or 0419 442 000 (ah) prevzemeno od
Thunder from down under (03) e Melbourne kaj go najdoja adelaide ziti se so (03) Good luck na site so imaat podaeno da dojdat Avstralia
graf If that is true Legal, put the money where your mouth is ehehhe
graf ehhehehehe.
Thunder from down under
Originally posted by mafisKumA
deneska telefonirav vo Immigration Department da se rasprasam za Regional Migration Program. cojekot mi objasni deka Australia primat ispod isti kritira ko za Skilled Migration (profesionalni ili so zanajet) lujge i plus se treba da go znajs angleskiot jazik i da ste ispod 45 godini
we have millions of this people here in Australia ??? what so special about macedonians that australians cant do???
OooOo dali im trebaat volovi? ako im trebaat, go predlagam micko!
mafisKumA je proveriv listata i velat deka kobili trebat, dovolno volovi imame cuvajsigo ti micko [:p]
Legal-Eagle Dear Mafiskuma, Thank you for providing me with the above information. Fortunately, there is another avenue for acquiring/securing a visa regardless of its description. Unfortunately I cant post the method here on the forum for I might just incriminate a large section of our federal members of parliament. They toss visas at me like tossing confetti at a wedding. IT must be my pleasant sounding voice on the PHONE[;)] Maybe for a small fee I could have a roaring new trade between Macedonia and Australia?[:D][:D][:D] NOT!
dbk mafis ... toa za emigracija vazi samo za W.A .. i jas se javiv ts: i rekov na zenami da se javi i i rekoa deka se uste nema tocni informacii za toa koi ke se uslovite za toa ... nekade vo juni , juli ke dadat javno soopstenie za toa sto i kako ke bide.
Originally posted by graf
If that is true Legal, put the money where your mouth is ehehhe
I have ... many times over! How else does a 25 year old Macedonian Male get a visa to Australia where everyone else told him he had a .05%chance?[;)]
Македонски агенции лажно информираат за иселенички визи за Австралија
Австралиското Министерство за имиграција денеска соопшти дека во Македонија се појавиле агенции кои лажно тврдат дека за добивање нови иселенички визи за Австралија не се потребни никакви квалификации. Овие агенции, исто така, информирале и дека сите македонски земјоделци можат да поднесат апликација за престој во руралните делови на Австралија, се наведува во соопштението. Според австралиското Министерство, оваа информација не е точна, бидејќи за да се добие виза постојат строги критериуми. Македонските граѓани заинтересирани за добивање австралиска виза се предупредуваат да не им даваат никаков паричен надомест на таквите агенции, тука директно да се обратат во Амбасадата на Австралија, се потенцира во соопштението.