Macedonians named after Greek names AALLLL their c
Macedonians named after Greek names AALLLL their c
Istor Aigai, Pella, Thessaloniki, Alexandreia, Eshati, Nikiforia, Voukefala, Philippoi, Philippoupolis, ....... Thus they were Greeks or a very vicious people !! Istor greece The Former Macedonian Province!
Istor Can you tell us ONE original Macedonian name of those cities ?? What was the original name of Aigai, Philippoupolis, Thessaloniki, Pella, ....??? What was the original name of Erigon, Aliakmon, Argos, Alalkomenai, Idomenai, ....??? Istor greece The Former Macedonian Province!
Originally posted by Istor
Can you tell us ONE...?
Originally posted by Istor
Can you tell us ONE original Macedonian name of those cities ?? What was the original name of Aigai, Philippoupolis, Thessaloniki, Pella, ....??? What was the original name of Erigon, Aliakmon, Argos, Alalkomenai, Idomenai, ....??? Istor Macedonia, Greece
Check those names again, since they were all given to the Macedonian citites and vilages once that part of Macedonia was occupied by Greece with the Balkan wars. All the Macedonian names were changed and forbiden for use, as was also with the Macedonian language and everything that was Macedonian. Strelec already said Solun that is the true name for Thesaloniki, Lerin is Florina Voden is Edesa Vardar is Aksios Kukus is Kilkis This is not only the case with the cities and the vilages, the names of the people were also changed and were added -os, -pulos or something other, so that they would sound greek. If you don't belive us ask the people that live there.
MaCkiCa` Well, I live in Solun-Thessaloniki and knowing how it is, I agree what Maverik says... As I have noticed, this guy Istor is Greek.... I would like to know if he wants to tell us something... Istor?
OooOo istor, go to and share you opinion there since nobody here is interested in reading your propaganda that has nothing to do with Macedonian history. Due to your disrespect to this forum and the Macedonian people, we say bye-bye to you my greek Former Province of Macedonia "friend".
Originally posted by Istor
Aigai, Pella, Thessaloniki, Alexandreia, Eshati, Nikiforia, Voukefala, Philippoi, Philippoupolis, ....... Thus they were Greeks or a very vicious people !! Istor greece The Former Macedonian Province!
So, one more "friend" from the Former Otoman Province of Greece (FOPG) is on our forum. I suggest you first read on some of the previuos topics. the names you give here, are the greek names for Macedonian cities. They all have the Original Macedonian names as well. Or you didn't know that......
Thunder from down under Dear citisen of Former Macedonian provine of greece, or should i say citisen of Former Macedonian colony anyways here a some places that have been renamed it includes towns, rivers , vilages this is not complete list if i can get my hands on the complete list , i will post it here The town of Voden was renamed Edessa; Rupista - Argos Orestikon; S'botska - Aridea; Postlo - Pella; Libanovo - Eginion; Larigovo - Arnea; ostrovo - Arnisa; Vrtikop - Skidra; Valovista - Sidirokastron, and the small settlements of Barbesh and Kutlesh into Vergina. The River Vardar was renamed Axios, the Bistrica - Alliakmon; the Galik - Erigon, etc. Lake ostrovsko became Limni Arnisis; Lake Gorchlivo became Pikrolimi, etc. Mt. Pijavica was renamed as Stratonikion; Grbovica on Mt. Athos Agion Oros; Karakamen - Vermion, Kusnica - Pangeon, etc. The Voden district became Nomos Pelis; Gumendze district - Eparhia Paeonis; Valovista district - Eparhia Sindikis; Zihnenska ditrict - Eparhia Philidos; Pravishka district - Eparhia Pangeu, etc.
Thunder from down under accualy i have post the full list sometime last year on this forum , i may have to search the forum and find my post in archive ,if it is not deleted here are few more Armensko ............ Alonas Banica ............ Vevi Bouf ............ Akrita Gabresh............ Gavros Kostur .............. Kastoria Kukush ............. Kilkis Lerin .............. Florina Negochani.............. Niki Oshchima .................. Trigonon Solun ................ Thessaloniki Voden ............... Edessa Zhelevo .................. Antartikon also here it a old post from DJ SHEMA about this
Istor Thessaloniki, dear Macedonians, is written as "ИЕУУБЛПНЙКЗН ЦЙЛЙРРПХ ВБУЙЛЙУУБН" in the stones of the museum of the city as our friend from Thessaloniki may assure you!. Believe me no Solun there! As for Aigai, Macedonians made a whole story to justify the name ( = goats). Let alone Vedy: Macedonians could not hear that barbaric ( Phrygian ) name and thus they hellenized it: Edessa! The fact that Edessa was given by Macedonians is proved by the fact that they renamed a Syrian city to Edessa! ( not Vedy). The names that Thunder cited are Macedonian given by Macedonians to the cities and the villages they settled or built. Nobody denies the presence of Macedonians in Macedonia after +6c. Thus if the presence of some Slavic toponyms in Macedonia proves the presence of Slavic popylations that the presence of numerous Macedonians in Macedonia proves the greeks are just full of shit. But: When few months ago Greece asked your original birthplaces names to allow you visit Macedonia, you denied Macedonian names and insisted to have Slavic ones: How could a Macedonian defend the name Kajlar instead of Ptolemais???? How Macedonian are names like Kajlar, Ostrovo, Sorovic, Solun, .........??? Axios is refered ( in Homer as well as) in Euripides' Backhae: I am sure that Macedonians that heard that tragedy played at Pella around -400, had no problem to understand the reference !!!!!!!!! Istor greece The Former Macedonian Province!
Homer MakeDonski as for the name Solun My view is that is reflection of the word Sun You are saying "ИЕУУБЛПНЙКЗН ЦЙЛЙРРПХ ВБУЙЛЙУУБН" I am asking you to ground your claim and to tell us what is the meaning of "ИЕУУБЛПНЙКЗН " and Why ? My view is that the name Solun is reminding rest from the Macedonians first religion i.e symbol of it The Sun thus because of : S+ Olimpus *S OLIMPUS *SOLIMP/suffix *SOLEMP *SOL(E)MP (e-je-ije-j-i) *SOLEMP even knowing that Mp=B in Greek alphabet *SOLEM/P SOLEM Analyzing the this word on this way ,giving as a result that this is latin word and it is about the word " The SUN" Than we have a problem ,because from all this word construction the only Greek" stamp" are letters OS -what are standing like a suffix.. This detail could put unred the question mark all Greek explanation about the word "OLIMPOS..-by mithology that is "Goddess dwelling place" what I found and on this site Quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Olympians The Olympians are a group of 12 gods who ruled after the overthrow of the Titans. All the Olympians are related in some way. They are named after their dwelling place, Mount Olympus. The Olympian Gods are: Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Hera, Ares, Athena, Apollo, Aphrodite, Hermes, Artemis, Hephaestus. ------------------------------------------- So if The Olimpians are named "after their dwelling place"-thus will say Olimpus, than I am wondering what is the meaning of the word Olimpus ? So fare nothing from the Greek ethimology . ------------------------------------------- -,,after their dwelling place" I thinks that this is wrong and I will give my opinian why : ----------------------------------- My alternative is :OLIMPUS~SUN ------ SUN ------ in ancient,,Greek'' is :h&lio#1071;~ helios u modern Greek is:-Юлйпт in latin is :solem in Macedonian is :sonce .............. Analising the pointed word on the way : from the "roof for all the word's" -latin word for the sun- solem SOLEM -(S) *OLEM *OL(E)M (e-je-ije-j-i) *OL(I)M *OLI(M) (B-is prounace as Mp in Greek and if we would take that letter ar a bisonante Mp) than is becoming *M-Mp-B *OLIMP *OLIMP+OS Greek suffix OLIMPOS And here we are at the beggining.In the times when "The Sun use to be woreshiped as a Goddess",as the Goddess dwelling place . Solem- is a latin word ,and consonants are SLM In modern Macedonian we will write sonce,but there are a lot of dialectical forms as S'lonce-Solnce.. If focus will be on Solnce than analise could be at this way: Solnce-the Sun Soln-ce -(where -ce -as an word and is a deminutive form eg: dete-deten-ce (child-little child) : pile-pilen-ce (chicken-little chicken) and plenty more ... Soln-ce ,consonants are SLN SOLEM~*SOLN-CE SoLeM~*SoLN-ce where consonants M-N are next to each ohter,and having almost "same sounding rezonance" planty of eg:as well like for : Nie-Mie... standing for >us < SoLeM~*SoLM-ce Solem~*Sol'm-ce Solem~*Solem-ce *Solem-ce could say this ; If in the latin language are hidden root of the word's than my "Slavic" language is the seed out of what all the roots are. What is in the Russian dictionary ? #1057;#1086;#1083;#1085;#1094;#1077;-russian Solnce[son-tse]sn. Sun What the conclusions could be than out of this context: -If the word Olipmos could not staind like a Greek word ,than could we say that it is Latin word ? But that is unserious ,if the Roman mythology is completly based on ancient Greek mythology than ,it is only about one this Romans are apearing after the Greeks ,the ancient ones . Solun or Solem When the hellens had arrived and took over they made changes for the first time SONCE Solem SSolem Ssalen Ssalon Ssalon/iki The/ssaloniki
Homer MakeDonski As for Aigai you are saying --------- As for Aigai, Macedonians made a whole story to justify the name ( = goats). ------ I am asking you to ground this word Aigai and to tell us why Aigai means goats. This is my view where my ground are Agiai as deviation of the name of the Earth Mother Aigai->Ai Gai-Ai/Gai-> Gai Gae Geae Gea. GEA AE GEA AE GEAI AI GEaI OS AI GEAI OS and after the cutting of the suffix- oS AE GEI EGEJ as we will say in our mother language Ae Gei AN in anglosaxonian GEA+N GEAN *G->*Z G EA N Z EA N case "to Her " Z EAN-A ZEANA Z EA NA ZENA-Women What Gea ? Maybe this Gea Ai/Gea Ai/Gai Ai/ Gai (M)Ai /Gai *G->*K MaiKai MajKae Majka ================= Pella, ------- P E LL A *P->*B B E LL A L->O pallatalisation B E OOA B E ' OA *B->*G G E OA G E oA GEA What Gea ? Maybe this Gea ---- Pella *P->*G->*D *L->N PELLA DELLA DELA (eg:soNce->soLe) DENA DONA
Homer MakeDonski -------------- Voukefala, ----------------- VouKefala V->B BouKefala K->C BouCefala B ouCe/fal B oUCe/fale(n) Buce /falen Буце БУЦКО Исидор го паметиш ли сеуште овој збор ? Tе имал ли нарекувано така дедо ти ,кога ко мало детенце си му се моцкал во пазувите му ,преди да си ја мените верата? Буцко Исидоре ги нарекуваш ли така сопсвените ти внучиња ,макар понекогаш .. далеку од окото на интернетот ? Буцко Припомни си понекогаш , со здр АВЕ ј Хомер МакеДонски
Istor Filip had a defeat at -35x in Thessaly. The next year had a victory on Thessalians at krokoton field. It was a victory that encouragged Macedonians to continue conguering other Greece. Thus he celebrated it by his daugther that was born those very days Thessaloniki. If you ask any Greek ( or greek speaking: Mackica) he would say what Thessaloniki means: Thessalian niki (= victory). Aigai means goats. While their long trip form the Pindos' mountains, Macedonians let a goat to drive them to the most fertile soil. The goats is supposed to stop at Aigai. They built there their capita and called it Aigai. Its a myth of course. But it implies the meaning of the word Aigai and the reason that Macedonians called it that way. Ask mackicka about "ИЕУУБЛПНЙКЗН". Voukafalas is from vous = buf and kefala = head. The horse had a head like a buff. Macedonians not only knew Greek but they could use Greek words properly to derive new ones: Macedonians were never Greeks. Dear ex-Bugaris Dame =Gruev told you what you really were until 1944 in that letter to Sofia: Bulgarians. Istor greece The Former Macedonian Province!
MaCkiCa` I can only say one thing. I am facing this problem for 4 years and the only thing that I have learned by now is that: What we have learned from our history is not what the people from Greece have learned from theirs... Here comes the conflict. I am Macedonian, I agree and I wish I could support what people from my country are saying,(the history as well), but I am not saying that Istor is not right. As it seems to me nobody knows the actual truth, that's why we have these problems. Istor, I don't support your statments, the thing is that I don't feel that I am the appropriate person to judge them.
Istor Dear MaCkiCa All I want from you is to visit Thessloniki's museum ( if you didn't yet) or Aigai's museum and tell this to your compatriots here. Personally I was is both museums few months ago. Well, the stones are there " ИЕУУБЛПНЙКЗН ЦЙЛЙРРПХ ВБУЙЛЙУУБН" Apparently you speak Greek. Ask your friends if tehre is any reason for a Macedonian ( like the ancient inscriptor) to write the word "ЦЙЛЙРРПУ" or "ИЕУУБЛПНЙКЗ" with pp or ss !!! I mean that if Macedoians weren't Greekophones they wouldn't write either word with double letters !! You also could hint that Homer Makedonski to stop humiliating himself with those "etymologies". If you have no a good Greek dic you may refer to Liddel-Skott Greek dic on the net. I really thank you. You are a tresor for me and I would really like to have a private conversation with you about Macedonia for many reasons. One is that my English are not that easy ! Istor greece The Former Macedonian Province!
MaCkiCa` Istor, I live near the 'White Tower', that's next to the museums, so I have been there for more than three times and I cannot deny what you're saying. I would like to chat with you as well, why not! Tell me how can I contact you by sending me an email or PM.... Marija Greece, Macedonia :o))))))
Homer MakeDonski Istore
You also could hint that Homer Makedonski to stop humiliating himself with those "etymologies".
Namesto od drugi da baras da mi sugeriraat ,stori go toa samiot Bidi maz Istore ,ne podsokrival se zad zenski zdolnista . I inaku smetam deka si hrabra licnost,oti doagjas na protivnicka teritorija i siris propaganda ,bazirana na romatika ,mitologija i laga. Ukazi mi koj del od mojata "etimologija " e pogresna i zosto e pogresna . Moite bukvi se tuka Moite zborovi se tuka My grounds are here . Se sto treba da storis e da me negjiras , oti jas tokmu toa go cinam i ke prodolzam , so etimologiite koi gi zastapuvas.
Homer MakeDonski Istore
Aigai means goats. While their long trip form the Pindos' mountains, Macedonians let a goat to drive them to the most fertile soil. The goats is supposed to stop at Aigai. They built there their capita and called it Aigai. Its a myth of course. But it implies the meaning of the word Aigai and the reason that Macedonians called it that way.
Aigai means goats
Why Aigai means goasts ?
But it implies the meaning of the word Aigai
what kind of answer is this ?
and the reason that Macedonians called it that way.
What kind of reason is this ? Mythological ? Stories for good night
Istor Homer Makedonski, I speak no Macedonian. We know that Aigai means goats because we are Greeks and speak Greek. Macedonians made that myth for themselves and for all the World. There is no doubt what Macedonians mean by the name Aigai. Thank you MaCkiCa for assuring what I wrote about Thessaloniki's museum. Are you Greek citizen? Had you Greek or Macedonian education ?? Do you really speak Greek ?? Dear Macedonians, If ancient Greeks were Macedonians then ONLY Macedonians have the right to be called Macedonians. Even if some Macedonians along with Phrygians, Dardanians, Trivallians, .... were assimilated by Slavs, the big majority of Macedonians were not Greeks and did not defended their Greekness during Slavic excruciation times ( 18xx-19xx). Those Macedonians that were voluntarily or not Slavicized, cut any link to their Macedonism: They are not proud of that campaign that Macedonians did to spread Macedonian Language and Civilization to the World, any more, right ?? Istor greece The Former Macedonian Province!
Originally posted by Istor
Thank you MaCkiCa for assuring what I wrote about Thessaloniki's museum. Are you Greek citizen? Had you Greek or Macedonian education ?? Do you really speak Greek ??
I am Macedonian, with green card in Greece. As I mention before, I live in Thessaloniki 4 years so I have Macedonian educationn. And YES, I speak Greek, of course. (Katalaveno alla den milao poli kala Ellinika. Mporo na sou po oti thelo kai mporo na se katalaveno :o))
slasa I must remind u of what happend in thebe the "greek" city in 336 b.c when alexander the great slaugtherd 30.000 greeks to death women and children! he hated the greeks so he slugtherd ur ansisters! I must remind u also that macedonians are macedonians ! no greeks, like demotheses said 2300 years ago "Who are these barbarians who attacking greek" ? the greeks dident see us ass greeks becuse we are no greeks and not even 2300 yers ago we are macedonians. Macedonia for the macedonians Have a great day Malaka!
Homer MakeDonski
Originally posted by Istor
Homer Makedonski, I speak no Macedonian. We know that Aigai means goats because we are Greeks and speak Greek. Macedonians made that myth for themselves and for all the World. There is no doubt what Macedonians mean by the name Aigai. Istor greece The Former Macedonian Province!
Почитуван Исторе Велиш дека не го разбираш македонскиот јазик и тоа откако ти пишав дека
siris propaganda ,bazirana na romatika ,mitologija i laga.
Еве го мојот доказ: Return to index Makedoncite davaat Grchki iminja na site gradovi gradat ili zamenuvat imenuvanjeto Apr 23, 2004 at 11:52 AM posted by Istor the Macedonian =============== Return to index Da! i Skopje na SlavoSkopskite ! Apr 21, 2004 at 3:16 PM posted by Istor the Macedonian -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Istor Macedonia, Greece -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Macedonians were always Greeks. Macedonians named after Greek names allllll the cities they built or renamed! Thus they were Greeks or a very vicious people ! Istor Macedonia, Greece Respond to this message ==== Return to index Makedoncite sekogash bile Grci Mar 11, 2004 at 5:24 PM posted by Istor the Macedonian Response to In the beginning was the Word -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BhagavanSKI !! I am sure it is related to the turkish haivan !! What do you think ?? Istor Macedonia, Greece ================================ Јас не заради мене туку заради оние кои што немале досега контакт со тебе го употребувам македонскиот јазик во комуникацијата со тебе. А сега што ќе сакаш да напишеш. Дека јазикот на кој што ти пишувам ,а којшто и ти одлично го владееш не е македонски ? Ако пишеш така веднаш да те предупредам дека може да ти се случи грешка во чекори бидејќи ќе испаѓа дека ниту грчкиот не го разбираш најдобро .Ова оти велиш дека
We know that Aigai means goats because we are Greeks and speak Greek.
или велиш дека Aigai значи кози ,а не знаеш да кажеш зошто Aigai значи кози ? Ова што го велиш дека Aigai значи кози поради тоа што
we are Greeks and speak Greek.
е добар хумор. На кој што ги базираш вашите објаснувања за вашите етимологии. Што се однесува до мене ,иако и мене англискиот не ми е најдобар,нема проблем , и на тој јазик ке ти посочам дека се служиш со она со што се служиш ,а тоа е пропагандата која ја базираш на .. ..да не се повторувам ко тебе ,та по нешто и се разликуваме и уште нешто чат румот се наоѓа на друго место ваму се разговара за субјектот што самиот го имаш поставено Regards ХомерМакеДонски
Homer MakeDonski why Aigai =goats Let's try to find the answer in today's Greek dictionary Aigai=goat'S not one but more ,plural goat- кбфуйкб,-ГЙДБ Aigai =goat'S maybe because Ai/G ( * )ai * =>a free space in the word for one more letter AiGai Ai G ai Ai G (free space) ai Ai G D ai Ai Gdai ai Gida Ai / Gida Confusion is this does> Ai <shoul be taken as for: -Holly -Clever -Leader and we could read the whole word as : Ai/Gai "Holly Goats" "Clever Goats" "Goats leader" ----------------------------------- my cancluse is that you are searching similarity betwen the word's Those similarity can be search only by a politic of the loser what have nothing else to offer than to give a base for it's own propaganda ,what ever . Tomorry will not be suprise if we read that the city of Troy has got it's name because of the troy-ans HORSE
Homer MakeDonski
Voukefala = Bull Head
let's see : This is in today greek dictionary Bull- Фaupoт Head - Кецблй Buff-убмпua Buffalo-впuвблй Word is Greek language is wroten as Voukefala, I will try to read it in Greek Split is Vou/kefala V O U ----------- V->B OU-Ou-O->L -------------------- V O U B L ' BL B'L BuL Bull ------- Let's say that Vou is the word what build up the word Bull So Greek influence to the western word ,very good ,but But if we read opposite Bull BuL B'L BL BL' BO' VOU we have a different concluse what will say that from the western languages word Bull been deviated into Vou .But wait a second could we say that the Greeks are using word Vou to say Bull . thus because they are using the same word to say buffalo Answer is no they do not. Greek word for Bull- Фaupoт . If the situation was that in Greek language VOU=Bull than ,halealujah, but it is Bull=- Фaupoт . the word is Voukefale and the first part it is not Фaupoт .+ Кецблй Фaupoт .+ Кецблй Taup/oт +Кецблй what could gave as result *Taup/Кецблй *Taupkецблй But it is Vou and Vou + Кецблй givin as you are writting Voukefali -------------- But you are saying something else Vou= Buff and in Greek language Buff-убмпua If we change the word Voukefali now with ,Buff-убмпua we will have Voukefale Убмпua+Кецблй *УбмпuaКецблй *Убмп(ua)Кецблй *Убмпкецблй Again does not match -------------------------------- my concluse out of this is again that Greek linguistcals are looking for the simmilarity in any word anywhere to paint it with a colours of propaganda . Voukefali = Bull Head and Vou does not mean Bull Tell me If, I am wrong ,why I am wrong
Homer MakeDonski About the word Solun or Salonica or Thessaloniki You are saying that :
Filip had a defeat at -35x in Thessaly. The next year had a victory on Thessalians at krokoton field. It was a victory that encouragged Macedonians to continue conguering other Greece. Thus he celebrated it by his daugther that was born those very days Thessaloniki. If you ask any Greek ( or greek speaking: Mackica) he would say what Thessaloniki means: Thessalian niki (= victory).
niki=viktory If niki means viktory what does Thessaly means then ? Why they is no more than One sity named AlexaderNIKI? Thus how many viktory Filip had all over the Macedonian peninsulla ,and no one viktory been celebrated in to his son name ? Why theire is no name as FillipiNIKI ,what he could put in the his glory name but instead we have,if it was the original name Filippolis ? Why Alexander himself did not put any name like AlexanderNIKI but he had named them asif it was the original name Alexandropolis ? My view is that SOLUN-SOLUNCE-SOLNCE and Thesaly could be related with the word Sun very easy Thessaly The/ssaly readen on this way *SSALY *SSOLY *SSOLE SOLE->The Sun And according to the fact that geographicly Thessaly is just next door to the Mountain of Olimpus ,than concluse could come forword for it self . BTW Talking about the meaning of the Olimpus official ethymology is that that toponim has got it's name "after Goddess dwelling place"-thus will say Olimpus Than how could be that we have had ,around the Mediteranennian Sea more than one mountain of Olimpus and only the one in today's Greece use to be a "Goddess dwelling place ". === back to the word Thessalo/niki vikn-viktory what about that viki is from viktory instead viktory from viki ? in my Greek dictionary is wroten Viki not Niki what standing for a victory why is like that ?
Istor Slasa, To insult is very easy. Especially when you are the moderator of the forum. But it is a prove of lack of arguments. During the antickity wars between Greek states were common things. During last 30years if -5c there was the pelopponesian war despcribed by the most great historian of all times that is our granpa Thucudides. If you were Macedonians you could read the passage that Thucydides describes how brutally Greeks killed their brothers. While Alexander destroyed Theba, he respected Athenians for they were the mopst civilized Greeks. Demosthenes was the most anti-Macedonian Athenian orator ( politician) He really said that Philip was barbarian and Macedonian was an anworthy land. But what he said about Macedonian language? He visited Pella, at least twice as an Athenian delequate and he spoke to the people there. So he knew Macedonian! Well he nowhere said that he couldn't understand Macedonians! Despite he was a politician he couldn lie that provocativelly, because at that time Athenians knew that Macedonias spoke Greek. Yes: Macedonia for the Macedonians and greece to Turkey. Homer I do can tell you that you are wrong but I cannot why because I need very much time and you need to learn Greek to understand me. If any one of you speaks Greek ( Prespa?) let him talk with me and you will see. As a hint let me tell you that Greek Lnaguage is ver different from all languages around. Actully we Greeks laugh on your "etymologies". This is the reason I felt able to humiliate them that brutally on other forums. If you relly respect yourself, just stop it or learn Greek. Dear Macedonians, what is Macedonian on you ?? Istor greece The Former Macedonian Province!
Homer MakeDonski Istor
Homer I do can tell you that you are wrong but I cannot why because I need very much time and you need to learn Greek to understand me. If any one of you speaks Greek ( Prespa?) let him talk with me and you will see. As a hint let me tell you that Greek Lnaguage is ver different from all languages around. Actully we Greeks laugh on your "etymologies". This is the reason I felt able to humiliate them that brutally on other forums. If you relly respect yourself, just stop it or learn Greek.
Reading this post I can concluse that you are laugh over my "ethymologies",but you can not tell me why you are laugh . This increasing the laugh for more then one side . Take your time ,and when you will be ready. Until than let me have a filling as a kamikaze. zoom
As a hint let me tell you ..
So finaly you stand up .
that Greek Lnaguage is ver different from all languages around. ..
Have you ever thought why is that ? Who is arrival at the Balkan's Who are K'Sellenoioi Macedonians or Hellens ?
Homer MakeDonski Atina Athens ------------ According to the Olimpians mythology Athena use to be Zeus's daughter . Two subject's are in here Father and daughter Athena as Father's daughter or shortly She belongs to him reading my Macedoniann language Father's daughter is written as : Tatina kerka and ( -T) T/atina Atina . Where last three letters are in a function to explaine this "belong to" Ata/ina Ata-father ina-in function as "posessive pronouns " if it's correct grammar form. Still that is Olimpian mytology as we knew it . Why Father daughter ,or why not Mother's daugher . The answer of this curiousity could be seen very easly. As I gave at the other forum I wil post in here as well. ---------- Q:How is it that the Maltese Fertility Cults have been such a secret? It’s likely that the early people who had written language never knew about them. __________ A; Simple very simple Hellens were destroyers.Since they're arrived .. .cult of Patricharcath been established ------------------ What we can read from this site ,and this sentence's ? -A lot of it but I will focus on what I think is most importen for the point what I want to make . 1.Macedons and Mother Earth Cult and Mothernity as a system of value 2.Hellens and the their cult of Patricharcath and patricharnity as a system of value. How we should see the thinks ? We have to search the religion for one more time and to conclude that since the arrival's arrived they had made the changes in everything They did establish the Zeus as the main God/Goddess at the top of the previous "Olimpian mythology" or Mother Earth Cult ,and introduce to the ancient world a different "olimpian mythology" what had lost all the previous atributes of mothernity . Before someone could say anything better to check out the Fact where is the position of our Lord Jesus into the Islam . Here in the religion are going down and under all the goats and the rest of the propaganda based mythological messages,what even our opponents are do not even know how to abuse them . What would happend if I will try to add one single letter to this word ,word Athena I will add the most old letter(accordin to the very first ever word) and that is the letter M M+ATINA MATINA M+ATI/NA MATI/NA Mati or Mother or from the word ----- Make ------ focusing at the letter K on the way Kj->ShT->Tj we could have Make Ma(ke) Maшт Matj Mati or the way how the word Make has deviated into the rest of so call slavic languages is very simple .It happend at that stage when letter >*K->*T< MaTe (e-i) MaTi M/ati -M ati ata ota Ota+c Otac Otec ->Father -- or from --- Make in genitive Majce with same princilpe Majce M/ajce -M Ajce Ojce Oice Oce->Father ------------- Back to the word Athina and opservation over it origin -------- What if on that place use to be some kind of altar or thomb dedicated to the Earth Mother ,where the ancient Maki's prists use to worshiped Her Cult ? We all know that the Mother Earth is appearing under a lot of different names Athena as one of them ? or at least as a ground for that name ? ========================== At the end of the day is it Athena from ATA ~Father or Mati~Mother as origin for this searching is completly does not matter. Those two words are both from our Macedonian dictionary and nothing to do with MITERA PATERAS
Christian hey Istor, go to a greek forum re. Aman od budali veke na ovoj forum. Bidete srekni so Filip i Aleksanadr ne ve istrebile od planetava. PS.
slasa ovaj e bolen covek
Ceki Is this the same istor that was baned from Alexander the Great forum. Now, if even Kevin baned him, and Kevin is a bit pro-greek, i really dont know what you are waiting here. But of course, if you want you can have some conversation with him, you can keep him here, he probalby has nothing to do in his life, but i assure you he wont accept our facts and the truth.
Istor Homer's "etymologies" are stupid. Actually this is a tradition for Macedonian linguistics. I remember some Iliov etymology of the word history: tr > tor > stor storj > historija. Thus historija is Macedonian !! Good Lord ! If you want to protect the guy from further humiliation tell him this: The older case of the word "istoria" is in the very first line of Herodotus' book. A word of the same root, that is "istwr" ( w stands for omega) is in Homer and means "scholar". The root os the word is in the second plural present case of the verb "oida" that is "iste" and means "you (many) know very well". Thus ist-e > ist-wr > ist-oria = knowledge. You cannot claim IndoEuropean etymologist if you speak no Greek. In my previous post the last paragraph was " Dear Macedonians, soon or later moderators of this forum will ban me because they cannot hear the truth that makes them stay silent. Thus if someones of you like to learn the truth, please visit" But I have erased it. Dear Christian, is not Greeks the part that shall know the truth but you. You were living in underground for 50 years at least. They lied brutally to you. They hided or cut the truth from you. It's you that you need to learn the truth. Dear Macedonians, what is Macedonian on you ? What is the most important Macedonian contibution to World's civilization-history, that made Macedonians known to all the World ? Isn't that campaign that Macedonians did to spread Macedonian Language and Civilization to the Wolrd? Are you proud of it? Can anyone be Macedonian while he is ashamed of the most famous and glorious Macedonian action ?? Do never forget: Macedonians were NEVER Greeks. We Macedonians will never allow greeks to be called Macedonians. This very term belonegs to you, Macedonians' descent. Istor greece The Former Macedonian Province
slasa istor ostavi adsresa i telefon da te vidam kaj si
slasa Name: Address:
slasa Istor the Macedonian Subject: Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's natural in your democracy to "edit" the posts of the forum participants ??
slasa i havent take and to "edit" nothing. We have pleynty adinstrators one the forum its not youst me! Democraty? atleast we have democraty in macedonia your malaka! what do they have in greek? noting, 1.5 miljon macedonians in greek and the greeks saidґs that 98% of the population are greek when 30% 50% turks and the rest cyprotiers. Come to me and write when u have something good to say! Have a nice day Malaka
slasa Dobiv provatna poraka od malaka Atinec pa morav da e postavam