Pornography destroys life!
Pornography destroys life!
n/a Pornography is not just indecent and sinful. It soils and ruins your consciousness, and could leave a permanent mark in the young hearths of your children if you keep any pornographic materials in your house. It can destroy your life! Get rid of it: Âàø ó Õðèñòó, Âî¼à
OooOo I agree!
sapeski I second it!
1republika Sexuality is part of the human nature. sex if properly excercised is good, doesn't do any harm but I agree that pornography is bad because it is virtual and has nothing to do with reality. therefore, it creates mess in our brain. We should educate especially young children as much as we can about that because pornography is everywhere nowadays!
kopacot da vidam da ne vervam :)))