My brothers!
My brothers!
Avitohol Now, I stumbled on to something interesting. It is quite hilarious however. On one of your "Macedonian History" sites I located this particular segment of text: "With the weakening of the Byzantine Empire, the Macedonian Slavs rebel against Bulgarian authority and under Tsar Samuil create a strong Macedonian Slav medieval kingdom with its center at Ohrid. Samuel expanded his kingdom conquering parts of Greece, Epirus, Bulgaria, Albania, Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro and Dalmacia, but is defeated by the Byzantine emperor Basil II" I have one question for you; do you know what title this emperor, Basil II, was given throughout all historical documentations? To save time I will answer this, don’t bother thanking me :), but yes moving on… within every historical document referring to this Eastern Roman Empire emperor, he is given the title “The Bulgar Slayer”. Now, I wonder, why would a man who defeated the “Macedonian” Tsar Samuil, killed and blinded “Macedonians” be given such a title? I mean, if he defeated “Macedonians” should he not be given the title “The Macedonian Slayer”? Could all existing historical documents on the matter be dead wrong? I personally think that the only way to know the truth about history is to follow the facts and only the facts. Once “history” becomes a reflection of someone’s personal views and speculations it is no longer history it is simply an opinion with no credibility. When people start believing such bullshit propaganda bad things happen. In this case we have our own Bulgarian brothers, our own blood, trying to stray off and call themselves by the name of a region within Bulgaria. But have no fear. History is history, you can not delete the facts, you may be able to hide them for some time but no one can make history vanish. --- “Where it has once leaked, it will leak again.”
Time will set things straight!
Yea, i think that too.
Misirkov You poor bastards, you are so confused… it makes me sad. Damn the Serb and Greek racists for doing this to you. Time will set things straight! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OK, we are confused, and you are sad. Then, we are sad too. ;-) Don't you see how much your are staining the Bulgarians by spaming macedonian sites? Because of your activities on the internet, most Macedonians have very negative feelings towards Bulgarians, that's how much you are helpful. I know you don't care, and only God knows what your motivation is. When I tell my Bulgarian friends about you, they fume, but then that's the internet, every fool can post messages. You a re welcome to participate in our discussions, but you should respect us for who we are. We continually tell you not to bother us with your pre-prepared propaganda -- the contents of which are extremely questionable to say the least -- as it falls into the same category as the Greek-Serb one, even though you believe otherwise. Why don't you be and let others be for a chage? This is particularly adviseable to you since you don't seem to know who you are: Aryan, Hun, Scythian, Turko-Mongol etc. Whichever ethnicity you belong, don't impose that ethnicity on us for the simple reason because we Macedonians do not have anything to do with those people. BTW, Serb and Greek racists surely should be damned, as should Bulgarian ones.
Misirkov Ajde, dosta bese prostor za tataroljupcite i ostanatite penzioneri, studenti i drug kadar na bugarskoto MVR. АПЕЛ НА МАКЕДОНСКИТЕ НАРОДНИ СТУДЕНТИ ВО БУГАРИЈА ДА ПРЕСТАНАТ ПОЛИТИЧКИТЕ УБИСТВА*, 14 декември 1930 г. Еден апел Систем на убиства. И во името на што? На великите идеали за слободата на робот или на престапни каклоности, мачни амбиции и вероломства. Бесмислено се убиваат синовите на Македонија. Од пробивот на Добро Поле до денес над четири илјади млади и стари македонски војводи, четници и терористи и општественици ... паднаа далеку од полето на вистинската македонска борба. Браќа Македонци! Помислете: над четири илјади души. Тоа не се ниту компири ниту пиперки за да ги засееме и за едно лето пак да изникнат. Тоа се човечки глави, некои родени гении, за кои работеле столетијата, а мајки и татковци што ги сакале - и со потно чело и раце испукани од труд ги одгледале. За да се родат, пак се потребни столетија. Сетете се само за прогонувањата против федералистите, за Горноџумајеките колења** непосредно сврзани со јунските и септемвриските настани од 1923 год., и обновете ги во нашата свест одвратните случаи пред Феникс, Јундола, Трна Баир и Рускиот Паетник *** - резултат на расцепот од 1928 год., додајте ги кон нив скорешните убиства на Нанчо Витларов и Нуне Томалевски, и пред вас ќе се јави сликата на нашата нерадосна состојба пред која е срамно да стоиме со скрстени раце. Попусто некои великоугодници од типот на Кирил Попов, скриени во Македонската народна банка, од суво и топло, тревожно пискаат за нашата смелост да ја изнесуваме вистината пред јавноста, да повикуваме кон активно свесно учество на масите во градењето на македонската Револуција, првиот услов за нивното ослободување од туторството ца темни личности и уште помрачните влијанија отстрана. Кој ќе оспори дека патот кон слободата на Македонија не поминува низ Огражден, Али-Ботуш и низ белоснежните врвови на гордиот Шар. Борбата е внатре сред поробеното население - таму каде што секојпат треба да бидат насочени нашите усилби и ум. Меѓутоа, кој исто така ќе одрече дека тиранијата што доаѓа од Софија е помала од таа на Белград или Атина? Дека нејзините телени мрежи чувани од врховисти, не се повисоки и пободливи од тие што се протегнати по границите на Македонија. Дојде часот да ја спасуваме Македонија од Македонците, да ја спасуваме од побрканите сметки на бугарските влади. Борци на Македонија, каде сте? Се согласувате ли да патите овде во Бугарија како Нинчо Витларов и како Нуне Томалевски, да се пројавувате како Трајчо Мариовчето и Владо Георгиев; за да го заслужите утре носени во погребните коли, заедно со фарисејските речи на продадени оратори, народниот презир. Дали се согласувате со клоците на атовите, за кои одамна Македонија не постои, да ја играте улогата на несреќни претепувани магариња. Дали мислите дека штом ќе станете спроводници на протогеровските или на михајловските, вие и служите на Македонија? Браќа емигранти, легални работници! До кога ќе се повеваме под тежината на таа црна за слободата убиствена стварност? Ќе го оставиме ли поробениот народ да ја праша владата на Демократскиот заговор дали е бугарската влада и да не вика предавници, затоа што уште ги трпиме вистинските предавници на ослободителното дело кои се сокриле под крилјата на разните негови племиња: Ќе оставиме ли, заради овие самозваници, грандомани и среброљупци, кои ја претвурија бугараска Македонија во пепелишта за да изградат богати куќи и банки, кои немаат ништо од духот и својствата на револуционерот и на користољубивиот општественик, ќе ги оставиме ли затоа што го запречиле патот кон слободата, да страда и да биде уништен два милиона македонски народ? . . . Ќе ја оставиме ли Македонија да загине од Македонците за партиски и државни интереси на демократскиот заговор? Да се дигнеме сите како еден. Да си подадеме рака и со заеднички напори во сојуз со сите поробени народи и потиснати класи, со поткрепата на прогресивното општествено мислење што стои чесно на чистите идејни позиции на македонското ослободително движење, на кои стоеја Гоце и Даме, да зачекориме смело напред кон слободата. Доста крв, доста братоубиства. Удри дванаесеттиот час и ако навреме не се сретнеме, не чека пропаст. Пропаст ги чека не само Македонците туку и Бугарија. И тогаш, не се сомневаме, по софиските улици под други имиња ќе шетаат протогеровисти и михајловисти, и тогаш, во тоа сме наполно сигурни, ќе има една бугарска влада, која наместо нив ќе лови неутрални Македонци кои немаат никаква врска со братоубиствата, но Македонија нема да ја има. Дали нема да ја има? Македонци на нога! Македонските народни студенти *Апелот е препис и е испратен на 14 декември 1930 г. во Софија. Во придружната белешка стои дека, иако е потпишан од „Македонски народни студенти", тој е, всушност, дело на македонските федералисти кои, за да ги избегнат репресалиите на власта своите позиви најчесто ги потпишувале со лажни имиња, надевајќи се дека на тој начин ќе ја прикријат трагата. **Станува збор за масакрот над автономистичката македонска левица на 12-13.09.1924 год. во Горна Џумаја од страна на михајловистите. ***Познати кафеани и места во Софија во чија близина најчесто се вршени атентати како резултат на жестоките пресметувања во редовите на десницата од македонското национално-ослободително движење.
Thunder from down under can you point me to the link ,just copy and paste the url please
Originally posted by Avitohol
I have one question for you; do you know what title this emperor, Basil II, was given throughout all historical documentations? To save time I will answer this, don’t bother thanking me :), but yes moving on… within every historical document referring to this Eastern Roman Empire emperor, he is given the title “The Bulgar Slayer”. Now, I wonder, why would a man who defeated the “Macedonian” Tsar Samuil, killed and blinded “Macedonians” be given such a title? I mean, if he defeated “Macedonians” should he not be given the title “The Macedonian Slayer”? Could all existing historical documents on the matter be dead wrong? I personally think that the only way to know the truth about history is to follow the facts and only the facts. Once “history” becomes a reflection of someone’s personal views and speculations it is no longer history it is simply an opinion with no credibility. When people start believing such bullshit propaganda bad things happen. In this case we have our own Bulgarian brothers, our own blood, trying to stray off and call themselves by the name of a region within Bulgaria. --- “Where it has once leaked, it will leak again.”
Oh god, this is just staring at me right in the face! You ask why Basil killed Samoil then took out the eyes of his soldiers la de la etc....well isn't it obvious? Before i tell you why (which is what i think) i'll say some other things that should tell you.....Ancient Rome...Ceaser killed by his OWN Senate, basically the same people in the government, they obviously didn't like him that much. Oh Alexander the great, it's thought that his uncle or a family member poisoned the poor fella, why? Well maybe because he had a bit too much land....what do you do to someone who you don't like being in power? Kill them. Modern day times now, Boris Trajkovski, plane apparently crashed, yeah right, he was killed on purpose so Crvenkovski could come thoughts. Now back to Basil and Samoil, oh dear god this is so simple, we talked about it in ancient history. if you want to take over somebody else's land, but they're alive, what do you do, wait until they die and then when they die you'll probably die because of the same age thing, so you can't wait 40years for them to die. So you kill them, which is what Basil would have had to do to Samoil, just so that he could get his land. Samoil dead, Basil has no other Macedonian threats. Dude, people kill each other to gain more power over something, even if they're of the same blood or nationality, they'll do it. That's because most humans are brutal. I have some other examples of kings leaders being killed but cannot remember them now. Oh and please don't call us 'My Brothers' because we're not.
dejan Hey Thunder, he got that from i believe. Oh and if i've said something incorrect, correct me[;)]
Misirkov Vasil II e narecen "Makedonski" bidejkji e od Makedonskata dinastija vo Vizantija. Nema "title" bugarouboec, tuku mu go dodale kolokvijalno izrazot "bugarouboec" bidejkji TEMATA MAKEDONIJA togas ja pokriva Trakija pa shodno ne bi bilo togas tocno poinaku d se izrazat. Vtoro, Vizantija sakala da go ponizi svojot oponent i zatoa - "bugaroubiec". Ova so Vasil II i so plocite na Samoil se glavnite "argumenti" na odrodenite Makedonci tnr. tataroljupci. Tie ne palat vo istoriskata nauka, no kako sto gledame se uste palat kaj tataroljjupcite. Vidi podole vekje diskutiravme za falsifikuvanje istorija (kako bugarska specijalnost):
Misirkov Interesno e deka kako maloumni uste se zanimavaat so dokazuvanje na nesto sto e neodbranlivo, a se uste ne objasnile dali samite se "etnicki Bugari" ili nesto drugo, i kako gi "premavnale" etnickite razliki Bugarite i "slavjanite" koga nemalo smesuvanje na ovie dva etnosa?!?!?!?!? "През 864 г., по време на управлението на княз Борис Първи Михаил (852-889 г.) българите приемат християнството като официална религия. С това се премахват етническите различия между прабългари и славяни и започва изграждането на единна българска народност". ZNACI DALI STE BUGARI VO ETNICKA SMISLA NA ZBOROT ILI NOSITE POLITICKO IME "BUGARI", A STE MAKEDONCI TRAKIJCI, VLASI, TURCI, CIGANI I OSTANATI?!? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Boris Sarafov od MAKEDONSKIOT KOMITET proglasi vostanie vo Makedonija! Izgleda deka e mnogu tesko da se najde temelen nacin za da se resat problemite na Balkanot. Se stravuva deka ako prodolzi borbata, mirot vo Evropa isto taka ke bide narusen. Povikuvajki se na vestite sto doadjaat od London, vostanieto se uste se siri, a zgora na toa izvrsen e i atentat vrz ruskiot konzul. Vostanicite se sostaveni od: MAKEDONCI, Bugari i Albanci, dodeka za najva`na licnost se smeta Boris Sarafov koj gi vodi MAKEDONCITE. Boris Sarafov e golem revolucioner i sega idninata na Makedonija zavisi od nego...izgleda negovite planovi zasega pocnaa da se ostvaruvaat..." - OSAKA MAINICI SHIMBUN , 9-ti avgust I 14-ti avgust 1903 godina.
Avitohol Wow, the Greek and Serb racists have really managed to deform your thoughts and understandings. That’s the purpose of propaganda tough, to brainwash; the Serbs have done that job well. I mean it is quite a thing to get people to renounce their roots. Thunder, from "Dude, people kill each other to gain more power over something" Really? Tell me more please. Misirkov, I don't mean to insult you but you brother are a little confused. But, then again most people on this forum are as well. However, you are right about one thing. Bulgarians are not Slavs, not even close, they are not Turks nor Mongols. Herodotus, places the Bulgars at present day Ukraine. The name that he gives them is Royal Scythians, as he recorded the Royal Scythians ruled over all other Scythian tribes. The main tribes that composed the Royal Scythians were the Kutrigurs and Onogurs. Later these two tribes became known as the striking forces of Attila the Hun, who’s name appears first on the “List of Bulgarian Princes”. After the death of Attila his youngest son Ernik, heads the Kutrigur and Onogur tribes and shortly after the year 400 AD the word Bulgar becomes a synonym of the word Hun as recorded in chronologies. Call me Scyth, Hun or Bulgar. I am not a Slav, not a Turk nor Mongol. The history sources that I read are NOT Bulgarian. They are Western European or North American. Currently the Bulgarian ones are still suffering the effects of communism. Macedonians, we see you as our brothers. You are a little confused now, but don’t worry. As I said, history can be hidden for a while but it will not vanish. Soon enough you will be proud to call yourselves Bulgarian, just as it once was.
Astibus You are not my BROTHER you fuck......It seems to me...that you dont even know your own history......You say call yourself a Hun,Scyth or Bulgar......i will call you a Hun since that is what you are....and the HUNS were MONGOLOIDS.....the CHINESE BUILT THE GREAT WALL TO KEEP THEM OUT.....THE HUNS THAT i am sorry but you are part MONGOLOID. Your own people claim to be the direct descendants of SLAVS,BULGARS and THRACIANS and here you are trying to disconnect us from any link to our past....all i have to say to you is GO FUCK YOURSELF HYPOCRITE. If you are our brothers why were you killing us just 60 years ago....brotherly love?:) Its easy to kick someone when theyre down.....just wait till we get back on our feet.
Misirkov I have honestly no intention to educate you or deal with your identity issues as a Bulgar. If you want to believe that you are "aryan" - fine, whatever makes you happy (though your theories are laughable in the scientific community). Just ask yourselves what are the ethymologies of Atila, Kubrat, Irnik, Mindzuk, Nogai, Gostun and the other Bulgarians. But know that whatever the Bulgars are, they are not Macedonians nor related to them. In addition, whatever they are, Bulgarians are not native of the Balkans as we are. So it's time that you butt out of such discussions because you are doing a disservice to the Bulgarians in general, and anoy us with issues that are not pertinent to us. By your mental construction, it is something you can rarely understand about your spam of macedonian sites because in essence you don't understand the macedonian soul and mentality. Best regards,
Avitohol You poor bastards, you are so confused… it makes me sad. Damn the Serb and Greek racists for doing this to you. Time will set things straight! Nighty night
dejan Again: We are not brothers, people like you are merely the unwanted stepbrother, or stepchild that came as an accident. I already told you what i wanted to say, there is nothing more. Unless you didn't understand and therefore need reasurrance on the fact that you're a tatar. You got that right, Bulgars are not slavs, but yes mongols or somewhere near that area. I suggest you visit the others Bulgar related arguments on this forum, just to see how other people like you talked crap then were faced with the facts and left. Please, for your sake, read those posts first, before you suffer lose. You know who gave you the name 'Bulgarians' or 'Bulgars' or what ever, the Serbians. As far as i know, they called you that before you even called yourselves that. Oh we are greatly confused, thanks for understanding, confused that is....that people like you don't accept your history. You know there is evidence that says that Bulgarian nationalists in the like 1800's created stone tablets or whatever that said Samoil was if he really was, why would you have to falsify his nationality? That's because he IS NOT Bulgarian. And notice that i capped IS NOT, meaning YOU'RE WRONG. Read other threads where people like you have been beaten, then decide whether you'd like to pursue this!
Avitohol I started this topic with a simple question. Think about that question and then tell me how clear things are in your minds. Actually come to think about it, maybe you can do something for yourselves. Ask your grand parents, ask them what nationality they considered themselves to be, ask them what language they spoke… I think you will find the answers quite interesting. Hah, you tell me I spam your forums.? All you, my brothers, have done is use repetitive profanity to address your minds towards me. Think about what you write before you write it. Misirkov, as I mentioned the sources from which I obtain history information are either North American or Western European. The Bulgarian sources for the country’s own history are still suffering the aftereffects of communism; they are filled with pro-Slavic propaganda, which is definitely bullshit because we are not Slavs. Huns is the appropriate title. This will become known within the country itself in about 30 years, after the idiots that wrote up that entire crap die off. Once again my dear friend Misirkov, I definitely know who I am, I know where I come from and where my, Bulgarian, people come from. You can actually read what I wrote instead of typing your own personal propaganda that has been pre-prepared by the Serb government. Or why don’t you try to read the facts of history and then draw your own conclusions rather then write to me from the crap that you find on As I said, Herodotus referred to the Huns as Royal Scythians; later Roman chronologies start referring to the Huns as Bulgars. One theory is that the Huns that worked as professional soldiers for the Roman empire were found in large amount within a city called Bulkar or Balhar and thus deriving the name Bulgar. If I am breaking the rules of your forum then feel free to ban me. I mean, why would what I say bother you unless you are afraid that the truth that people like you are trying to hide from the new generation of kids born in Macedonia will be revealed. It is all backed up with facts and documents. And once again, I am not basing this only on Bulgarian sources but predominantly western ones. Go and have that talk with your grandparents. I am talking about the young ones. The rest of you old farts probably understand that I am not pulling this out of my ass.
are either North American or Western European. The Bulgarian sources for the country’s own history are still suffering the aftereffects of communism; they are filled with pro-Slavic propaganda
"North American or Western European sources" also speak of "pro-Slavic propaganda", so you must read some unofficial "North American or Western European sources" made by bulgars that live there.
Ask your grand parents, ask them what nationality they considered themselves to be, ask them what language they spoke… I think you will find the answers quite interesting.
Macedonians, nothing interesting because i expected this[8D] Always, when i read this kind of statements, that Tito made us up, or that he converted us from bulgars to Macedonians, i laugh. What else can i do? You nationalistic bulgars( not all, just that stupid and ignorant part of your nation) really think that one person can create nation just like that and change mind of millions of people over night!?! Dont you think that people would fight against serbians and be proud of their bulgar origins, if they were bulgars?? Because i havent seen more stuborn nation as you, ever. Not to mention you desire for changing history and fulfiling it with fake documents, stones, ...
Misirkov One does not know whether to laugh, be sad or indifferent! For how can an allegedly modern human being claim such idiocies solely because his state ideology and history have severe shorcomings about their identity and ethnicity? Pro-slavic bias in Bulgaria -- damn right! When you see yourselves in the mirror and realize that you are descendants of turko-mongolic hordes that are NEWCOMERS to the Balkans (and relatively late in history at that), perhaps then we can talk. In the meantime, all desperate attempts to deny the obvious and claim thet you are "aryans" are just sad, I mean trully sad! I am not kidding, it is hart-wrenching to see people in collective denial about who they are! As for the 2 million Macedonians among you, think what is the ethimology of the: ATILA, IRNIK, MINDZUK, GOSTUN, OMURTAG, NOGAI, and the rest of the asiatic tribe that you identify with. As for my grandparents just to be clear: seven (7) generations have declared themselves Macedonians and nothing else.
Thunder from down under Misirkov and the rest of the Macedonians, i wouldnt waste my time with a Ghengis Kahn genetic rubishes and rejects if they were any smart Ghengis Kahn would have keep them in Mongolia
Avitohol Ceki, not overnight that’s ridiculous. However, over the duration of about 50 years of Serb propaganda it is possible to change the minds of some of the population, as it is the case now. I mentioned this several times, I do not base my opinion on Bulgarian authors. If the corrupt Bulgarian politicians were not corrupt and looked out for their country we would not be having this discussion right now and you would be calling yourselves Bulgarian just as it once were. Misirkov, I have no intention of forcing you or your forum friends to call yourselves anything that you do not choose. You are definitely not a person that understands reasoning or facts for that matter. There is a phrase that describes you and people like you perfectly; Srabsko mikere So go ahead and preach your Serb inspired gibberish but I know for a fact that you do not speak for all the people in present day “Macedonia”, I am also aware that you are very well informed on this matter and I am certain that you yourself realize that what you speak is completely different from the truth.
However, over the duration of about 50 years of Serb propaganda it is possible to change the minds of some of the population, as it is the case now.
First i wouldnt say 50 years, second not only serb did this "truth telling stuffs" to us. You bulgars, greeks and serbians all did this to us during the last centurys of ottoman empire and establishment of your own "national" kingdoms in 19th century, now how can you be sure that your propaganda is the right one? But what can i say, you are right, you know the ultimate truth, not the people that live here and call themselves Macedonians. Weirdo.
Originally posted by Avitohol
If the corrupt Bulgarian politicians were not corrupt and looked out for their country we would not be having this discussion right now and you would be calling yourselves Bulgarian just as it once were.
If the Bulgarian politicians were not corrupt, fascists, racists etc.....your land would be called 'Tataria' and we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Avitohol Ceki, [|)] Ei Dejan, my man! I don't think that the Bulgarian politicians are racists, for, the only crimes that they are guilty of are crimes against their own people. I think you are not too clear on the 'Tataria' business and I am not able to grasp how it is you think that that has something to do with our conversation.
dejan're realising the actual truth and accepting the facts. It's hard 'my man' but you had to do it sooner or later........ Yeah they are guilty against crimes against their own people....that is the Turkish inhabbitants that you don't recognise and tried move out of the country a few decades ago........Notice how i said 'their own people' because that's what you are, Turkic-Mongo, a blend of the two. It has everything to do with every rude debate put forth by a person such as yourself!
Avitohol They got you pretty young. Don't worry, soon enough you will be able to make your own decisions rather then repeat the crap that Srabski mikereta such as Misirkov post. And I emphasize the word ‘crap’ because it is all lies, perfectly arranged in a Serbian model of propaganda. Correct me if I am wrong but are you not the ones that expressed yourselves in such vulgar ways as to use the word "fuck" along with similar words; were they not pointed at me and my nation? Talk about rude... I would also like to add that you my brothers have no credibility whatsoever, and you Dejan have just illustrated my point. Debate? Haha, you consider this a debate?
Oh my god, what deep thoughts, I AM YOURS, i am tatar too. I cant beat this ULTIMATE proof.
Originally posted by Avitohol
They got you pretty young. Don't worry, soon enough you will be able to make your own decisions rather then repeat the crap that Srabski mikereta such as Misirkov post. And I emphasize the word ‘crap’ because it is all lies, perfectly arranged in a Serbian model of propaganda. Correct me if I am wrong but are you not the ones that expressed yourselves in such vulgar ways as to use the word "fuck" along with similar words; were they not pointed at me and my nation? Talk about rude... I would also like to add that you my brothers have no credibility whatsoever, and you Dejan have just illustrated my point. Debate? Haha, you consider this a debate?
Don't call me brother, that isn't nice to call another person from a different country 'brother' Yeah ever since i was young....i watch Serbian propganda movies, aimed at transforming me into something else o_O riiiiiiiiiiiight............... Actually, it's rude of you to just come here, telling us what our history is. Your entire thread, everything you have written....go over it and just think to yourself 'yes that's right, i'm the one who is telling the truth, they don't know what they're saying, i'm the one who is right!' if it makes you feel any better that is.
Avitohol Ceki, at least you have a sense of humor. That’s always a good quality. Dejan, the point of my entire thread was to post a question. That was it, just that one simple question… a rhetorical one… I mean what I posted speaks for itself. Why would all recordings and I mean absolutely all of them on the matter refer to Basil II as the “Bulgar slayer” if he killed “Macedonians”? After posting that question you and your friends started blabbering a whole bunch of nonsense without having facts to back it up. Once again, you started preaching your Serb prepared propaganda and you presumed you know me just because I am Bulgarian and the sophisticated Serbs told you that all Bulgarians are your enemies… when in fact I consider you brothers.
Ceki If you will read more carefuly replys you will also find answer. The name Macedonia was used for teritory that had not much to do with Macedonia, in thrace somewhere. And if you look more carefully you will also see that todays Macedonia, Vardar part, was named province bulgaria AFTER byzantinians beat Samoil and add his teritorys into byzantinian teritory. Never before and not even during Samoils reign was named bulgaria! And the teritory of todays Macedonia fell for the first time under bulgarian rule only in the begining of 9th century. But before that, when they were under byzantinian rule and even until fall of bulgarian empire, they were more or less independent! They had couple of uprisings against byzantinians and bulgarians. And they finnaly made it when bulgarian empire fell and when byzantinian empire confronted himself with wars in south. But you are really starting to be iritating with this your "serbian propaganda". If you would just a little open your eyes, you would see that serbians are just like bulgars, always in hunt for our land and people! I suggest to ban this gay, if he says again serbian propaganda.
dejan That's right tatar.....keep on saying what you just said 'serb propaganda' if it makes you feel any better, then say that only to yourself. It should make you feel better, as you don't have much of a history to yourselves, and you don't want to realise this, so continue saying to yourself what you think[:)]!
Avitohol “I suggest to ban this gay” Ceki, there you go with that humor again. Haha I gotta tell you, you really crack me up. I ain’t shitting you. So do you really feel that threatened by me, that you’d go as far as question my sexuality? Haha, this is better then going to a comedy club. “don't have much of a history to yourselves” Dejan, my man! I thought Ceki was the humorous one but I guess I was wrong. Haha, I can’t seem to stop laughing… no sarcasm intended.
Ceki Your way of handling humor, your way of forwarding facts, ... it just makes me so proud and happy that you are my tatar brother. And now we can laugh together over your view of our history.
dejan Well i guess it is our turn to make you laugh, as you did make me laugh with your entire thread hahahaha
Thunder from down under ostajte te gi be ovie bugarive neka pasat treva, pojma nemet od zhivotot, samo brchat neshto Avitohol, go here man >> and seach for life good luck
Originally posted by Avitohol
“I suggest to ban this gay” Ceki, there you go with that humor again.
Avitohol, ами ште може обаче да стане и сериозническа работава!
IlindenAprilov Misirkov, you are talking about a period of 99 years and that is to short time for '7 generations', unless all of your grand parents must’ve become fathers on their... 14th birthday?! According to the following fragment of a letter from 1903 there were no ‘Macedonians’ in that part of the Balkans: An open letter from Sir Arthur Evans published by the “The Times”, October 1st, 1903. “Sir, As one who has had the exceptional opportunities for studying the Macedonian problems from the inside, I may perhaps be permitted to point out some of the most essential conditions of the present situation. I have traversed Macedonia at different times in almost every direction - from the Aegean side, from Albania, from Kossovo vilayet, from Servia, and from the Bulgarian principality. I have spent months there engaged in archaeological researches in the most out-of-the way districts, and though my main objects were scientific and not political, I had perhaps all the better opportunity for forming an unbiased judgment on the conditions of the country. Nor, perhaps do these impressions lose in value from the fact that they were formed before the beginning of the actual insurrectionist movement. Let me begin by correcting an almost universal fallacy. There are no "Macedonians". There are Bulgars. There are Roumans -the relics of the Latin-speaking provincials of Rome's Illyrian provinces, who still hold their own in the Pindus range and in the neighboring towns. There are Greeks - more or less superficially hellenized Roumans. There are "Turks" including Mohammedan Bulgarians, and some true Turkish villages in the Vardar valley representing a settlement earlier than the Ottoman conquest. There is an infusion of skipetars or Albanians on the western and northern fringe. Finally, there is a large Spanish Jew population in Salonika. But there are no "Macedonians"…” And yet another confusion of yours – Attila is a Germanic name. Get your sources right, this forum is about history, not bul$it… or is it? Avitohol, if you claim to be a Bulgarian you should respect other ethnic groups in the young country of Macedonia – there are Serbs, Greeks, Turks and Albanians. Not all of them are Bulgarians. Strelec: “Avitohol, ами ште може обаче да стане и сериозническа работава!” - Avitohol is just asking questions related to his ethnic history and the rest of the forumers are abusing him. You should restrain the abusers not him.
Ceki Let us see what Karl Hron, Austrian thought about that problem: "According to my own studies on the Serb-Bulgarian conflict I came to the conclusion that the Macedonians looking at their history and language are a separate nation, which means they are not Serbs nor Bulgarians, but the descendants of those Slavs who populated the Balkan peninsula long before the Serb and Bulgarian invasions, and who later did not mix with any of those other two nations..." and "... the Macedonian language according to its own laws in the development of the voices, and its own grammatical rules, forms one separate language" Maybe we should go back into year 1875, when according to you there were no Macedonians, let see what Gjorgi Pulevski, Macedonian wrote: "People who originate from one and the same race, speak the same language, live together in harmony, and have the same customs, songs and mentality, constitute a nation, and the place where they live is their homeland. In this way, the Macedonians are a nation and their homeland is Macedonia" and "I am not Bulgarian, nor Greek, nor Tzintzar, I am pure Macedonian as were Philip and Alexander the Macedonian and Aristotle Philosopher" No neeed for me to use bold tekst, because my sources speak out loud for themselves. Aprilov: Go with your brother Avtiohol in library and read some books, they will do you good. You nacist bulgarians are so blinded with your fears and shallow knowledge about our history and so unsure about your history, that you would do anything just to back up your view of history. Even falsify some sources. Strelec: I think name Ilinden is not aprropriate for a person like Aprilov. Not to mention his long signature, it covers half of page.
Strelec Од денес сите оние што ќе пишуваат на форумот ’Македонска Историја - Macedonian History’ ќе мораат да имаат и соодветно познавање на историјата. Оние со тотално незнаење добиваат кец и ќе бидат банирани од форумов. ИлинденАприлов штотуку доби кец по историја и е пратен на доучување.
ozonce Strelec turi edna dvojka, makar i staklena, ke pieme z'ta koa ke dojdish u MKD :)
Avitohol You really are afraid aren’t you? You cannot properly defend your own views and opinions. There are too many holes in your so-called “history”. The reason for all these holes is simple. You try to fabricate a fictional history without being able to provide proper answers and facts. All you can do is use profanity and ban people from the forum for simply informing you of the existence of actual documents that prove that a better name for these forums would be The Fictional Macedonian Forums. Actually, the whole history of Macedonia can be called fictional. And to make it easy for you, here is the definition of the word fiction: -An imaginative creation or a pretense that does not represent actuality but has been invented. -The act of inventing such a creation or pretense. -A lie. -A literary work whose content is produced by the imagination and is not necessarily based on fact. -The category of literature comprising works of this kind, including novels and short stories. The bold definitions perfectly describe the history of Macedonia. IlindenAprilov, I respect all of the ethnic groups “Serbs, Greeks, Turks and Albanians” within the present day country of Macedonia. It is not that easy to respect my own Bulgar brothers that choose to call themselves Macedonian (in this case all of the ones that have replied to my thread). I know that all of you that call yourselves Macedonians know that your grand parents called themselves Bulgarian and they were proud of it. The day will come when you will once again want to call yourselves Bulgars. Strelec, you just proved yourself wrong. You live in Canada and you know that it is a free country. By banning IlindenAprilov you made a statement that you are not interested in the truth about history. You choose to carry a monologue which as I said previously is pre-prepared Serbian propaganda. Hahaha, chichko Streletc did you make a pee pee in your pants? I mean you are afraid that IlindenAprilov uncovered yet another hole in your bullshit fiction that you call your own history… right. Once again, that’s how the Serb propaganda works. You silence the ones that you do not fancy. You illustrated to me that you are influenced by the Serb propaganda, quite heavily, by choosing to carry out your monologue and not have an intelligent discussion. Strelec, you are a grown man who lives in Canada. It is pathetic that you function like this. Who knows? Maybe you are afraid because you are going bald? But no. That can’t be the reason. I think you are just afraid that the rest of the so called Macedonians will uncover the truth. It doesn’t make a difference that you banned IlindenAprilov from the forum, it won’t make a difference if you ban me, because your so called history is fiction and it will become well know one day by all. Why don’t you ban me too? You can even go ahead and delete the thread. I mean it will make no difference now. As I said you already showed that you have no credibility by banning IlindenAprilov. So go ahead and kick me out of The Fictional Macedonian Forums and show the rest of your buddies how you’d rather not face the truth, you’d rather silence it and pretend it doesn’t exist.
Ceki WTF, what a lame piece of shit are you?!? I mean, does this turn you on or what? Do you think you are fulfiling your life dreams, if you go on our forum and post crap. You are telling us, we are not answering you? What about your responses( i'll quote): "Ceki, [|)]" What a reply, i cant argue with this! Only in first post you submited a question( that was answered in at least 2 posts), your other posts are just pure crap. You are only insulting us, telling us that greek and serbian nacionalists support us and shit like this. I really dont know why you are still on this forum. And dont you ever think that all greeks and bulgars are banned, just because they are greeks and bulgars. There are some of them on this forum that are able to comunicate with us with proper manners. And of course we can always find a lot of idiots that come here and talk shit. And for this kind of "people" there is no place on this forum. I guess you are one of them too. And if it is fictional forum, what are you still doing here then? Mislam deka za ova budala nema dvojka, mozda druga godina, ako ke ucit poveke:)
Ace HaHaHaHa...This is wonderful...We Macedonians sit here and listen to you Greeks, Serbs, and Bulgars spend your days and nights struggling, squirming, and scrambling for some claim to Macedonia and Its Beautiful and Nonpareil History..Senescence discribes your actions and claims...Greeks, Bulgars and Serbs need to Conflate and realize that they will NEVER be Macedonian....Stop the Misapproiation of Maceadonians and our Sui Generis Nation....U WILL NEVER MATCH US.....U WILL NEVER BE US....but PLEASE keep on with your endeavors...your declarations demonstrate your stupidity and day and night attempt to be Macedonian...Sorry my Greek, Serbian, and Bulgarian fools ....HaHaHa... Makedonija za Makedoncite!
Thunder from down under
Originally posted by Avitohol
Strelec, you are a grown man who lives in Canada. Maybe you are afraid because you are going bald?
asians beleive eating rats prevents baldness strelec will not have a problem going bald ,he eats rats like you for breakfast,