To be Macedonian means to speak pure Slavonic
To be Macedonian means to speak pure Slavonic
bitushanec Year 863: “You are Salonikians - addressed them Emperor Michael, - and all Salonikians speak pure Slavonic.”... Explanation: ALL means that whole town spoke pure slavonic... Year 904: From On the Capture of Salonika by John Cametinae: "...I introduce you to the same, the great and the first city of the Macedonians..." Kozma Prezviter Conclusion: MACEDONIANS SPEAK PURE SLAVONIC....... SO THESE ARE ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS NOT THIS WAS SO, THAT WAS SO..... MACEDONIANS MELTED WITH THE SLAVENI, AND NOT TO FORGET THAT SCLAVENI WERE SEPARATE SLAVIC NATION AS MUCH AS SERBS, SEVERIANI (BULGAR-SLAVS), CROATS......AFTER SLAVENI ALL SLAVIC NATIONS WERE NAMED AS "SLAVS"