Vrskata okolu Samuil i Elizabeth II
Vrskata okolu Samuil i Elizabeth II
DJ_SHEMA Momci, da se organizirame okolu ova i da kupime site po edna kniga. NE bi trebalo da ima problem a? Moze da kupime po nekolku knigi. Dademe po $20 i sekoj kje ima 5 knigi. Moze da gi prodademe ili podarime ovde onde za da se proshiri knigata. Shto mislite? From: "Aleksandar Donski" Subject: Book about links btw tsar Samuil & queen Elizabeth II I don't need to stress the importaince of providing facts about Macedonian history in the World (translated in English). But, on the other side, even if we publish such books it can not be expected that wider Western public will "run" to buy and to read such books (except those few who are interested in Macedonian case: historians, politicians, people who are married with Macedonians or who, because of some reasons, care about Macedonia - all of them are very few). This is not a case only with Macedonian history. This is the case with every "foreign" historiography. Problem is how to "reach" to the wider Western public? Finally, it is understendable majority of the Western public not to care about Macedonian (but also about Bulgarian, Serbian, Albanian or almost any other history). It is same as we do "care" about, for example, Cambodian, Nicaraguian or Japaneesse history. But yet, we DO NEED wider Western public to know more about Macedonian history. We are in a such position (surrounded by chauvinistic countries and governments who provide a lot of anti-Macedonian propaganda to the world concerning our history). Simply, we have to protect ourselves. What to do in such situation? I think that I get an original idea (at least for one book). In my investigations (some of them published in Macedonian) I found that there is an ofspring connection between Macedonian Middle-age emperor Samuil and todays' British queen Elizabeth II. (This is TRUE and it is funded by arguments!) I plan to publish a short book (maybe not more than 120 pages) regarding this (for the Western public, specially those in Commonwealth) until now, unknown data for the geneaology of the family of their queen. With this data (detailed elaboration with the names of ALL descendants and their families since Samuil to Elizabeth II) I think that some part of the Western public shall show an interest (because of their queen). But, in the same book, also I shall provide some crucial historical data about Macedonia and Macedonians with an explination Western readers to know something about the country of this Middle-age ancestor of their queen. This is how we can "smuggle" :-) our historical truth among Western readers. Main content of the book will be, unknown for them, facts about their queen, but also they will read about our history (as well proofs about connections between nowadays and ancient Macedonians). Who knows? Maybe this can also bring to RoM some daily political "positive elements" from the British royal family, having on mind the facts about their (at least partial) Balkan background :-) (Of course if the book will have solide distribution). This project to be finished, I need about 35 pages to be translated in English. I think I can arrange this somehow. I am informing that anyone who wants to help this project can be involved in preliminary buying of the book for the price of only 4,oo (four) USD for a copy! (At least 20 copies should be bought = 80,oo USD). In this price postage of the books for any country in the world IS INCLUDED! (This is not problem at all - those members of this forum who were involved in my pervious books, already know). Later, by selling only 8 of the 20 copies one should recieve (for at least 10 USD for a copy), invested money shall return and one will have 12 books more for selling. Books can be sell on Macedonian picnics, demonstrations, conventions, parties and all other forms of gathering, but also to the Western book-stores, libraries and even to some organized subjects (clubs and so) with the fans of the queen, while it will be a good idea if some books will be given as a present to foreign people. Also, name of every preliminary buyer will be menitoned in the end of the book (if he or she will want it) with which it will stay for all future generations of the Macedonians and for all present day readers (including very possible Western readers who admire British queen). For more details about this project, anyone who is interesting can contact me with private message on my adress: [email protected] Also, anyone can provide this message to other people who will probably be interesting. A. Donski
DJ_SHEMA Jas se prijaviv i da mu pomognam okolu preveduvanjeto, slobodno javete se ako nekoj saka da pomogne okolu toa. Golem del od preveduvanjeto kje bide shablonsko, ovoj se ozenil so onoj, decata od onoj itn..
Strelec Јас навистина немам време... жалам!
Ceki Interesno, jas sum za. Sekoj da dade nesto, da kupime nekouku knigi, pa posle da gi podarime( podobro nego da gi prodademe).
Thief Koга се книги во прашање, имам купено стототици и никогаш не велам: „НЕ!“. Така што, подготвен сум и сега да купам... сметајте ме... (можеби мене и поефтино ќе ми дојде, помалку патни трошоци имам - тетоец, а?![:D]).
Misirkov Jas naracav 20 (za sega). Knigata e najubav podarok. A se sretnuvam so eden kup luge - koi dobro kje e da se educiraat za Makedonija. Plus mi pretstavuva zadovolsto da im dadam kniga namesto flasa vino.
Strelec Кому му треба е-маил адресата од Донски, нека ме контактира со ПП!
ozonce I jas sum za ovaa akcija... Misirkov ne se slozuvam so tebe, so bobro vino (chasha, ne litro, bure) i dobra kniga ke ziveeme podolgo i pobogato.
Misirkov Ozonce: Prifakjam, vo prvo si! Kaj tebe na gosti nosam i kniga i vino, vazi? [;)] Koga sme kaj vinoto, dobo kje e da napravime site zaedno edna sredba kaj bradestiot seirdzija ili vo nekoj drug, po-egzoticen (po-topol) del na zemjinava topka. Po uspesno-sprovedeniot Referendum, razbira se!
Originally posted by Misirkov
...kaj bradestiot seirdzija...
Во секое време!:) Тоа важи за секој оној што докажал дека ја сака Македонија!:) И секој оној што ги почитува македонските иселеници!:)
Thief Чекај не`, брадест, доаѓаме на ѓезме! [:)] Btw, прати ми маил од Донски, да му речам да ми прати некоја книгичка по пошта кога ќе му излезат... Се надевам дека ќе ни дојде памет и нам, па како што Бугарите вршат пропаганди со нивните квази-писанија и книги, така и ние ќе почне со една суптилна противпропаганда, изнесувајќи ги фактите и вистината, впрочем.
Strelec Адресата од Донски ти ја пратив... а на ѓезме си добредојден, иако не го исполнуваш вториот услов што го поставив за добродојденци!:)
Thief За мене ќе направиш исклучок, знам! [:D] Плус, кој рече дека јас не ги почитувам мак. иселеници? Нееее... само не се сложувам со нив, инаку има многумина наши имигранти, кои ептен си ги сакам!
dejan I jas sum za ova, od kade da se kupi ovaa kniga? Da vi kazam nesto.....pret 2 dena, gledav na televizija za 'Royal Families of Europe' i sega za danska i anglija zboruvale. i videv deka...nekoi grci (neznam kolku) se omazile/ozenile za nekoi ot tie 'royal families' na danska mislam bese, ili anglija, edno od tie. i posle se cudime kako grcite preku anglija im kazuva na svetot sto e istorijata i sve. pa videte pret 100 godini oni vo tie angliski i danski familii otidele, kako mozele da lazat.
ozonce Misirkov, koga ke dojdish kajmene na gosti, ponesi samo dobra kniga, vinoto e od mene, sramota e za lugeto od tikveshijata da pijat vino od drugite (bez navreda)
DJ_SHEMA Epa ubavo koj e za, kje se dogovorime okolu plakjanjeto.
Strelec Shema, јас земам поголема количина, но сепак планирај ме и мене за башка 5 (или 10 ако треба да се потполни бројката)!
Ceki Mozam slobodno da kupam nekouku, edna za mene, drugite ke vi gi dam na tie so se vo usa, uk, ... pa da gi davate na nekoj istoricari, novinari, ...
jamajka Edna sakam poklon za mene :)