Macedonians - World Champions in Not Needing to Fa
Macedonians - World Champions in Not Needing to Fa
f9 Macedonians - World Champions in Not Needing to Fake an Orgasm According to 2004 Global Sex Survey Report, "The Macedonians and Serbian[s &] Montenegrins are the most sexually satisfied with 82% not needing to fake an orgasm, followed by the Croatians, Hungarians and Italians (75%)." "More than 350,000 people from 41 countries took part in the world's largest ever survey of sexual attitudes and behavior." You can download printable version of the report (PDF, 740KB) from Durex's website. Please note that the survey is "youth focused," and was conducted via the website. This is a nice way to say that the results are not statistically representative of the overall populations of the scrutinized countries. Reality Macedonia staff extracted the results concerning Macedonia from the PDF. The brackets contain the positions achieved by respondents from Macedonia.