Bravo Makedonci!
Bravo Makedonci!
MKoloski Veruvam khe uspeeme da go spasime Kaleto!!! Well after today I feel assured that we will defeat the US Embassy plans to build on Kale-Gradishte! As of 5:35pm eastern time we have collected 1,022 signatures through our online petition. The opposition to the new US Embassy being built on Kale-Gradishte is growing strong. But we must not stop here. Our goal is to raise 3,000 online signatures by 11:59pm on Friday, October 22nd. Please sign the petition and pass it along to all your family members, friends and contacts. The petition is located at If your not aware already, a few community leaders are meeting with the State Department to discuss the Kale-Gradishte issue on October 27th. We must all send letters to respected US Congressmen/Senators who were friends of the late Macedonian President Trajkovski, either by fax, postal mail, or e-mail informing them of the reasons we do not want the US Embassy to be built on Kale-Gradishte. To get a copy of the letter we would like everyone to send and the contact information of these Congressmen/Senators, please go to Please send your letters prior to October 27th to have a greater impact. Thank You and May God Bless!
djigi Metodija, I'm interested to know who are the community leaders that will be attending the meeting and who will they meet with?
dejan You need more signatures? No problem, i'll just keep on using different names hehe;)