Makedonia Elliniki tou Alexandrou h Chora
Makedonia Elliniki tou Alexandrou h Chora
msirivia And check this out from BBC...The world may call you Macedonia but they know Macedonian's origins.
Magdon Why do I get the feeling that in the world only the greeks and the british still think (most of them stick to their official history but there are some Greeks who admit the TRUTH) that Macedonians are greek...but time changes everything[^]
BorisVM The world DOES call us Macedonia. Soon enough, Greece will pay the price for its own stupidity, in terms of property. Majority of the Macedonians that were expelled from Greece will come back to rightfully claim what is theirs. Personally, I consider Greece the BIGGEST enemy of the Macedonian nation and people. I think we should nationalize Vero, and prohibit any Greek investment in Macedonia. This is only my opinion, I could be wrong. Then again, I don't have to listen to you faggots, so so long. After all, this is MY FORUM.