Apocalypse soon ? Will it happen
Apocalypse soon ? Will it happen
First, of course, there's the war in Iraq, which is getting nastier by the day for the U.S. Hungary is the latest to leave the coalition of the willing, and Poland, the third largest "ally" after Great Britain, with its 2000 troops, won't be far behind. Soon it will just be stop-loss indentured American troops doing the fighting and dying, with a few British soldiers standing near the gangplank in the port city of Basra, ready to beat a hasty retreat. The election, in which the administration professes to place such stock, will be a sham exercise, with Sunni Iraqis either boycotting, or unable to vote because their polling places have been flattened by American bombs. If the remaining balloting is honest, a fundamentalist Shi'ia coalition will triumph and order the U.S. out of the country. Alternatively, in the more likely event that the January plebiscite is orchestrated by the same folks who brought us the 2000 and 2004 election charades in the U.S., we'll see the victory going to a U.S. puppet who will have no popular support, thus further empowering the insurgency. Any way you cut it, it's only going to get worse and bloodier and more costly. Then there's the U.S. dollar. In case you haven't noticed, it's been sinking like a rock, trading at roughly 100 Japanese yen to the dollar and $1.30 to the Euro. Today, Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan, who in the run-up to the election was pooh-poohing any concern about the U.S. dollar and the ballooning trade deficit, told European bankers that he is worried that foreign investors, who have been propping up the greenback for decades, are finally showing signs of giving it up for dead. Should that happen, we can expect to see in short order a major economic disaster here in the U.S. The first thing that would likely happen is that the big oil exporting nations--Russia, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Venezuela and Iran--would, along with the rest of the producing countries, switch their pricing away from dollars to Euros, or perhaps a basket of currencies. That would have the effect of undercutting all support for the dollar, while causing energy prices in the U.S. to go through not just the roof but also the stratosphere. The impact on the U.S. economy would be immediate and drastic--akin to your SUV runing out of gas on the freeway. Yet another storm cloud on the horizon is the U.S. budget deficit. As long as the economy stays marginally healthy, this is a problem deferred, as incomes and tax revenues keep rising or at least holding steady, and as the stock market keeps attracting foreign investment (necessary to keep the dollar afloat and interest rates low). But should the economy founder, as it already shows signs of doing, and as it surely will do over the course of the next four years, government revenues will plummet, leading to deficits that will dwarf anything seen in history, even relative to the gross domestic product. (With the dollar in collapse, there would be no option to lower interest rates. In fact, interest rates will soar.) Such a crisis would lead to demands for massive cuts in social programs and government services--everything from highway repair to postal services, from school funding to veterans' care. Nor would state and local governments be able to pick up the slack--they're all cutting back services and raising taxes already.
concrete Od kaj go izvlece ova scenario, od prst ili znaes nesto od nekoj poseben izvor????? Tocno e deka denes rabotite se neverojatno meguzavisni i se odvivaat skoro so dozvucna brzina, ama zvucniot zid sepak ne go probile,duri nema ni na povidok tehnologija koja ke go ovozmozi toa. Apokalipsata ne doaga od taa strana, prirodata ke reagira poprvo.
Divider Koga rekov apokalipsa, ne mislev na onaa opisanata vo filmot tuku na katastrofa od svetski razmeri koja ke predizvika ogromni potresi vo ekonomijata, sto ste drzavi kako nasata ke naebat. baska pobarav milenja dali se slozuvaat lugjeto. Bidejki ova e kompajlirano od povke izvori, a i e napravena temelna analiza. Ne se slozuvas so analizata? Mislam deka e solidna. Nais pais?
Divider lici na doomsday scenario, but it is likely to happen im my oppinion (not so humble).
concrete Solidna e i mnogu realna , no so nekolku if: Inaku od naebuvanje na ekonomii kako nasata nema nisto, neka mu mislat tie sto imaat ekonomija. Koga rekov prirodata, ama ic ne mislev na filmot. nekolku irevirzibilni procesi veke tecat podolgo vreme,prv pat se detektirani (se steknalo soznanie deka postojat) nekade vo 1960, a sega se dobrano naprednati. Nema informacija dali se ciklicni ili ne. naprednati
f9 Apokalipsa ke ima,sega koga SDSM e bez glava i se e mozhno,pa mozhno ke ni bide i Gzim Ostreni Minister za odbrana da ni bide. Ostavi toa ,a shto fali i Ali Ahmeti da opali-na premiersko mesto da se natokmi?Apokalipsa ida-prashanjeto e samo koga.
marko_polog Koja e razlikata izmedju Ostreni i Buckovski?
f9 E pa teshko prashanje navistina,no edno e sigurno -edniot onakvit a dugiot e onakven.