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Grchko tvrdenje:Macedonians are and always will be of Hellenic origin
This statement is imposible.
Hellens are from Hellen,Macedonians from Macedon
When Zeus decided to destroy the men of the Bronze Age, he poured heavy rain and flooded Hellas so that all men were destroyed, except a few. Deucalion then constructed a chest, and embarked in it with Pyrrha . He drifted to Parnassus, and Zeus allowed him to choose what he wished, and he chose to get men. And at the bidding of Zeus, or as some say of Themis, he took up stones and threw them over his head, and the stones he threw became men, and those thrown by Pyrrha became women .
Hellen,Amphictyon,Protogenia,Orestheus,Pandora and Thyia are offspring from Deucalion and Pyrrha.
Hellen 1 is the eponym of the Hellenes. Sometimes he has been called son of Zeus & Pyrrha.
Thyia consorted with Zeus and gave birth to Magnes , after whom the district of Magnesia was called, and to Macedon, after whom Macedonia was called.
Hellen descendands are:Dorus,Xuthus and Aeolus.From Dorus are Tectamus and Asterius and from Xuthus become Diomede wich give birth to Cephalus,Arcisius,Laertes and Odysseus.
Macedonians are not Greeks because:
Pandora consorted with Zeus and gave birth to Latinus , after whom the Latins were called, and to Graecus, after whom those who followed Hellenic customs were called Greeks.
This is mitological truth from Hellenes what have been in force in time before Christ.
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Deucalion took up stones and threw them over his head, and the stones he threw became men Hellen,the eponym of the Hellenes.
Тhose stone thrown by Pyrrha became women Thyia.She consorted with Zeus and gave birth to Macedon, after whom Macedonia was called.
Pandora consorted with Zeus and gave birth to Graecus, after whom those who followed Hellenic customs were called Greeks.
Hellen descendands are:Dorus,Xuthus and Aeolus.
----------------------------------------------------------------Macedonians are not at all descendands of Hellen or from Pandora.
They are descendands from Thyia and Zeus acording Aegean Mythology. |