Bigger isn't necessarily better :)
Bigger isn't necessarily better :)
Sometimes it's just better to leave some things alone

OCT 2004 - An unfortunate parking accident in Galway, Ireland sends a small white hatchback into the cold bay waters of Roundstone. What happens next is the exciting part. Makes you wonder if any of these guys ever had the right tools for the job.

With a submerged car in the water, Walsh’s Recovery is called in to help fish it out. The crane starts to lean forward.

Oops! Make that two vehicles in the water.

Maybe they should have used a bigger crane.

After the Walsh’s Recovery crane takes a drink, they decide to bring in the big guns. Michael Long's Truck & Crane Hire sends over a Palfinger crane and plucks the hatchback out of the water with ease.

Oh no. The Walsh crane is starting to go down!

Time to hit the pubs. Hope the guy with the white car bought the first round.

mafisKumA sinner` veruvam deka stvarno se slucilo Alex i jas isto bi sakala da doznam sto se slucilo ke probam da doznam Rage znajs sto je ironicno deka ova se slucilo vo Ireland [:p][:p][:p]
sinner` hehehhe mafi ova da ne e fotomontaza??? premnogu e smeshno za da e vistina:))
Alex [:D] Bas me interesira kako prodolzilo ponatamu [8D]
Divider Ова ме потсеќа на онаа приказан кога седеле мажишта, фудбалери и збореле кој која ја бапнал и како, а најгласен бил едне со мало алатче. Кога го прашале кого бе ти ќе задоволиш со тоа малото таквото, изјавил: па себе си, се разбира!! БТЊ фуннѕ. Колку идиотски е ова напишано на кирилица, нели!!
RaGeAnGeL divider...kikikikikiki znajs deka e idiotsko i pak si napisal...kakva ironija[:D][:D]kuma .....luda si ti [:D]i da vo pravo e do kvantitetot tuku do kvalitetot[^]
StormAngel E ova ti se vika HUMOR![:D] Se zgaziv od smeenje Alal neka ti e Kuma[;)]
deni Yes the last image is a fake. But all the others are real.
mafisKumA a da vi kazam koj je pocna ova cela katistrofia slasa je vozese belata kola a Strelec my davase directions