Vlasite ne ja priznavaat makedonskata nacija?!
Vlasite ne ja priznavaat makedonskata nacija?!
n/a Intervju so Vlav od Makedonija, za koj makedoncite se sloveni. Toa e interesno, bidejki kako razlisluva toj razmisluvaat i drugite vlasi An Interview with Dr. Hristo N. Colakovski by Robert Nicholas Talabac [RNT] Before exploring the situation of our people in the former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia, please give us a brief introduction about yourself. [HNC] I'm 36 and graduated from the Medical Faculty in Skopje. Following graduation, I served as General Practitioner at the Medical Center in Bitola until December 1988, when I left Yugoslavia. I came to the U.S. in April of '89 and completed the National Medical Board Exams in January 1992. In November 1992, I entered the National Resident Matching program, and after a period of interviews and selection, I will begin my residency in Internal Medicine this July. [RNT] Your family and their history. [HNC] My grandfather's grandfather, Sterio (Teja) Parits, was an intelligent, affluent and diplomatic man. He was an adviser to the residents of my home village of Nizopole: Arumanians, Slavs and Turks. Because of his standing, my family enjoyed great respect and full autonomy under the Ottoman Turks. In an accident, he severed one of his thumbs, so the Turks dubbed him Ciulac or "without thumb" in Turkish. Later, this was changed to the more Slavic sounding Colakovski. ....Population wise, two-thirds of the people are Arumanians. The remaining third are Slavs, Albanians and Sarakatsans (Greek). All these nationalities speak fluent Arumanian! We live together in harmony. Unfortunately, most of the remaining population consists of the elderly. It's a shame. We Arumanians in the Southern Balkans have to find a way to revitalize our villages. [ [RNT] Did your family experience any persecution for being Armвnj? [HNC] No. Not my family, anyway. I don't think it's healthy to reflect on this too much. But they were subject to assimilation. My family name, for example, went through several changes during various occupations of Macedonia: Ciolakovich under the Serbs, Ciolakov under the Bulgarians, Colakovski under Slavo-Macedonians. My relatives in Greece Hellenized theirs as well. [RNT] Greeks fear that "Skopjians" embracing Hellenic symbols like the Star of Vergina, or creating maps which include Greek territory, is evidence of a hidden agenda which includes eventual annexation of Greek Macedonia -- although this province is now largely Hellenized after several population exchanges earlier this century. [HNC] But the modern-day Slavs have been in the region that geographically was part of Ancient Macedonia for over 1,000 years. . They don't want to be part of Greater Serbia nor Bulgaria, so they chose this geographical nameThe Greek province of Macedonia along with its capital of Thessaloniki belongs to Greece. It complicates things, but I don't think one country should tell another what to call itself. ZABELESKA: ZA VLASITE MAKEDONCITE GO DOBILE SVOETO IME PO ZEMJATA MAKEDONIJA! A KAJ SE ANTICKITE MAKEDONCI KOI BILE VISOKI I RUSI? DA NE SE TIE CRNITE I NISKI VLASI SO SPUSTENI GAZOVI, GRDOTII? ILI PAK "GRCINI" KOI VO EGEJSKA MAKEDONIJA SE MAGIRI, DOESELNICI, ORTHODOXNI TURCI- KARAMANLIDES. [RNT] Most Western scholars agree the Ancient Macedonians were rather Hellenized by the time of Philip and Alexander. Even if questionable linguistic evidence points to a Thracian or non-Greek component -- and even if the Athenians denounced them as a barbarians -- their rulers were Greek in spirit -- especially Alexander. And yet some Slavs go so far as to claim the ancient Macedonians as their ancestors. Alexander the Great could not have been a Slav since Slavs did not come into that part of the Balkan Peninsula till almost 1,000 years later. You have ultra-nationalists in all the Balkan countries, and there are some people who engage in this fantasy. http://www.farsarotul.org/nl14_5.htm
Great_Macedonian zasluzuva komentar? ne. Neli citate deka intervjuto e vodeno od grk, znaci nasol nekoja prodaena dusa vlaska koja odi vo prilog na grcite.
dejan ili vo opsto toj covek nemal intervu, koj znae!
n/a Takvi se vlasite, kako virus na sida (AIDS) se, isti iminja i preziminja imaat ko makedoncite, ne gi prepoznavaas a TE UBIVAAT! Ete toa!
Strelec bitushanec, воздржи се од такви квалификации упатени до една цела популација, особено кога станува збор за дел од Македонците... Такво генерализирање не е во ред!
OooOo Bezveze e cel tekst, na kraj kraeva sekoj ima pravo da razmisluva kako saka :) Republica di Krushova!!! Armanj Unitat Va! :)
n/a OOoooOOO Arvanit li si more ti? Arvanites, the orthodox Albanians [:D] Nekoj koj me narekuva "Slav" t.e. ne mi ja priznava nacijata e FASIST, oti osnovno covekovo pravo e NACIONALNOTO SAMOOPREDELUVANJE. Nema tuka mislenje na osobata, isto kako jas da gi narekuvam grcite- cigano-etiopo-turci, ili vlasite ortodoksni siptari!
OooOo Nemozhesh site vlasi da gi stavish vo ist kosh. Ako toj taka razmisluva neznachi deka site vlasi razmisluvaat kako nego. inache ne sum vlav :)
Strelec И јас можам да потврдам... По едната линија не е Влав!:)