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slasa Greek Member State Committee of EBLUL Parisis Athanasios MAZARAKI 7a 59200 NAOUSA - GREECE .Telefon: ++306972844412 E-mail: [email protected] The Greek Member State Committee of European Bureau for Less Used Languages is deeply concerned about an incident that took place at the Greek State Television (ERT) and constitutes a flagrant abuse to the core principles of respect to diversity and multiculturalism. GMSC was informed that NET, the 2nd channel of ERT, indefinitely postponed the broadcast of Sunday’s (21.3.2005) “Taxidevontas stin Ellada” (Traveling in Greece), dedicated to Florina region of W. Macedonia. According to the presenter of the show, the official justification for this decision was that in the edited (ready-to-air) version some inhabitants of villages in the region said on camera that their mother tongue was Macedonian and was completely banned from the Greek state for decades. The ERT directors obviously concluded that such public statements could found claims for existence of a linguistic minority that Greece does not officially recognize and decided to ban the broadcast. GMSC of EBLUL wishes to condemn such acts with the most categorical way. Especially when they come from an E.U. member state that only a few months ago hosted the Olympic Games under the motto “Celebrating cultures, celebrating diversity”. Not only that but the above incident happened during the European Week Against Racism. Seems that for yet another time, Greece chooses not to respect the basic right of its own citizens to freely express their opinion and continues the policy of extremely limited and absolutely selective presentation of cultural and linguistic diversity at the state-owned media. Athanasios Parisis President of GMSC of EBLUL
slasa EUROPEAN FREE ALLIANCE –RAINBOW POLITICAL PARTY OF THE MACEDONIAN MINORITY IN GREECE Member of the European Free Alliance – European Political Party (EFA- EPP) Member of the Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN) ST. DRAGOUMI 11 TK. 53100 P.O 51 TEL/FAX 0030 23850 46548 E-mail: [email protected] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Отворено писмо до грчката Влада и грчкото јавно мислење Флорина/Лерин 18.04.2005 По повод дијалогот кој се води vo javnosta за македонското прашање и за односите меѓу Република Македонија и Грција во последните денови, должни сме како одговорен политички субјект да се обратиме до грчката јавност: Прашањето за името е еден технички проблем, создаден од нашата земја, кој односите меѓу двете земји ги доведе до ќорсокак и затоа денес Владата се обидува да го деблокира по најмала политичка цена на внатрешен план. На надворешен план, се обидува да го пресретне развојот на настаните, затоа што напролет се предвидува Република Македонија да отпочне со преговори за нејзиниот пристап во ЕУ, процес кој, во постојните политички услови на европско ниво, не е можно да се спречи. Ваквиот процес и перспектива ја поттикнаа грчката Влада да ја превземе ,,иницијативата сега“, свесна дека подоцна политичката цена ќе биде поголема. Се разбира, изјавите за вето кои се даваат или поточно излегуваат од некои владини no I drugi усни со подзапнување, во услови на присутното политичко едномислие и посебно по licemernoto однесувањe на vlasta по кипарското прашање, може да se сфатат како несериозни и дури смешни. Нашиот политички став за прашањето за името, кое во оваа фаза се прикажува како “проблем за унапредувањето на меѓудржавните односи”, не може да биде поинаков од почетниот pricipijalen став што го имавме за тоа како ќе се именува соседната земја - се разбира како и секоја друга земја, а тоа зависи исклучиво од граѓаните и претставува нивно демократско лично и колективно право. Но, бидејќи работите по македонското прашање се посериозни од симантичките и јазичните егзибиции од гачките на грчката влада, должни сме да потенцираме дека клучот во тн. Македонско прашање, денес, се наоѓа на друго место. Тоа е одбивањето на Грција (како и на Бугарија) да го признае постоењето и да ги почитува правата на македонската нација. Се разбира, тоа се вклопува во одбивањето да се признае постоењето и правата на македонското малцинство. Овој проблем, како што го образложува грчката Влада, не е проблем ниту на kulturno наследство, ниту на тоа што еден дел од грчката држава го носи легално името Македонија, ниту на тоа што соседната држава се вика Република Македонија. Тоа што упорно одбива да го признае грчката влада е дека не се согласува со етничка употреба на зборовите ,,Македонија“, ,, Македонец“ и ,,Македонско“, поради постоењето на македонското малцинство во Грција, кое во иднина ќе искаже територијални претензии (согласно грчките националисти). Тоа е вистинскиот долгогодишен проблем на секоја грчка влада, а не името. Но, ако ова го признае грчката Влада, тогаш ќе треба да пристапи кон аналогни мерки за признавање и почитувања на првата на малцинството. Се разбира, секој одговорен грчки националист не е во можност да сфати дека токму одбивањето и угнетувањето доведуваат до национализам, територијални претензии и нарушување на мирот. За „терминолошки“ импресионираните бранители на синтетички formuli za „прифатливото“ име, толкувањата zа географската одредница i sl. кои се однесуваат на вознемиреноста заради „техничкite“ problemi што ќе создаде на меѓунродно ниво употребата на terminot Македонија од страна на naшата држава, работите не може да се поедноставни, отколку што навистина се. Поточно, што се однесува до името на оваа држава - Република Македонија, тоа веќе, само по себе е сложено. Предлогот Република пред зборот Македонија, jasno зборува за државен поредок i се однесува на конкретен географски регион. Значи има и политичко и географско значење, бидејќи конкретната Република Македонија постои во конкретен географски регион и никаде на друго место. Всушност, ниту еден регион во Грција не го носи името Република Македонија, за да предизвика конфузија, со употребата на погоре наведениот термин. Работите се толку многу едноставни. Што се однесува до upotrebata na зборот Македонec, денес мнозинството граѓани на Северна Грција, вообичаено се нарекуваат Грци или ,,грчки Македонци“, не само затоа што се грчки граѓани, туку затоа што се определија да и’ припаѓаат на грчката нација. Употребата на зборот Македонија од Грци по потекло е или географска одредница или етничка со додавката Грк пред terminot Македонец. Припадниците pak на македонското малцинство во Северна Грција го употребуваат зборот Македониec како самоопределена етничка одредница, исто како и зборот ,,етнички Македонец“, за да се издвојат во однос на ,,грчкиот Македонец“. Доколку постои општо прифатено почитување на правото на избор или поинакво толкување од страна на било кој грчки граѓанин, се поставува прашањето - каде е тогаш проблемот? Генерално, крајно време е, нашата држава да го информира просечниот грчки граѓанин во врска со националните прашања во Грција, дека: - Модерните нации и националните држави како што е грчката, немаат никаква врска со Леонидас, Перикле или soglasno so grчkiot mit vo poslednite години so Букефал, туку се резултат на постојаните случувања во европските заедници по паѓањето на феудализмот, воглавно на ниво на мануфактура и организирање на работата на европска почва, - Националните, јазичните, верските, политичките, идеолошките и други идентитети се резултат на постојани позајмувања од човек на човек, од народ на народ, во текот на историскиот развој na човекиот род од неговото појавување па се до ден-денес, -Исто така, новоформираните национални колективитети или национални идентитети не се резултат на директна врска на денешните нации со античките народи, но се вообичаен резултат на идеолошка употреба на историјата, од организирана заедничка целина и нивните механизми како што се националните држави, - Новогрчката нација не е ништо поинаква од другите народи на Балканот и е збир на повеќе народи, во кој грчките граѓани се здобија со една заедничка национална свест, постепено од основањето на новогрчката држава, па се до денес, преку поставените механизми темелени на основната полуга во образовниот систем. Виножито како политички субјект од формирањето во 1994 до денес преку своите активности, безброј пати, има изјавено дека границите на Балканот треба да бидат почитувани и неменливи меѓу балканските држави во корист на мирот и соживотот на граѓаните од Регионот. Малцинствата кои се наоѓаат во овие држави, не само што треба да одбијат да бидат орудие за големите ehpanzionistiчki политички идеи, туку треба да развиvat односи на солидарност и заедништво со останатото население и другите малцинства во нашата земја. Во конкретниот историски случај, би сакале денес, јавно, да го истакнеме однесувањето на Владите на Република Македонија во текот на сите овие години, кои покажувајќи невидена политичка зрелост како ниедна друга Балканска држава, држејќи еден навистина одговорен и европски став во политиката што ја водат, спротивно на она што го прават нејзините соседи, не се обидеle ниту најмалку да интервенираt или да го ,,искористat“ постоењето на македонското малцинство во тие земји. Од основањето па се до денес, Виножито имајќи среќа да учествува во европските политички процеси, преку Европската слободна алијанса во Европскиот Парламент, се движи и спроведува аналогна политичка пракса. Се обидува преку демократски и мирни активности да ја убеди грчката Влада да ги почитува правата на македонското малцинство, како што тоа се случува во секоја културна и демократска држава во денешна Европа, но и да ги зајакне во внатрешноста односиte со сите грчки демократски граѓани. Демократизацијата и суштинското европеизирање на нашата земја и заедница се проценува преку нејзиното однесување кон малцинствата. За жал, во нашата земја постои недостаток на демократија на тој план. Посакуваме една Грција, но и една мирна Европа, мултикултурна и со многу бои какви што има во секое виножито. Европа, всушност и денес но и во иднина, е и ќе биде нашата голема заедничка татковина. Politiчkiot Sekretarijat na Vino`ito
slasa Please note If you do not wish to receive any more e-mails from this address, please inform us so that we can delete your name from our mailing list. If you would like more information, please contact our electronic mail. We will be happy to receive the e-mail addresses of those of your friends and acquaintances likely to be sympathetic to our cause. E-mail : [email protected] Note: All signed articles contain the views of their authors. European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages Bureau europ#233;en pour les langues moins r#233;pandues Greek Member State Committee of EBLUL #917;#923;#923;#919;#925;#921;#922;#919; #917;#928;#921;#932;#929;#927;#928;#919; #932;#927;#933; #917;#933;#929;#937;#928;#913;#938;#922;#927;#933; #915;#929;#913;#934;#917;#921;#927;#933; #932;#937;#925; #927;#923;#921;#915;#927;#932;#917;#929;#927; #935;#929;#919;#931;#921;#924;#927;#928;#927;#921;#927;#933;#924;#917;#925;#937;#925; #915;#923;#937;#931;#931;#937;#925; MAZARAKI 7a TK 59200 NAOUSA/NEGUSH – GREECE E-mail: [email protected] Telefon: ++306972844412 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Naoussa/Negush, 28.3.05 The Greek Member State Committee of the European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages expresses its contentment for the presentation (Sunday, 27.3.2005) of the documentary “Taxidevontas stin Ellada” (Traveling in Greece) by the 2nd channel of the Greek State Television (NET). The initial broadcast of the video (dedicated to Florina/Lerin region) was scheduled for 20.3.2005 but was postponed due to yet unknown-officially- reasons. According to the presenter, though, this decision was taken because inhabitants of a Florina/Lerin village stated on camera that the Greek state banned the use of their Macedonian mother tongue. After EBLUL’s official protest for the ban of the broadcast and in cooperation with Greek Helsinki Monitor the issue was brought to the UN Human Rights Committee (UNHRC) in Geneva. After the virulent criticism from the members of the Committee, Greece’s representative claimed that the documentary was not broadcasted due to “technical reasons” only and promised it would be aired on the 27th of March, as it eventually happened. The Greek Member State Committee of EBLUL wishes to thank the Greek Helsinki Monitor for its valuable help that led to the desired outcome, the broadcast of the video at its initial full length and content. Also expresses its gratitude to the UNHRC, the South East Europe Media Organization (SEEMO) and the Macedonian Human Rights Movement of Canada (MHRMC) for their contribution. EBLUL will continue to work closely with all the above mentioned and other international organizations, as well as with the Greek government, to further implement its core mission: the continuous promotion of the Lesser Used Languages in Greece and the European Union._ Athanasios Parisis President of GMSC of EBLUL
dejan haha, rezil za grcive!! taka im treba, bravo na tie makedonci koi toa go rekle! stalno citam nesto ovakvo, kako nekoja organizacija '....condemn such acts' stalno toa e taka, ama nisto ne se menuva!
slasa ke se meni toa e organizacija pod kontrola na EU - Brisel ,
n/a --------------------------------------------------------------------- toa e organizacija pod kontrola na EU - Brisel --------------------------------------------------------------------- HAHAHAHAHAHA
cording to the presenter of the show, the official justification for this decision was that in the edited (ready-to-air) version some inhabitants of villages in the region said on camera that their mother tongue was Macedonian and was completely
:)))))))))))))))))))))) treba da potencira kakov tounge e , pileski, svinski ili beef
dejan eve A1, Забранета репортажа поради македонскиот јазик на жителите на Лерин 23.03.2005 Грчката државна телевизија ЕРТ на својот втор канал забранила емитување на репортажа посветена на Лерин, само затоа што еден од жителите изјавил дека нивниот „мајчин јазик е македонскиот, кој е забрануван со децении“, јавува Макфакс. Ова се дознава од протестот што поради ваквото однесување на каналот НЕТ го упати грчкиот државен комитет (ГМСЦ) при Европското биро за малцински јазици (ЕБЛУЛ), кој остро ја осуди забраната за емитување на репортажа од Лерин. „Грција, по се изгледа, избра да не ги почитува основните права на своите граѓани за слободно изразување на нивното мислење и ја продолжува политиката на екстремно лимитирачка и апсолутно селективна презентација на културната и лингвистичка различност во државните медиуми“, се наведува во јавната реакција на претседателот на Комитетот Парисис Атанасиос. Репортажата посветена на Лерин, е дел од емисијата „Патувајќи низ Грција“ и требаше да се прикаже минатата недела на Вториот канал на државната телевизија ЕРТ, а беше откажана во последен момент пред емитување. Официјалното оправдување, според водителот, било дека некои жители на локалните села во регионот, пред камера изјавиле дека „нивниот мајчин јазик е македонскиот и оти со децении бил забрануван од страна на Грција“. „Уредниците на ЕРТ очигледно заклучиле дека ваквата јавна изјава претпоставува постоење на јазично (лингвистичко) малцинство кое Грција официјално не го признава и решиле да го забранат емитувањето“, наведува во јавното писмо Атанасиос. Комитетот на најкатегоричен начин ги осудува ваквите акти, „посебно кога ги прави земја-членка на Европската унија (ЕУ), која што пред само неколку месеци беше домаќин на Олимписките игри под мотото „Славејќи ги културите, славејќи ги различностите“.
Originally posted by Misirkov
--------------------------------------------------------------------- toa e organizacija pod kontrola na EU - Brisel --------------------------------------------------------------------- HAHAHAHAHAHA
sato e smesno misirkof ebul e organizacija koja se bori za malcinstvata vo evropa pred da se smees odi i vidi gi ima na internet
n/a Na "Brisel" mu se iznasmeav...
Originally posted by Misirkov
Na "Brisel" mu se iznasmeav...
slasa Please note If you do not wish to receive any more e-mails from this address, please inform us so that we can delete your name from our mailing list. If you would like more information, please contact our electronic mail. We will be happy to receive the e-mail addresses of those of your friends and acquaintances likely to be sympathetic to our cause. E-mail : [email protected] Note: All signed articles contain the views of their authors. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EUROPEAN FREE ALLIANCE –RAINBOW POLITICAL PARTY OF THE MACEDONIAN MINORITY IN GREECE Member of the European Free Alliance – European Political Party (EFA- EPP) Member of the Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN) ST. DRAGOUMI 11 TK. 53100 P.O 51 TEL/FAX 0030 23850 46548 E-Mail: [email protected] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Press Release Florina /Lerin 26 04 05 In the meeting of the Council of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the European Union that got place yesterday in Brussels in which the Greek Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs Mr Valinakis participated, one of the subjects that were examined was the relation between the European Union and the Republic of Macedonia in combination with the issue of the name and the relation of Greece with the neighboring country. Rainbow Party, the political party of the ethnic Macedonian minority in Greece delivered to the twenty five Ministers of the E.U countries via the European Political Party “European Free Alliance” and the President Mr Nelly Maes the following letter with the main positions of the party. The press Bureau -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Florina /Lerin, 21 04 2005 TO: The members of the EU Council of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs. Honorable Foreign Ministers On the occasion of the recent developments in the relations between Greece and the Republic of Macedonia concerning the issue of our neighboring country’s name as well as its prospective accession into the European Union, permit us to point out the following. We are members of the national Macedonian minority in Greece as well as members of the Rainbow Party, which has been active in Greek politics since 1994 and in the European Parliament via the European Free Alliance (5 EMPs), which Rainbow joined in 2000. We have every respect for your undertaking with the “Macedonian issue”, for which we wish you every success, and we would like to express our views on the issue of the name – and thus perhaps assist you in your endeavor. Our political position on the issue of the name of the Republic of Macedonia is based on the democratic principle that every individual and every people has the right to choose the name by which it wishes to define itself. We believe that this individual and collective democratic right is a European as well as a universal value. After all, it is on the basis of this principle that we call ourselves ethnic Macedonians in Greece. In the objections raised to the use of name per se of the state of Republic of Macedonia, Greece has adopted (among others) the stand that our neighboring country must have a compound name because there is a geographical district in Greece with the name Macedonia. We on the other hand believe that, as it stands, the existing constitutional name of our neighboring country is already a compound; the prefix “Republic of” in front of the word Macedonia denotes statehood and refers to another specific geographical region north of Greece. In other words, it has both political and geographical scope since the Republic of Macedonia as a political subject exists in a specific geographical region of Europe and nowhere else. Besides which, no region of Greece carries the name “Republic of Macedonia,” which would cause confusion with the use of this term. As Greek and European citizens we are obliged to point out that today the key to this so-called “Macedonian issue” lies elsewhere, and not in the conceptual and linguistic objections of the Greek government. The problem that the Greek government diligently conceals is its (as well as Bulgaria’s) refusal to recognize the existence and to respect the rights of the Macedonian nation. This of course also entails the refusal to recognize the existence and the rights of the Macedonian minority in Greece. The problem as the Greek government presents it has nothing to do with the so called “cultural heritage of ancient Macedonia”, or that a portion of the Greek territory bears the administrative name of the District of Macedonia and the neighbor state calls itself also Macedonia or the Republic of Macedonia. What the Greek government stubbornly refuses to admit is that it does not agree with the ethnic use of the terms “Macedonia,” or “Macedonian” because of the existence of the Macedonian minority in Greece. Greek politicians maintain that the Macedonian minority in Greece is likely in the future to rise up with separatist demands. This – and not the name of the Republic of Macedonia – is the real and diachronic problem for every Greek government. However, if the Greek government admits this, then it must also proceed with corresponding measures to recognize and respect the rights of the minority – which, unfortunately, it does not currently do. We believe that it is precisely the contrary policy – i.e. the repression and violation of a minority’s rights – that leads to unrest and disturbances of the peace. The former Yugoslavia taught us this lesson not very long ago. Rainbow, in its activities as a political party from its founding in 1994 to this day, has repeatedly proclaimed that all borders between the Balkan states must be respected as unalterable for the sake of the peace and prosperity of the region’s inhabitants. The minorities that exist in these states must refuse to become the tools of “Great Idea” notions and policies. Rather, they must develop relationships of solidarity and unity with the majority population and the other minorities in their respective countries. At this historical juncture we would like to now publicly exempt the conduct of the governments of the Republic of Macedonia throughout these years for demonstrating unprecedented political maturity for a Balkan country, and maintaining a truly consistent, democratic, European stance in its political practice. In contrast to the practices of its neighboring countries, it has never attempted in even the slightest way to interfere with or “exploit” the existence of Macedonian minorities in its neighboring countries. Rainbow, from its founding in 1994 to this day, has had the fortune of participating in the European political arena through the European Free Alliance in the European Parliament. Rainbow therefore follows and implements such a political practice. It uses democratic and peaceful means to exert pressure on the Greek government to respect the rights of the Macedonian minority, as is the case in every civilized and democratic state in today’s Europe. At the same time, it seeks on the domestic level to strengthen its relations with all democratic Greek citizens. We believe that the level of democratization and true Europeanization of our country and our society is judged by how it behaves towards its minorities. Unfortunately, Greece has a democratic deficit in this area. We regret that in a European country such as Greece we do not enjoy even rudimentary minority rights, such as respect for our language and culture. As European citizens we also want to have more support for our struggle from European institutions and E.U. political organs. It is our wish to have a Greece as well as a Europe that is peaceful, multicultural and as multicolored as a Rainbow. After all Europe today and in the world to come is and will always be our great, common homeland. Sincerely yours, On behalf of the Political Secretariat of the Rainbow Party Pavlos Voskopoulos Athanasios Parisis Pantelis Kligatsis Athanasios Boules Stavros Athanasiadis Petros Vasiliadis Anastasios Matzas Petros Kazias Petros Dimtsis
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DRAGOUMI 11 TK. 53100 P.O 51 TEL/FAX 0030 23850 46548 E-mail: [email protected] ________________________________________ Press release Florina/Lerin 16 05 2005 Inhuman refusal of entry and denaturalization of ethnic Macedonians in Greece. The Greek government continues to denaturalize members of the Macedonian minority in Greece who as economic immigrants reside mainly in transoceanic countries. This occurs during the past decades. The Greek Authorities selectively implement law 3370, article 20 par. 1G (Greek law for Citizenship), mainly against ethnic Macedonians (economical immigrants) who are active as members of Macedonian associations and express their Macedonian cultural, linguistic and national identity. The ethnic Macedonians are informed about the Greek's State decision only when they try to enter Greece, temporarily or for repatriation. Denaturalized individuals are at the same time declared as undesirable in Greece (persona non grata) and no entrance in the country is allowed, even for humanitarian reasons. Recently (07 05 2005) Mr. George Mishalis tried to enter Greece in order to be present at his father funeral in his native village Meliti / Voshtarani in Florina / Lerin. For the last years, Mr. Mishalis has been living and working in Melbourne, Australia. Greek border police authorities prohibited his entry, according to the above-mentioned decision. It’s truly unbelievable that in year 2005 and in a so-called modern European country as Greece, one cannot attend his/her relative's funeral or the burial of his/her father, only because one has publicly expressed an ethnic identity that is not Greek. EFA- Rainbow was also recently informed about the denaturalization the Also of one more Macedonian. Mr. Chris Gagatsis was declared "undesirable" in Greece according to the same law (3370 article 20 par. 1G) Mr. Gagatsis' place of birth is village Alritas / Buf, Florina / Lerin Over the past decades, Greek Governments have never given any data on the numbers of denaturalized Macedonians. The victims of this policy are simply notified about it upon their arrival to Greek border stations, exactly as it happened in the 2 cases mentined above. This inhuman and racial discrimination against George Misalis and Chris Gagatsis but also against other Macedonian economic immigrants, the refusal of repatriation rights for thousands of Macedonian political refugees that left their birthplaces during the civil war (1946-1949**), the continuous refusal to grant any rights for the Macedonian minority in Greece and the discrimination in terms of ethnic, cultural and linguistic diversity prove for yet another time that there is a deficit of democracy in our country. According to the Greek State, there is no ethnic Macedonian minority in the country. If this is the case, then we simply wonder who the "target" of these measures is. EFA- Rainbow denounces the continuous racist and inhuman treatment that the Greek government holds in store for the ethnic Macedonian minority in Greece and will inform about the above incidents all the international organizations involved in the protection of Human Rights EFA-Rainbow also calls all the Greek democrats to support our fight for a truly democratic and European Greece. The political Secretariat *Code for Greek Citizenship Low 3370/1955 Chapter G Article 20 Denaturalization One can lose his/her Greek Citizenship When-while residing abroad-he/she acted in benefit of another State, in ways that do not comply to the Greek citizen status and against Greece's interests. ** Common Decision of the Ministers of Internal Affairs and Public Order of Greece. Athens 29.12.1982 Subject: Free repatriation and return of the Greek citizenship to the political refugees. Taking under consideration: The provisions of the Law 400/76 "For Ministerial Council and Ministries" as it was modified by the law N. 1266/1982 and within the framework of the Government's policy for national reconciliation and unanimity, We decide that: All Greeks in gender (nb: underline made by EFA-Rainbow) that during the civil war 1946-49 and because of it fled abroad as political refugees, can return to Greece, even if they had been were deprived of their Greek citizenship. The ministers of Internal Affairs Public Order G. Gennimatas G. Skoularikis
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slasa Please note If you do not wish to receive any more e-mails, please inform us so that we can delete your name from our mailing list. If you would like more information please contact one of the addres below, by electronic mail. We will be happy to receive the e-mail addresses of those of your friends and acquaintances likely to be sympathetic to our cause. E-mail: [email protected] Note: All signed articles contain the views of their authors. ANNOUNCEMENT Protest letter of Professor George Tsiakalos to the newspaper “Makedonia” of Thessaloniki – Greece, who has denied publishing an article of Mr. Thanasis Triaridis. The auteur has written an article about the banned Macedonian language, the language of the Macedonian Minority in Greece. ============================================================== Protest letter of Professor George Tsiakalos Dean of he Aristotelio University of Thessaloniki , Pedagogy Scool Thessaloniki August 16, 2005 Dear “Macedonia”, With sadness I was I was informed the dissolution of your cooperation with Mr. Triaridis and the reasons which led you to this decision. I feel the need to mark that his writing formed a bright proof that such a city do exist, a city which resists to the nationalistic manipulations, searches and reveals the historical truth, demonstrates solidarity to those who suffer – and all these only by means of Mind (Logos). As part of this city I often felt proud of the fact that many of his articles exceeded in subject and quality those who are being published in Sunday edition of the most selling newspapers in Athens. “Is there any quality in this city” I was thinking, and therefore future for this city?” Though it seems odd, even the most bitter and cruel of his texts formed a source of optimism. That is why the sudden dissolution of your cooperation which was covered by the justification that his latest article “directly contravenes the newspaper’s principles” constitutes – obviously not on purpose – one more obstacle to our city’s way facing the future, it deserves. Shame! Dear “Macedonia” In a number of occasions I used in my courses Mr. Triaridis’ text which been published in “Macedonia”, and as A.U.TH professor I was grateful to your newspaper because of this opportunity which I was given. Today, as the dean of the A.U.TH. Pedagogy School, I feel obliged to undertake the task you denied: I will print and distribute in behalf of Educational Department Mr Triaridis latest article, which your newspaper denied to publish (in case, of course, I am permitted by him to do so). This city must not be denied nationalism by any means. Yours sincerely George Tsiakalos, Dean of the Aristotelio University of Thessaloniki, Pedagogy School
slasa Please note If you do not wish to receive any more e-mails, please inform us so that we can delete your name from our mailing list. If you would like more information please contact one of the addres below, by electronic mail. We will be happy to receive the e-mail addresses of those of your friends and acquaintances likely to be sympathetic to our cause. E-mail: [email protected] Note: All signed articles contain the views of their authors. ANNOUNCEMENT Protest letter of Professor George Tsiakalos to the newspaper “Makedonia” of Thessaloniki – Greece, who has denied publishing an article of Mr. Thanasis Triaridis. The auteur has written an article about the banned Macedonian language, the language of the Macedonian Minority in Greece. ============================================================== Protest letter of Professor George Tsiakalos Dean of he Aristotelio University of Thessaloniki , Pedagogy Scool Thessaloniki August 16, 2005 Dear “Macedonia”, With sadness I was I was informed the dissolution of your cooperation with Mr. Triaridis and the reasons which led you to this decision. I feel the need to mark that his writing formed a bright proof that such a city do exist, a city which resists to the nationalistic manipulations, searches and reveals the historical truth, demonstrates solidarity to those who suffer – and all these only by means of Mind (Logos). As part of this city I often felt proud of the fact that many of his articles exceeded in subject and quality those who are being published in Sunday edition of the most selling newspapers in Athens. “Is there any quality in this city” I was thinking, and therefore future for this city?” Though it seems odd, even the most bitter and cruel of his texts formed a source of optimism. That is why the sudden dissolution of your cooperation which was covered by the justification that his latest article “directly contravenes the newspaper’s principles” constitutes – obviously not on purpose – one more obstacle to our city’s way facing the future, it deserves. Shame! Dear “Macedonia” In a number of occasions I used in my courses Mr. Triaridis’ text which been published in “Macedonia”, and as A.U.TH professor I was grateful to your newspaper because of this opportunity which I was given. Today, as the dean of the A.U.TH. Pedagogy School, I feel obliged to undertake the task you denied: I will print and distribute in behalf of Educational Department Mr Triaridis latest article, which your newspaper denied to publish (in case, of course, I am permitted by him to do so). This city must not be denied nationalism by any means. Yours sincerely George Tsiakalos, Dean of the Aristotelio University of Thessaloniki, Pedagogy School
slasa Please note If you do not wish to receive any more e-mails, please inform us so that we can delete your name from our mailing list. If you would like more information please contact one the address below, by electronic mail. We will be happy to receive the e-mail addresses of those of your friends and acquaintances likely to be sympathetic to our cause. E-mail: [email protected] Note: All signed articles contain the views of their authors. ANNOUNCEMENT Last Thursday, 20 October 2005, the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg handed down a stern ruling against the Greek government. The ruling concerns the attack on the Florina offices of Rainbow, a legitimate Greek political party, in September 1995, and the acts of barbarism perpetrated against the representatives of the ethnic Macedonian minority in the region – a pogrom orchestrated mainly by the church and which was staged in the presence of and with the tacit consent of the local authorities. The Court ordered Greece to pay the sum of 35,245 Euro to Rainbow, in compensation for the harm caused by this attack to the ethnic Macedonians of Florina. The political significance of the judgement is that the European Court is sending a message to Greece, marking the end of the era in which Europe was prepared to remain a passive spectator of the persecution of minorities in the Balkans – a change which has also been visible in other recent developments in the former Yugoslavia. The church in Florina, as the instigator with moral responsibility for the acts of barbarism in the area, and first and foremost Orthodox Archbishop Christodoulos, must take serious notice of the fate Europe holds in readiness for Milosevic and his cohorts. The church and its accomplices must thank God that none of the leaders or representatives of Rainbow were killed in the disturbances. Dr. George Nakratzas Political Advisor to the EFA on minority issues in Greece and the Balkans. P.S The EFA is a political party representing minorities in all the member states of the European Union. Together with the Greens it constitutes the fourth largest political grouping in the European Parliament. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EUROPEAN FREE ALLIANCE – RAINBOW Member of the European Free Alliance – European Political Party (EFA – EPP) Member of the Federal Union of European Nationalities 11 S. Dragoumi St., 53100, PO 51, Tel./fax: 0030 23850 46548 E-mail: [email protected] PRESS RELEASE Florina/Lerin 21-10-2005 In a historic ruling on an appeal lodged by the members of the Political Secretariat for the European Free Alliance – Rainbow, Pavlos Voskopoulos and Petros Vasileiadis, the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg yesterday handed down a unanimous condemnation of Greece for violation of Articles 6 (right to fair legal hearing) and 11 (right of assembly and association) of the European Convention on Human Rights. The Court has required the Greek state to pay the plaintiffs 30,000 Euro in compensation for moral harm, 2,000 Euro for material damages and 3,245 Euro for legal costs. The EFA-Rainbow had sought redress from the European Court for the destruction and burning of its offices in Florina in September 1995 by a group of ‘enraged citizens’, directly supported by the political and ecclesiastical authorities at the time and tacitly abetted by the police. The event which ‘caused’ this unprecedented act of violence was the posting of a sign in the Greek and Macedonian languages, and it should be noted that it was only by good fortune that there were no fatalities among the party members present in the offices at the time of the attack. In December 1995 the EFA-Rainbow laid the matter before the Greek courts, demanding – reasonably enough – that the culprits be punished. But the Greek authorities not only blocked the case for more than seven years, but actually dragged P. Voskopoulos and P. Vasileiadis before the courts, pursuing them for three years with the absurd charge of ‘provoking division in the local population’! In their ruling the judges of the Court of Human Rights – including the Greek Christos Rozakis and the Cypriot President of the Court Loukis Loukaidis – identified a clear violation of Article 11, since ‘the posting of a sign in the Macedonian language by a legitimate political party cannot be seen as a provocative act or constitute a threat to public opinion…’. In a landmark ruling for the attitude of the Greek authorities, the Court states that ‘the Florina council explicitly invited local people to a rally against the plaintiffs, while members of the local council took part in the violent episodes’. Also, ‘the Greek state, through the local police force, should have taken adequate measures to avert or at least limit the violent incidents. But it failed to do so, and failed to offer any explanation of the absence of an adequate police presence…’. The ruling also includes scathing criticism of the fact that the public prosecutor, who should have become involved immediately and without prompting, did not even conduct the most rudimentary investigation of the events. In respect of Article 6 of the Convention, the Court found Greece in contravention because ‘investigation of the plaintiff’s charges took more than seven years and one month … a length of time which cannot possibly be regarded as fair or reasonable and therefore represents an abuse of their rights…’. The EFA-Rainbow believes that, above and beyond its legal dimension, the decision contains a clear political message to the Greek government, which, just a few months ago and in the person of Prime Minister Karamanlis, no less, declared the need for an upgrading of the importance of the European Court and for member states to comply fully with its rulings. The message is none other than the need for full and immediate respect – in words and deeds – for the rights of the Macedonian minority in Greece. PRESS OFFICE
vignat BOJBOДATA JAHE САНДАНСКИ Јане Сандански има многу заслуги, но и многу гревови. Најголемата вина му е, дека го наредува убиството на членовите на ЦК на ВМРО Иван Гарванов и Борис Сарафов и со тоа го сложи почетокот на братоубиствата во Oрганизацијата. Воден од своите големи амбиции тој влегува во конфликт со мнозинството од ВМРО. Да се тврди се пак дека Jaнe Сандански не се чуствува Бугарин е полна глупост. Ете како го објаснува Jaне Сандански својот идеал за слободна Македонија во интервју со представител на италианскиот вестник „Секуло" во Тирана, по повод окупацијата во 1912 год. на Вардарска и Егејска Македонија од Србија и Грција. „Македонските револуционери, кои после долга и жестока борба со турските тирани доживеја да ja видат својата мечта - извојувале и слобода на Татковината, не можат да допуштат таа одново да попадне под српско и грчко владеење: Нема да се сопрат и пред најстрашните терористички средства, за да ја реализират сакровената си мечта - слободна Бугарска Македонија".
vignat ОХРИЃАНИ САКААТ ВО 1861 ГОДИНА ДА СЕ ВОСТАНОВИ ОХРИДСКАТА АРХИЕПИСКОПИЈА Во 1860 год. охридското население посакало да се изпрати владика, кој да одговара на новите потреби на времето и да не пречи на Бугарскиот јазик. Цариградската патриаршија им го испраќа Гркот Милетиј. Охриѓани протестираат и настојуват за возстановување на затворената во 1767 година Охридска архиепископија. Достоуважени представители на Болгарскиот народ. Подпишаните жители на Прва Јустинијана или на Охрид како видовме од една страна, дека при сета ни надеж - општата мајка Великата Христова црква не даде никакво внимание на подадените ни едно до друго општи молби до неа сред кое топло молиме да го замени избраниот против нашите желби и молби митрополит Милетиј... А од друга страна осведочени, дека целиот наш Болгарски народ негодува по истите причини против великата Христова црква... сметавме за наша неиз6ежна должност согласно со нашиот народ да Bи назначиме и да Ви признаеме сред натамошното наше општо полномоштно за полновластни представители,што од наша страна најтопло да ja помолите Високата порта да ги послуша нашите молби и да не избави од своеволието на грчкото духовенство, како го потврди основувањето на автокефална архиепископија на Прва Јустиниана Охридска и на цела Болгарија, која несправедливо и незаконо ја присвои истото грчко духовенство... 9 април 1861 година во прва Јустиниана или Охрид.
vignat [?][?][?]
slasa Press Release Florina/Lerin 02.12.2005 #913; European Free Alliance- Rainbow delegation visited Brussels during the last days of November to participate at a UN Conference focused on Roma and other minorities in “old” EU member states. At its presentation, EFA-Rainbow referred to the extremely difficult conditions almost all minority groups in Greece still have to face, something that’s also recorded to the reports published by various international organizations. In particular, the Macedonians in Greece have to confront the inflexible and highly hypocritical attitude of the Greek authorities and their ongoing refusal to participate in a dialogue that could improve today’s- unacceptable for an EU member state- conditions in issues like the Macedonian language. Therefore, the strict and continuous control of the implementation of the Copenhagen criteria for all EU members (not selectively only for the new or the candidate ones) and the imposition of sanctions if necessary, are of utmost importance The EFA-Rainbow delegation was also received by the EFA-EPP President Mrs. Nelly Maes and additionally met with parliamentarians and European Commission officials, in order to brief them about all issues concerning the Macedonians in Greece. Consequently, the Petition Commission of the European Parliament has initially accepted the Petition application that EFA-Rainbow filed last summer and forwarded it to the European Commission for thorough examination. The Petition refers to the clear violation of the European Convention for Human Rights from Greece. Among other things, it requests the revocation of the racist law 1266/1982 that deprives until today from the forcibly expatriated Macedonian political refugees during the Greek Civil War (1946-1949), the right to return to their birth places. During the visit of the EFA-Rainbow members to Brussels, Mrs. Nelly Maes met with a highly-ranked diplomat of the Greek Embassy in the Belgian capital. Despite the fact that a meeting request with the Greek Ambassador was sent from EFA-EPP about a month ago before the visit, as well as the repeated attempts to get an answer, this was received literally the last moment and under the precondition that only Mrs. Maes would be present. This comes as no surprise, judging from the recent similar incident (early November) when the Greek Ministry of Education excluded EFA-Rainbow from the scheduled meeting with the president of the Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN). Therefore, EFA-Rainbow would like, for yet another time, to invite the Greek authorities to start a mutually beneficial dialogue. After all, they need to realize that this elusive & cyclical policy has led only to deadlocks so far and does not even remotely belong to a European Union at the 21st century._ The EFA- Rainbow Press Office
slasa Press Release Florina / Lerin 05.12.2005 Surprised, bitterly disappointed and peeved, the European Free Alliance-Rainbow witnessed recently- through the reports of the Greek Helsinki Monitor- and for yet another time, Greek diplomats and members of the Greek Parliament grossly and shamelessly lying in front of an international organization. This time, the Parliamentary Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights of the Council of Europe, where Greece was reproached for the way it treats its Macedonian minority. Our country, along with France, Turkey, Georgia and 5 other countries, has not yet ratified the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (FCNM) of the CoE (acting hypocritically, however, Greece was among the first countries to initially sign the FCNM back in 1997). Greek diplomat Georgios Ayfantis tried to justify this attitude on the 22nd of November in Paris. Not surprisingly, he was aided by the New Democracy MP’s Miltiadis Varvitsiotis and Elsa Papadimitriou and the guilty silence of their PASOK colleagues Theodoros Pangalos and Athanassios Alevras. Among other, Mr. Ayfantis made the following “amazing” statements: “..These people (Slavophones) are free to speak their Slavic idiom and teach it in private schools…” Until today, Greece’s immovable position on the linguistci issue is that the Macedonian language is non-existent. Instead, in the Greek province of Western Macedonia, very few elderly bilinguals speak an “oral Slavic idiom”. Maybe Mr. Ayfantis and the “luminaries” that guide him could then explain how it is possible for an “oral idiom” to be taught in schools and tell us how many of these schools exist in Greece. “..The majority of them (Slavophones) do not wish to become a member of a minority, as being a minority member means being marginalized.” With minimum words, the Greek diplomat succeeded to describe what Greece has “accomplished” during the last century, regarding the minorities in its soil. Integration through violent assimilation or marginalization, since the people who are not “integrated” cannot freely express their different ethnic identity or learn their mother tongue. At the same time, he indirectly admits that these “Slavophones” are more that just some thousands of elderly people. What Mr. Ayfantis didn’t explain is why Greece is refusing Macedonians and other ethnic or linguistic groups the ability to state their particular identity through the official national censuses, depriving them even from the basic right of self-identification. “..Historically, minorities have been used to break up states as in the case of Yugoslavia. This is why Greece does not ratify the FCNM…If Greece were to ratify it, there would be no improvement for the man on the street, just more work for Greece in the Council of Europe.” According to the Greek official position, Greece is an ethnically and linguistically homogenous state, with the exception of the so-called “Muslim” minority in W. Thrace. Judging from Mr. Ayfantis’ statement, though, it seems that this is not exactly the case since a clear fear towards the “non-existent” minorities is more than obvious. If Greece had no minorities, what’s the reason of using Yugoslavia as an-misleading and unfortunate-example? If we put things under the same perspective, aren’t the Greek minority schools in Southern Albania and the Greek-Orthodox minority in Turkey (by far smaller in numbers than the Macedonians in Greece) also destabilizing factors? Yet, Greek diplomacy and politicians pledge for the Greek minorities’ rights in neighboring countries with clarion voice and in every given opportunity. In any case, if Greece was so afraid not to have the fate of Yugoslavia, then why it gladly and immediately signed the FCNM, while now is refusing to ratify it? Did minorities appear in the country only after 1997 and never existed before? Or is it just because ratification would mean more work for Mr. Ayfantis and his over well-paid colleagues, as he also naively admitted? “…The FCNM was a useful tool for the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the fall of the Milosevic regime but is irrelevant today.” In other words, Greece signs, ratifies and implements the international conventions only when they serve Greek interests or when they are used for others. When this is not the case, Greece degrades, forgets and defames the conventions. “…The few (Slavophones) who are represented by (Macedonian minority party) Rainbow are people who want to get secession from Greece and join Macedonia, supported by people in Macedonia.” When the total absence of arguments to justify what cannot be justified leads to libelous imputation and defamation, the answer should be clear. EFA-Rainbow will file a denunciative complaint against Mr. Ayfantis and his superiors. This way, they will be forced to prove their outrageous allegations shamelessly uttered when Greece is continuously sitting on the “accused dock” of the international community. They must realize, at last, that modesty, patience and tolerance cannot be interpreted as weakness._ The Press Office of EFA -Rainbow
gosoro "Sekomu svojeto, na Makedoncite nivnoto!" [:D]mnk "Istinski makedoni" КНИЖОВНИЦИТЕ ОД MAKEДOHИJA ОТВОРЕНО ГО ДЕМОНСТРИРААТ СВОЕТО БОЛГАРСКО САМОСОЗНАНИЕ Паисиј ја нарекува својата историја - "Историја Славјаноболгарска". Во неа тој јасно и определено ги сврзува појмите род-народ-татковина-учење-обичај со јазик, како составува цела национална програма. Кон тоа Рајко Жинзифов покасно ги додава верата и народноста. Во книжевниците од Македонија се создава традиција за етничко именување на јазикот, на кој тие пишуваат. Јоаким Крчовски издава „Повест ради страшнаго и втораго пришествие Христова, собрана од различних светих писаниња и преведена на простејши јазик Болгарски!" (во Будин град, 1814) и „Чудеса пресветија Богородици, преведени од книга „Амортолон Сотириа на болгарски јазик" (во Будин град, 1817). Тетовскиот (од с. Теарце) монах Кирил Пејчиновиќ го нарекува трудот си „Книга сија зовомија Огледало, описана ради потреби и ползованија препростеjшим и некнижним јазиком Болгарским Долнаја Миссии" (во Будин град, 1816). Тука треба да се однесат уште книгите на: граматистот од Банско - Неофит Рилски „Болгарска граматика" (Крагуевац, 1835), ..Новы завет, новопреведенны; от славенскаго на Болгарской Азыкъ"; на солунчанецот Павел Божигробски „Евангелие (типосано на Богарскої език со гръцки букви)", (Солун, 1852); на свештеникот од Скопско Натанаил Зографски „Буквар славеноболгарски" (Букурешт, 1865 г.). Охриѓанецот К. Шапкарев го напишува „Български буквар..."(1868 г.), „Голема Българска читанка" (1868 г.), „Сборник от Български народни умотворения" (1891 -1894 г.). Vistinata ponekogash boli!
gosoro Тајните на Македонија" е зборник со документи, кои 80 години беа (и се уште се) забранети во Република Македонија. Овие документарни сведедоштва му даваат возможност на секој да ја проучи вистината за националниот карактер на Македонското населениеОХРИЃАНИ САКААТ ВО 1861 ГОДИНА ДА СЕ ВОСТАНОВИ ОХРИДСКАТА АРХИЕПИСКОПИЈА Во 1860 год. охридското население посакало да се изпрати владика, кој да одговара на новите потреби на времето и да не пречи на Бугарскиот јазик. Цариградската патриаршија им го испраќа Гркот Милетиј. Охриѓани протестираат и настојуват за возстановување на затворената во 1767 година Охридска архиепископија. Достоуважени представители на Болгарскиот народ. Подпишаните жители на Прва Јустинијана или на Охрид како видовме од една страна, дека при сета ни надеж - општата мајка Великата Христова црква не даде никакво внимание на подадените ни едно до друго општи молби до неа сред кое топло молиме да го замени избраниот против нашите желби и молби митрополит Милетиј... А од друга страна осведочени, дека целиот наш Болгарски народ негодува по истите причини против великата Христова црква... сметавме за наша неиз6ежна должност согласно со нашиот народ да Bи назначиме и да Ви признаеме сред натамошното наше општо полномоштно за полновластни представители,што од наша страна најтопло да ja помолите Високата порта да ги послуша нашите молби и да не избави од своеволието на грчкото духовенство, како го потврди основувањето на автокефална архиепископија на Прва Јустиниана Охридска и на цела Болгарија, која несправедливо и незаконо ја присвои истото грчко духовенство... 9 април 1861 година во прва Јустиниана или Охрид.