Edna ubava poema
Edna ubava poema
Duhot na Vovata Edited by the Administrator. Macedonian Or English Please!
ProMKD ovoj "duhot na vovata" postirase nekoja "poema" na bugarski jazik sto kazuvase kako toj bil negoviot jazik....makedonskiot jazik neznam sto....
Duhot na Vovata Poemata e ubav primer za opstoto megi MK i BG jazici. Sega tuma moze da se razpravame do vtoro prisestvie koj prv koj vtor ama "nasite dedi" po vreme na turskoto ropstvo nemali ovaa dilema Tie prosto zboruvali pomegu sebe i toa tie toa. Vo taa poema nema nisto navredlivo ili propaganda. Polna so zborovi koi se opwti za dvata jazika. Naj dobro zvuci vo original. Ke vi stane li poleko ako vi kazam deka dedo Ivan Vazov poteknuva od Kukus. Ako bev postiral Vapzarov vo original i nego li ke izbrisevte. Smesna rabota – kako mali deca. Poemata govori za nihilizmot kon rodnata kultura, za kompleksite koi gi imame i nie i vie, Sto naredlivo vidovte vo ova? Ostaite sekoj da procita, pa sam da si napravi zakljucoci i da preceni za sebe.
Duhot na Vovata Eve vi druga poema - ovojpat na Anglijski: Cestit 24 maj - praznik na Kiril i Metodij! March ahead, o revived people, To your future march ahead, Forge your destiny of glory, By the might of letters led. March to powerful knowledge, Let your duty be your guide! Join the host of other peoples, God is always by your side. Go! For like the sun is knowledge. On the soul it sheds its rays. Go! A people shall not perish, When true learning lights its days. Once unknown and obscure, Take your place in History. Let your spirit rule the countries You subdued in victory. Thus the two brothers encouraged Our people long ago. O you memorable old times, O you sacred days of yore! Bulgaria has ever followed This most worthy testament, And accomplished deeds of glory In triumph and predicament. For it had its time of power, Then it grievously declined, Yet unhesitantly followed What was once to it assigned. There were times when our letters Spread quickly far and wide, And they nourished human learning With the wisdom which they hide. Next came sad and slavish years, When the proud Balkan son Had to bow under the yoke Of the ruthless Ottoman. But the spirit of the people Always sought support in you Sages! After a millennium Your voice still rings strong and true. O you saviours of a nation In the darkest days of doom! You revivers of its spirit Sleeping in the deepest gloom! O you champions of true faith, Enemies of strife and lies! You apostles God-inspired, Bright stars in the Slavic skies! You saints Cyril and Methodius, You be blessed thrice above! Fathers of Bulgarian learning, Makers of the tongue we love! People will repeat for ever Your two names in every clime And the Slavs preserve your mighty Speeches to the end of time!
toni_a "Entomology of the Computer Bug: History and Folklore", American Speech 62(4):376-378, 1987, by Fred R. Shapiro
ProMKD Kuti da ne te tepame nie "Blgarski"
Duhot na Vovata Zosto bre, Na poezija odgovaras to tepanJe. Ako e za tepane, zapovedaj. Ke se tepame. Prasanjeto e, kakva bi bila smislata? Do Admin: Borko, Nemozda poezija na Vazov da zvici taka kako vo original.
SpaceLily Boze sacuvaj!
Originally posted by Duhot na Vovata
Edited by the Administrator. Macedonian Or English Please!
What poem did you post? "Where is Bulgaria"?
Duhot na Vovata No, It was: Јазик свештен на моите деди (да ме прости Вазов за ШТ и Ј наместо оригиналните букви)
angel Што се случува овде ?
јузер Neznam ni ja, ali eve go pak .